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ACET March 20-21, 2007 DTBE Director’s Report. Kenneth G. Castro, M.D. Assistant Surgeon General, USPHS Director, Division of Tuberculosis Elimination National Center for HIV, Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention* Coordinating Center for Infectious Diseases. * Proposed.
ACET March 20-21, 2007 DTBE Director’s Report Kenneth G. Castro, M.D. Assistant Surgeon General, USPHS Director, Division of Tuberculosis Elimination National Center for HIV, Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention* Coordinating Center for Infectious Diseases * Proposed
Recent Activities (Not Covered by ACET Agenda) • Mar 6, 7 OGAC meeting • Mar 7 XDR TB briefing requested by 5 Senators (Durbin, Brown) • Mar 15,16 BSC subcommittee (XDR TB) • Mar 21 CDC testimony (Dr. JLG) to House Foreign Affairs Comm. • Next weeks White House interagency team on XDR TB
World TB Day 2007 • WHO/IUATLD theme “TB anywhere is TB everywhere” • MMWR March 23rd box, 3 articles • First TB Awareness Walk March 24, Atlanta’s Grant Park (~ 450 registrants) http://www.cdc.gov/
National TB Case Rate, 2005-2006 Year Incidence/100,000 pop. 2005 4.8 2006† 4.6 † Data provisional and embargoed until March 22 3.2% decline
Figure 2. Number of persons with and rate* of tuberculosis (TB), by origin of birth and year ─ U.S., 1993–2006† * Per 100,000 population. † Data for 2006 are provisional and embargoed until March 22.
MDR TB*: 2004–2005§ * Denominators based on culture confirmed cases with ISUS to INH and RIF †Missing origin of birth for one MDR case in 2005 § 2005 is the latest year with complete drug susceptibility test results
Characteristics of Extensively Drug-Resistant (XDR) Tuberculosis Cases, 1993–1999 vs. 2000–2006 †Data provisional and embargoed until March 22
FSEB Branch Chief Announcement: 3/14/07, closes 3/27/07 HHS-CDC-D3-2007-0236, Medical Officer (PH), GS-602-15, NCHSTP, DTBE, FSEB (External) HHS-CCD-T3-2007-0784, Medical Officer (PH), GS-602-15, NCHSTP, DTBE, FSEB (Internal) HHS-CDC-D3-2007-0233, Supervisory Health Scientist, GS-601-15, NCHSTP, DTBE, FSEB (External) HHS-CDC-T3-2007-0785, Supervisory Health Scientist, GS-601-15, NCHSTP, DTBE, FSEB (Internal) Medical Officer: Must submit copy of medical school transcript, copy of medical license, or copy of medical diploma. Supervisory Health Scientist: Must submit copy of official college transcript with the application. Link to the CDC jobs website: http://www.cdc.gov/employment/findcareer.htm
NEDSS TB PAM Update • NEDSS PAM Platform (NPP), containing TB PAM, no longer supported by CDC. PHIN/NEDSS standards and Base System will be supported by CDC • DTBE response • TIMS and its import utility continued to support national TB surveillance system (short-term) • Collaborate with NCPHI/NEDSS Program to: • speed enhanced NEDSS TB message development (for reporting areas already developing their own systems) • explore adding TB module to existing NEDSS Base System (for reporting areas needing CDC data entry tool) • survey availability TB software applications developed by private vendors • Communication to NTCA, TB Program Directors and TB Surveillance Coordinators and conference call/webinar (Mar 23) to agree on action plan
Remaining TB Program Challenges • Reductions in TB control program funds • Improve efficiency and accountability • Decline in cases/ increase in complexity • Loss of expertise
CDC TB Cooperative Agreement Funds FY2001-FY2006 USD $ in Millions Year
TB CoAg Fund Redistribution Plans • Second phase redistribution FY2008 • 20% redistributed in FY 2005 • 35% to be redistributed • NTCA/CDC workgroup • Scheduled discussions allow for adjustments based on new factors • Strategic planning for future policies
Mycobacteriology Lab Branch • NLTN last mycobacteriology course Apr/03 (1-2 hr audio conferences since) • Lab course Summer 2007 • 30+ applicants; can only take 16 • If successful, repeat • Course to be held in the new CDC training labs/classroom facility
Probable Receipt of FY 2007CDC Emerging Infections Funds • One-time funding ~ $2 million • Support laboratory enhancements • Support active outbreak response • Implement BSC recommendations