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Infinitive or Gerund ?. Teacher: Silvino Sieben 3ª série EM. Sometimes we need to decide whether to use a verb in its : gerund form ( doing , singing ) or infinitive form ( to do, to sing ). For example , only one of the following sentences is correct . Which one ?
InfinitiveorGerund? Teacher: Silvino Sieben 3ª série EM
Sometimesweneedto decide whetherto use a verb in its: • gerundform (doing, singing)or • infinitiveform (to do, tosing). • Forexample, onlyone of thefollowingsentencesiscorrect. Whichone? • I dislikeworking late. (???) • I disliketowork late. (???)
When to use the infinitive • The infinitive form is used after certain verbs: - forget, help, learn, teach, train- choose, expect, hope, need, offer, want, would like- agree, encourage, pretend, promise, recommend- allow, can/can't afford, decide, manage, mean, refuse • I forgotto close the window. • Mary needsto leave early. • Why are they encouragedto learn English? • We can't affordto take a long holiday.
Theinfinitiveformisalwaysusedafteradjectives, forexample:- disappointed, glad, happy, pleased, relieved, sad, surprised • I washappytohelpthem. • Thisincludestoo + adjective: • Thewaterwastoocoldtoswim in. • Theinfinitiveformisusedafteradjective + enough: • Sheisrichenoughtobuytwo.
Theinfinitiveformisalwaysusedafterverb + objectForexample: • He invitedustogo. • Theytoldmetowait. • Sarah askedhermotherto come. • RemindJontopayhisbills.
Theinfinitiveformisalwaysusedexpressionslikethefirst, thesecond, thelast, theonlyand thepronounswho, where, when, what, how, whose. • He wasthelasttoknowthesecret. • Sheisthesecondtoplaytoday. • Wedon’tknowwhento look forit. • Wisepeoplealwaysknowwhatto do.
Theinfinitiveformisalways use forpurpose/reason. • He studiedtopassthe test. • (Whydid he study? TO PASS the test.) • Jane waitedforthewaitertocomplain. • (Whydidshewait? TO COMPLAIN)
BARE INFINITIVE = WITHOUT “TO” • Thebareinfinitiveformisalwaysusedafterbut, except, hadbetter and wouldratherForexample: • Shedoesnothingbutcry. • Theyshould do nothingexceptwait. • We’dbetterhurry. • I’drathergo home by car.
Whento use gerund Thegerundformisusedwhenthewordisthesubject of a sentenceorclause: • Swimmingisgoodexercise. • Doctorssaythatsmokingisbadforyou. Thegerundformisusedafter a preposition: • I look forward tomeetingyou. • Theyleftwithoutsaying "Goodbye."
Thegerundformisusedaftercertainverbs:- avoid, dislike, enjoy, finish, give up, mind/notmind, practise • I dislikegetting upearly. • Wouldyoumindopeningthewindow?
Some verbs can be followed by the -ing form or the infinitive without a big change in meaning: begin, continue, hate, intend, like, love, prefer, propose, start. • It started to rain. • It started raining. • I like to play tennis. • I like playing tennis.
Fill in theblankswiththeinfinitiveorgerundform • 1. We like ______ our grandmother on Sundays. (visit) • 2. I might want _____ your Science notes. (borrow) • 3. My father hates _____a tie to work. (wear) • 4. We can't afford ______ a vacation this summer. (take) • 5. The company was pleased ______ your thank-you letter. (receive)
6. Wouldyoumind _____ a window? (open) • 7. My suitcaseis light enough _____ myself. (carry) • 8. Shecannotleavethetablewithout ______ herdinner. (finish) • 9. Themusicwillcontinue _______untilyouturnit off. (play) • 10. My littlebrotherdislikes ______hishairbrushed. (have)
Now, itisyourturntopracticewiththeexpressions • Create a sentencewitheachverborexpression