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If we examine human history that extends back thousands of years, a conclusion could be drawn that individuals from all levels of society throughout all cultures and nations have practiced some form of religion. An ancient faith that partners directly with spirits is Witchcraft. Inside this, witches worship and communicate with all beings in the hidden world like property, bird, water, reptile, insect, mythic and extinct spirit guides, together with brownies, elves, fairies, fauns, gnomes, leprechauns, nymphs and pixies, among others. This claim is easily confirmed using an appropriate Google search. Again, this implies that over the'unseen' world where energy and'spirits' are present, religions (such as Witchcraft) continue to correlate with spirit beings now in the exact same manner as people who created their faith, tens of thousands of years back.
1. The 'Unseen' World has 'Power' The majority of people can relate to linking an electrical appliance to a wall socket to utilize the electrical energy to operate just one of several modern-day appliances. Electricity cannot be heard or seen, yet we immediately know its presence when we happen to touch one of its conductors accidentally. We readily accept that power exists in the'hidden' world around usand that it is connected with power (or energy). As with fire, electricity can be our servant if we remain in control of it, or it may kill us if we reveal it disrespect. There are other examples of energy resources within the'hidden' world when we have some opportunity to consider them. Magnetism is a good illustrator of this, since technology has harnessed the power contained inside the invisible magnetic The Spirit World field surrounding a magnet to create both small and large quantities of electrical power. Other invisible forces we can relate to in a similar manner are atomic (power generation and medical), microwave (medical, domestic cooking), wind and solar (renewable energy), etc. - yet we simply take the existence of these (invisible) energy sources without asking a lot of questions. But their physical existence (such as poles and power lines) stand as a silent sentinel to indicate that there is possibly more to the hidden world around us than simply drawing on the energy we want from it. If we accept in the above evidence that there's an'unseen' world from which we draw energy, then it might be worth considering that there may be other'things' that inhabit this'unseen' world too. 2. The 'Unseen' World has 'Spirits' It's easy to dismiss the prospect of'spirit' beings inhabiting the unseen world around us, but it's intriguing to remember that clairvoyants and psychics not only have the capability to get in touch with those'spirits,' however they can communicate with them. A quick Google search can confirm that for a range of reasons, people from all walks of life engage individuals who offer these spiritual services for aid. Most psychics provide their solutions to business leaders and people should they have a need for some'spiritual guidance' at challenging times in their lifetimes. All these people today call upon particular'spirit beings' to mediate information between this unseen world and our physical world for their earthbound clients. This claim is an established fact. It could be concluded from this that the two vitality and'spirits' occupy the'unseen' world. These spirits not only have intelligence, but have the ability to communicate information to people through mediums like clairvoyants and psychics. If we analyze human history that extends back thousands of years, a conclusion could be drawn that people from all levels of society across all cultures and nations have practiced some type of religion. An ancient faith that associates directly with spirits is Witchcraft. In this, witches worship and speak with all beings in the hidden world like property, bird, water, reptile, insect, mythic and extinct spirit guides, together with brownies, elves, fairies, fauns, gnomes, leprechauns, nymphs and pixies, among others. This claim is easily confirmed with an appropriate Google search. Again, this means that over the'unseen' world where energy and'spirits' exist, religions (like Witchcraft) continue to associate with spirit beings now in the same manner as those who created their religion, tens of thousands of years back.
