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Transistor and Circuit Design Optimization for Low-Power CMOS By M.Chang , C.Chang,C.Chao,K.Goto,M.Leong,L.Lu,and C.Di

Transistor and Circuit Design Optimization for Low-Power CMOS By M.Chang , C.Chang,C.Chao,K.Goto,M.Leong,L.Lu,and C.Diaz. Presented By: Mozammel Haque For the Low-Power High-Sped VLSI ELEC 5705Y W-2009. Contents. ■ Introduction ■ Low power techniques ■ Procedures/ Discussion

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Transistor and Circuit Design Optimization for Low-Power CMOS By M.Chang , C.Chang,C.Chao,K.Goto,M.Leong,L.Lu,and C.Di

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  1. Transistor and Circuit Design Optimization for Low-Power CMOSBy M.Chang, C.Chang,C.Chao,K.Goto,M.Leong,L.Lu,andC.Diaz Presented By: Mozammel Haque For the Low-Power High-Sped VLSI ELEC 5705Y W-2009

  2. Contents ■ Introduction ■ Low power techniques ■ Procedures/Discussion • Transistor Scaling •Circuit Design techniques for static leakage and active-power management ■ Conclusion ■ References

  3. Introduction ■ Transistor scaling has been a highly successful method for Silicon technology ■ CMOS technology scaling has now moved to a power constrained condition. ■ Circuit techniques to reduce chip standby leakage has become a key enabler ■Scaling is a trading off performance and leakage ■ Different circuit design techniques to optimize the delay and leakage are discussed in this paper. ■ Along with continued scaling, hybrid materials andnew process technologies are also recent research interest to balance leakage and delay.

  4. Low Power Techniques ■ General Good Design Practices ■ Transistor sizing ■ Process shrink ■ Voltage scaling ■ Clock gating/transition reduction ■ Power down testability blocks when not in the test mode ■ Power down the functional blocks ■ Minimize sequential elements ■ Downsize all non-critical path circuits ■ Reduce loading on the clock ■ Parallelism ■ Adiabatic circuits

  5. Discussions 1 Transistor Scaling A. Power Supply Voltage & Gate-Oxide Thickness B.Drive Current and Performance C. Structural and Material Fundamental Limits and Implications 2.Circuit Design for Leakage - and Active-Power Management A. Active-Power management B. Leakage-Power management C. Multi-Vt Transistors D. Power-Supply Voltage Scaling E. Transistor Stacking and Power-supply Gating F. Dynamic Body Biasing G. Non-minimum Channel Length

  6. 1. Transistor Scaling A. Power Supply Voltage & Gate-Oxide Thickness: ■VDD was kept constant at 5V from 2 -um to 0.5- um technology •Continued geometrical scaling resulted very high electric field, power dissipation, raised performance concerns. ■VDD and Vt tend to scale by same factor to limit drive-current degradation • But Vt scaling results in an exponential increase of the OFF-state leakage and therefore standby power. As a result, ■ Technology scaling has driven in an increase of the gate-dielectric nominal operating fields. ■ Exponential increasing of gate tunneling current has prevented any significant gate-dielectric scaling since 90-nm node.

  7. Power-supply scaling, operating electric-field,and Current trends as a function of tox: Transistor Scaling Cont…

  8. B. Drive Current and Performance For digital applications, higher Id and lower C Are the key factors for CMOS circuit performance Current (Id) factor: ■ High performance demand has driven Idsat to increase in each generation • through Vt scaling • mobility enhancement techniques (channel orientation, strained –silicon technique) ■ In traditional CMOS inverter delay model, Idsat is overly optimistic which causes the delay lower. This is not accurate to project circuit performance. ■ Instead of Idsat, an effective current Ideff is proposed which is more appropriate during switching of an inverter . The expected ratio of Ideff/Idsat is approx. 0.6. Ideff considers the relevance of SCE control as well as Vdd,Vt scaling

  9. Current factorCont… The inverter gate-delay trend projections in conventional Idsat model and new Ideff approach. ■ The approach of Ideff accurately captures the delay behavior of non-traditionally scaled devices, where mobility and Vt/ Vdd are scaled in neither a regular nor uniform manner. ■ It reflects well the slow down on speed scaling of a conventional CMOS. Fig.2. The inverter gate-delay trend projections in conventional Idst model and new Ideff approach

