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Our Class News No. 17 12/17-12/21. Spelling Words. What’s Up? * Rules/Respect *Rights/Responsibilities *Listening/Following Directions *Procedures/Routines *Problem Solving Skills *Manners/Courtesy *Teambuilding/Class-building *Bucket Fillers/Dippers *Cooperative Learning
Our Class NewsNo. 17 12/17-12/21 Spelling Words What’s Up? *Rules/Respect *Rights/Responsibilities *Listening/Following Directions *Procedures/Routines *Problem Solving Skills *Manners/Courtesy *Teambuilding/Class-building *Bucket Fillers/Dippers *Cooperative Learning *Personal Narratives *Persuasive writing *Non fiction writing *Realistic Fiction *Author’s Purpose *Main idea/details *Singular possessive nouns *Plural possessive nouns *Predicting/Inferencing *Fact/Opinion *Sequencing *How-to-paragraphs *Narrative Elements *Numeration *Timed Math Facts *Multiplication (facts to 10; methods and strategies) *Flat Stanley *Geography *Handwriting *Attitudes/Characteristics *Explorers *Holiday art and poetry boots grouped shook school looked hood choose brook zoomed balloon loose soot understood cartoon afternoon BONUS WORDS: routine cookbook wound through shampoo Vocabulary Words accidentally jostled phase parcel volumespermission disgusted museumquivery sensational civilized What’s coming! 12/18…..Parent Teacher Conference schedules come home 12/20…..Class Christmas party 12/21……End of 2nd quarter/1st semester Spirit Day---Sports Day School-wide Holiday Sing-a-Long Extra Early Release @11:45 12/22-1/6…..Winter Break….NO SCHOOL Merry Christmas is the mystery word 1/7……School resumes for 2013 1/14-18…..Parent/Teacher Conferences, Early release each day @1:15 ! Keep Reading!
A note from me …… Each of us listened this weekend with broken hearts to the tragedy that occurred in Connecticut. Today I did not bring it up for discussion with the class, but only individually with the few students who came up and wanted to talk to me about it. This is a tender subject and I feel it is best dealt with in your family, The following statement was issued today by our school district: “We are shocked and saddened by the senseless shooting and loss of life that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. Our deepest sympathy and our thoughts are with everyone in Newtown as they deal with the heartbreaking tragedy. We know an event like this raises questions about how we safeguard students and staff in our schools and district departments. Student and staff safety: Student and staff safety is always our top priority. We have comprehensive security and emergency plans in place, such as visitor sign-in requirements, lockdown procedures, evacuation protocols and mass-communication systems. These procedures are reviewed regularly, and students and staff practice them every semester. Our efforts are coordinated closely with the Mesa Police Department and other law enforcement and municipal agencies. Parents have been invited to contact their school if their child needs additional assistance from teachers and counselors to deal with the distressing news.” Friday Folders did not come home last week, due to my absence. (My husband was in the ER Thursday evening and had emergency hernia surgery Friday.) Friday Folders will resume when we return in January. We are doing lots of end-of-semester testing and evaluations, which will be sent home at conferences. Please remember to bring your child with you to our scheduled conference as they will have a part in it as well. Schedules come home this Tuesday, 12/18. I will also post them on our website as a reminder. Hats off to our class who collected and donated 385 items for our St. Vincent de Paul drive! That is amazing and I am so proud of their efforts. Many families and individuals will be affected by your generosity. All of our regular Friday testing this week will be done on Thursday instead. Due to the shortened week, there is no challenge spelling list. Challenge lists will return in January. Today three of our students, Macaiah Gilbert, Sarah Harper, and Rysa Milan received special certificates from their recent DIBELS testing. These students read 137+ words/minute, putting them in the “ Blue Zone!” Way to go guys…..keep up the great job! Students who are interested in running for student council representative from our class will once again have an opportunity to do so for the second semester. Our representatives are elected on a semester basis, to allow more students a leadership opportunity. Permission slips will come home on Tuesday (12/18) with interested students, and must be returned by Thursday. All students must have a permission slip to run for office, and will give a short speech to the class on Thursday, indicating their strengths and why they are the best person for the job. Our class election will be held immediately following. I send my best wishes for a wonderful holiday season with your family. This year we will each hold our children a little tighter and treasure each memory a little longer. Thank you again for all you do for them each day, and especially for sharing them with me. “There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.” ~~John Holmes