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song and performance by Keith Mesecher and The Cosmic All Stars. song and performance by Keith Mesecher and The Cosmic All Stars. Thank God For Evolution!. Thank GOD for evol - U - tion It has GIV-en ME the ab-IL-ity to love. Thank GOD for evolution of the
song and performance by Keith Mesecher and The Cosmic All Stars
song and performance by Keith Mesecher and The Cosmic All Stars
Thank God For Evolution! Thank GOD for evol - U - tion It has GIV-en ME the ab-IL-ity to love
Thank GOD for evolution of the EARTH and the HEA-vens above
I FEEL it in my BO - - dy I FEEL it in my soul It’s the RHY-thm that I LOVE . . . to-dance-to . . . rock-and-roll
I’m a-LIVE . . . . I can SEE . . . . I can feel I can love I can be
The mag-NI-ficence and SPLEN-dor of the U-ni-verse in which I’m BLESSED to dwell
I FEEL this love in-SIDE of me I CEL-e-brate THIS LIFE I love so well
The U-niverse is GROW-ing I FEEL it in my bones I’m e-VOLV-ing with the COS-mos And I KNOW I’m not a-lone
I’m alive . . . I am free . . . I can see I can feel I can be
I am GUID-ed by the WIS-dom of the U-ni-verse . . . WHOLE and alive
DANC-ing in the FIRM-a-ment with STARS and with GAL-axies I thrive
I FEEL it in my BO - - dy I TASTE it in my mind The beauty and mag-NI-ficence of EV’-RY-THING I find
I’m a-live . . . I’m on fi-re . . . I-am-part-of-the-e-vol-ving cos-mic cho-ir
I live in mag-NI-fi-cence the U-ni-VERSE a-BLAZE in-side my mind
My HEART and SOUL are O-pen-ing to ALL . . . of the LOVE . . I . . find
The MIR-a-cle of na-ture fits my BO-dy like a glove
I’m in love . . . I’m in love . . . I’m in love I’m in love I’m in love
Thank GOD for evol - U - tion It has GIV-en ME the ab-IL-ity to love
Thank GOD for evolution of the EARTH and the HEA-vens above
I FEEL it in my BO - - dy I FEEL it in my soul The RHY-thm THAT . . I LOVE . . . to-dance-to . . . rock-and-roll
I’m a-LIVE . . . . I can SEE . . . . . I can feel I can love I can be