  10. Capacitance factor: ■Capacitance is another important factor for CMOS speed. ■ Gate-length scaling will continue reduction on CG but not on Cparasitic. ■ Scaling of Ctotalis not warranted due to non-scaling parasitic capacitance. ■ For the 32-nm node and beyond, breakthroughs will be required to continue capacitance scaling trend to sustain/maximize performance improvement as well as the reduction of the intrinsic active power per unit speed. Fig. Capacitance scaling trend

  11. ■ Scaling for 22-nm and beyond, the control of channel sub-threshold leakage has become a very challenging task. ■ When oxide thickness was scaled down to ~1.5nm, standby and active power increases. ■ The use of high-k/MG dielectric can help to scale the electrical oxide thickness(EOT) without reduction of physical dielectric thickness. ■ Choice of such materials is the high research interest in CMOS technology ■ To slow down the scaling of EOT and Vddnovel substrates/or stressors used ■ Hybrid –orientation is studied. ■ SiGe,GePMOS,GaAs, InGaAs have been proposed ■ Ultrathin body or multigate devices may be needed ■High mobility channel material is another option. C. Structural and Material Fundamental Limits and Implications

  12. 2. Circuit Design for Leakage - and Active-Power Management A. Active-Power management B. Leakage-Power management C. Multi-Vt Transistors D. Power-Supply Voltage Scaling E. Transistor Stacking and Power-supply Gating F. Dynamic Body Biasing G. Non-minimum Channel Length

  13. A.Active-Power Management ■ Total power dissipation • Active power ( for switching) • Direct path/Short circuit ( ramp input) •Static power • DC power • Sub-threshold leakage ■ In CMOS ,Active power dissipation is more dominant resulting from charging and discharging capacitances during function evaluation by the circuit blocks. ■ Active-power can be reduced by the following techniques: •Dynamic frequency-scaling(DFS) Lower performance: lower f Higher performance: higher f •Dynamic voltage-scaling(DVS) Lower performance: lower V Higher performance: higher V, Circuit functionality must be checked

  14. Active-Power ManagementContd.. •Circuit-Partitioning: •Dividing the circuit into smaller blocks • Exploring the criticality of the block timing • Raising the power-supply voltage for critical blocks • Lowering the power-supply voltage for non-critical blocks. • Due to different power-supply voltage the signal swing would be different as well.So, • Level shifters should be added between these blocks to ensue that proper signaling is carried out. Disadvantages: • The power grid becomes more complicated • Additional good-resolution voltage regulator is required • Balancing performance and power is also critical.

  15. B.Leakage-Power Management Leakage power, Pleakageis the static power consumption when circuit is not switching. ■ Leakage current is a function of Vt, Vds (Vgs=0), input state,input registers ■ It’s dominated by sub-threshold current ■ With a large number of inputs and registers, it is rather difficult to approximate leakage power. ■ Finding the maximum and minimum bounds of the leakage power is non-deterministic polynomial-time. ■ Input Vector Controls (IVC) can be exploited to minimize the leakage current. ■ Given a state with higher probability to occur,circuit can be designed to minimize leakage power. It could be done with proper gate-input-ordering.

  16. C. Multi-Vt Transistors ■ Sub-threshold current strongly depends on Vt. So, ■ Different Vt transistors can be used for performance and leakage-power tradeoff. • For lower leakage current but : Gates with high Vt transistors lower performance( more delay) • For higher performance( less delay) : Gates with low Vt transistors but larger leakage current ,critical path. ■ For dual Vt transistors leakage power reduction can be reformulated as ■ For topcritical path, more low Vt transistors should be used but it will contribute to leakage-power ■ For lowering leakage-powerhigh Vt transistors should be used

  17. Multi-Vt Transistors cont….. ■ Placing a medium third Vt transistor between the low-Vt and high-Vt device can enable further leakage - power reduction. For 3- Vt transistors leakage power reduction is ■ Low –Vt transistors NL should be smaller than the dual - Vt transistors approach in order to see a further leakage-power reduction. ■ Its seen that multiple Vt’s can attain a greater leakage-power reduction while minimizing the circuit area, and at the same time meeting the performance goal.