3. More about the 'Unseen' World's 'Spirits' If we attempt to discover more information about religion from early background, any investigation could show the beliefs and practices of all ancient (and modern) religions possess a variety of differences. Some religions worship gods made from wood, metal or stone, whereas others use a set of faith termed'religion' that originated in writings termed'holy scriptures.' Several those religions cope with unseen spirits in an open or direct fashion, whereas others are less involved or dismiss them completely. Christianity is a good example of this where a few Christians simply'beg' and do not do elsewhere, whereas additional Christians cast evil spirits out of people. If we were to accept the Bible is a trusted source of historical information regarding the kinds of spirit beings which exist inside the spirit world, another question may be - can we consider what the Bible reveals to us concerning these matters or not? If we use statistics as a guide to help resolve this question, an individual would find that Moses wrote the Book of Genesis (the Book of Beginnings) some 3,800 years ago, along with the Bible reasoned with all the New Testament writings of the apostles in the early church, roughly 2,000 decades back. Based on Wikipedia, the number of copies of the Bible sold or distributed throughout the world number into"the countless," so, from both a historical and spiritual standpoint, the Bible isn't only a wealthy source of information regarding humanity and the physical world we live in, but it reveals many things about the spirit world also. To ignore the Bible would be to dismiss an ancient source of information that has been available to the English- speaking world for some 400 years, that contains the ancient writings of the both the Old and New Testament books. In regard to our query, (Is the Spirit World Real? ) ) The Bible identifies the types of'beings' that inhabit this hidden world. Additionally, it describes where specific types of spirit beings are . In this regard, the next spirit beings have been described as inhabiting certain'principalities' which are identified below: Heaven. God is the Creator of all in both the physical and spiritual worlds. He's represented in the form of three separate persons - God the Father (supreme), His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Cherubim and Seraphim are also spirit beings that serve God in Heaven Angels are mentioned in scripture that occupy Heaven with God. These are termed,'holy angels.' The 'Heavenlies'. You will find angels mentioned in people who occupy the areas of the upper atmosphere around the earth. These angels are those that oppose God's purposes on the ground and are known as'fallen angels' Earth. Evil spirits wander on the surface of the planet and work to enter into the physical bodies of people. This usually happens when they lure people to commit acts of sin, which signifies rebellion from people made in God's image (humanity ) towards their Creator. The Bible reveals that there is a variety of evil spirits in this world which cause many forms of illnesses in people (both psychologically and clinically ), but their aim is to bring about premature death to their victims and eternal torment for their own souls. Hell. The Bible shows there are five separate compartments found in the centre of the earth that God made to imprison His rebel spirits - both human and overburdened. As many people are spiritual beings encased in their physical body while alive on the ground, at death, their spirit ascends to its Creator God, or descends into Hell. Every soul's eternal destiny is determined by its sinfulness (or rebellion) towards God during its life on the ground. 4. What Happens when we stink? A more critical issue that should concern every individual is - what happens if we die? Is it simply"lights out" after the physical body dies as some people today prefer to imagine in their ignorance, or is there an afterlife since the Bible says there is? To illustrate this point somewhat further, the Bible confirms that from our Creator's perspective, the life we live doesn't last very long at all in regard to the timelessness of life. The Bible illustrates
how God views each person's life from the verses of scripture below: (James 4:14) ". . .For what's your life? It is even a vapour that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away." (Psalm 90:9-10)"... we spend our years as a tale that is told. 10 The days of our years are threescore years and ten [or 70]; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years [80], yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for this [our life] is soon cut off [in death], and we fly away [if our soul reinforces the lifeless body to the spirit world]." The words of Psalm 90 (above) affirm from elsewhere in the Bible that we are spirit beings encased in an'Earthsuit' that we phrase, the human body. While our bodies remain alive and healthy, we (as spirit beings) can move around the earth to live our lifetime as we choose. But when our'Earthsuit' expires, its spiritual inhabitant (the human soul) is subsequently released into the timelessness of life and taken to one of 2 places located inside the spirit world (Luke 16:22). If the soul recognized and served its Creator and His Son Jesus Christ through its earthbound lifetime, then in death, it'll be transported to Heaven to wait for a judgment of benefits that will be fulfilled as'blessings' that will expand into eternity (1 Cor 3:9-15). In contrast to this, the spirit that has rejected its Creator and His Son Jesus Christ will be transported to the underworld (or Hell) to wait for the Day of Judgment. (Luke 16:23-24)"And in hell he [the rich man] lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. 24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tonguefor I am tormented in this flame." The defining issue of where human spirits are hauled after death is decided by their sinfulness. It's in this life that our Creator gives us our free will to ascertain whether eternal life or eternal death are'real' - and if we ought to prepare for eternal life while the period stays; or decide to ignore this opportunity and have a gamble on the Bible simply being a useless'fairy tale.'