  18. D. Power-Supply Voltage Scaling ■ Power-supply –voltage scaling is effective in reducing both • Active-power • Leakage power ■ DVS(dynamic voltage scaling) approach would help to achieve the goals. ■ Supply-voltage lower limit (Vccmin) is dictated by functionality of the circuit. ■ Example Dual power-supply SRAM • Vdd_bit for bit –cell array • Vdd_core for peripheral /core logic. •Vdd_bit is fixed at regular voltage •Vdd_core can be lower to reduce dynamic power • Power reduction by 20%-40%

  19. E. Power-supply Gating ■ To reduce standby-leakage, power gating by header/footer is a popular method where all parts of circuit are not functioning all the time, and nonfunctioning parts can be turned off. Footer/header can be controlled by a sleep signal ■Two types of power gating: • Coarse-grain: Turning off a footer/header would turn off a block of circuit. • small area overhead, larger leakage reduction • Fine-grain : Turning off a footer/header would turn off a single gate • faster wake-up time Fig. Coarse-grain Fig. Fine grain

  20. Power-supply Gating cont…. ■ To further reduce the leakage for coarse-grain header/footer • Source biasing or reduced power –supply voltage in standby mode can be applied • During switching, there would be voltage drop across footer transistor which reduces effective Vds and Ids as well ■ Footer/header should be optimized to balance performance and leakage loss. ■ Optimization is more complicated in coarse-grain approach. Fig. Source bias and reduced power supply for coarse-grain

  21. F. Dynamic Body-Biasing Threshold voltage Vt: ■ Vtcan be modulated by applying differentVsb: • Vsb<0, Vt increases, Id decreases So, less leakage, more delay( lower performance) •Vsb>0, Vt decreases, Id increases So, more leakage, less delay( higher performance) ■ Like Dynamic voltage scaling(DVS) circuit can be partitioned as • Timing critical blocks with Vsb>0 • Other blocks with Vsb<0 ■ Transistor body effect, γ is crucial in the effectiveness of this dynamic body- biasing approach.

  22. G. Non-minimum Channel Length ■ Sub-threshold current (Ioff, Ion) reduces with larger channel length( Lg) ■ Longer channel (Lg>Lnominal ) is effective in reducing sub-threshold leakage in trading off small performance and area. But it might increase gate and junction leakage. ■ In deep sub-micron process, gate and junction leakage is dominant in HVT deviceleakage. So, longer channel is not useful for HVT dominant designs. Its only useful for LVT and SVT dominant designs. ■ This concept can be implemented in library design level by offering nominal and super-nominal standard cells. ■ Transistors in standard cells can be swapped from nominal Lg to longer Lg to reduce leakage.

  23. Conclusions ■ Standby leakage and active power have become the key issue of continued CMOS transistor scaling. ■ For low-power design, one needs to consider energy dissipation, speed, area, and design–time. ■ Good design is required in trading off performance and leakage. ■ This paper reviewed circuit design techniques and the corresponding implications on transistor optimization from the leakage and active-power management perspective.

  24. Conclusions ■ Standby leakage and active power have become the key issue of continued CMOS transistor scaling. ■ For low-power design, one needs to consider energy dissipation, speed, and area. ■ Good design is required in trading off performance and leakage. ■ This paper reviewed few key circuit design techniques and the corresponding implications on transistor optimization from the leakage and active-power management perspective.

  25. References [1] M.Chang, C.Chang,C.Chao,K.Goto,M.Leong,L.Lu,and C.Diaz, “Transistor- and Circuit-Design Optimization for Low-Power CMOS”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, January 2008. [2] M.Horowitz,E.Alon,D.Patil,S.Naffziger,R.Kumar,and K.Bernstein, “Scaling,power,and the future of CMOS”, in IEDM Tech. Dig.,2005 pp.11-17 [3] A.Khakifirooz and D.A.Antoniadis, “Transistor performane scaling: The role of virtual source velocity and its mobility dependence”, in IEDM Tech. Dig., 2006.pp.667-670 [4] P.Gupta,A.B,Kahang,P.Sharma,and D. Sylvester, “ Gate-length biasing for runtime leakage control”, IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Design Integr. Circuits Syst., vol.25,no.8,pp.1475-1485,Aug.2006 [5] J.Rabaey,A.Chandrakasan, and B.Nikolic, “ Digital Integrated Circuits A Design Perspective”, 2nd ed, Prentice Hall,2003 [6] Y.Taur, “CMOS design near the limit scaling”, IBM Journal of Research and Dev.,Vol. 46, number 2/3,2002

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