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Strategic Planning Studies @ P amukkale University

Strategic Planning Studies @ P amukkale University. Prof.Dr. Hasan Kazdağlı Rector June 2006. Pamukkale University. Pamukkale University takes its name, from Pamukkale . Pamukkale, meaning "cotton castle" in Turkish, is a natural site and attraction in Denizli .

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Strategic Planning Studies @ P amukkale University

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  1. Strategic Planning Studies @ PamukkaleUniversity Prof.Dr. Hasan Kazdağlı RectorJune 2006

  2. Pamukkale University • Pamukkale University takes its name, from Pamukkale. • Pamukkale, meaning "cotton castle" in Turkish, is a natural site and attraction in Denizli. • The tectonic movements that took place in the fault depression of the Menderes river basin did not only cause frequent earthquakes, but also gave rise to the emergence of a number of very hot springs, and it is the water from one of these springs, with its large mineral content, chalk in particular. Apart of some radioactive material, the water contains large amounts of hydrogen carbonate and calcium, which leads to the precipitation of calcium carbonate. The effect of this natural phenomenon leaves thick white layers of limestone and travertine cascading down the mountain slope, making the area look like a fortress of cotton or a frozen waterfall.

  3. Denizli • Founded by the Syrian King Antiyoukustheos, 2nd, between262 B.C. and 245 B.C. • Named Laodicia • Has been home for Hittites, Romans, Byzantine, Seljukians, Ottomans and more! • Population is approximately 650.000 • Denizli spans over 11.862 square kilometers • At the junction of Agean, Central Anatolia and Mediterranean regions

  4. Denizli • People of Denizli are very entrepreneurial. • Denizli is in the top 10 list of cities creatingthe most added value to the nations economy. • Economy largely depends on textile industry. Textile is a traditional business. • Denizli is a world-wide brand-name for home textiles • There are developing and evolving industries such as natural stone, metal, leather, plastics, construction goods, packaging, paper products, and copper cable production. • Erbakir, a copper cable producer, sells its products to variety of high tech companies including NASA.

  5. Denizli • Tourism is another key component of the city’s economy. • Abroad, Denizli is renowned for its natural beauty, Pamukkale. • One out of every 5 tourists coming to Turkey visits Pamukkale. There are other historical sites: LAODIKEIA, TRIPOLIS, COLOSSAE, EUMENIA, HERAKLEIA, SALBACE, ATTUDA, APOLLONIA, SALBACE, TABAE, DIONYSOPOLIS, SEBASTOPOLIS, TRAPEZOPOLIS Etc.

  6. Denizli Economy - Exports

  7. Denizli Economy - Exports

  8. Denizli Economy - Exports

  9. A Brief History of Pamukkale University • Although officially founded in July 1992, its history goes back to to 1957. • Pamukkale University is well located given the social and economic characteristics of Denizli.

  10. Pamukkale University Priorities Teaching and Research Quality Physical development 1992 1998 2006

  11. Physical Resources • Pamukkale University is constantly growing • Kınıklı Main Campus is rapidly taking its final layout • New Buildings and laboratories are starting to operate.

  12. Views from the Main Campus

  13. Building Space m2

  14. Number of Computers in Pamukkale University

  15. Pamukkale University by Numbers • 6 faculties • Faculty Of Science and Arts • Faculty Of Engineering • Faculty Of Education • Faculty Of Technical Education • Faculty Of Medicine • Faculty Of Economics and Administrative Sciences

  16. Pamukkale University by Numbers • 3 Institutes • Pure and Applied Sciences • Social Sciences • Health Sciences • 13 Vocational Schools • And…

  17. Pamukkale University by Numbers Today, • 22,500 students • Over 1,350 academic staff

  18. Three components of Pamukkale University • Quality in Education • Quality in Research • Quality in Collaboration with partners

  19. Education… • Our main philosophy is, without a doubt, to create a democratic and socially respectful environment for quality education and scientific research. • We aim to give the necessary training to our students to become well-qualified professionals who can add value to the companies they work for here or abroad. • One of our primary goals is to bring our education level to the well-accepted international standards.

  20. To do this • We aim to give our students: • the skills to adapt themselves to the ever changing technology and its effects on the society, • the ability to understand and use computer technologies effectively, • the enhanced cross understanding of technical and social sciences, • the desire to learn at least one language other than their own language if they want to become a citizen of the global world, • the training to work in a team oriented workplaces; • We use a new teaching method called the problem based education in the School of Medicine,

  21. Research • Driving forces of research at Pamukkale University • Quality of Academic staff • Availability of Physical Resources • Funding • Possibility of Cooperations • Administrative Support

  22. Research Capacity

  23. Research Centers • PAUFREM • Physical Treatment and Rehabilitation Research Center • PAMGEN • Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research Center • Construction Technology and Earthquake Research Center

  24. Some Research Areas • Biotechnology Biomedical And Health Technologies • Genetic Engineering • Earthquake • Modeling, Simulation, Automation And Control • Educational Technologies • Strategic Materials • Sustainable Energy And Energy Management • Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing • Technical And Nano-textiles • Crime Management • Micro and Macro Economic Studies

  25. Research Laodikeia Excavations

  26. Research Sea Turtles Research • Nest relocation • Nest protection • Embryonic Development of Sea turtles • Sex determination • Rescue and Rehabilitation  • Genetic Research  • Pollution

  27. Projects Pamukkale (Hierapolis) Preservation And Refinement Project • The Hierapolis – Pamukkale, having travertines and historical structure, is in the list of Earth’s Cultural Heritage List as a 1st. Degree Area of Archeological and Natural Site.

  28. Number of Research Projects

  29. Projects • Currently, there are • 37 TUBİTAK (Turkish Scientific and Technologic Research Council) • 9 DPT (State Planning Organization) • Univesity Funded research projects.

  30. Cooperation • We believe the fact that knowledge grows by sharing it • We are VERY interested in creating national and international collaboration and exchange programs.

  31. Currently • Office Of EU Affairs of Pamukkale University has • Socrates, • Leonardo, • Youth, and • Other International programs.

  32. Knowledge Exchange • Pamukkale University hosted several national and International Conferences and Symposiums • Information Techology Congress • Education Techologies Congress • Automation and Control Congress • Travertine Symposium • Energy Congress • Natural Gas Days • City Economical Research Symposium • Future of Turkish Textile Sector • National Musical Education Congress • National Hand Works Congress • Engineering Geology Symposium

  33. Social Activities

  34. Q - Is everything perfect at Pamukkale University?A - Of course not! We have a lot to do…

  35. Like aging generals, many academic leaders appear to be planning for the previous war, not the next one. Kenneth C. GreenMark Hopkins and the Digital Log

  36. You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore. … Unknown Author

  37. Strategic Planning • Like many other goverment and private establishments, Pamukkale University puts efforts into strategic planning. • We want to optimize the use of our resources to reach our pre-determined objectives. • Strategic allocation of resources: Money, People and Space

  38. External Constituents Faculty Staff & Students Planning Committee Administration From Outside In

  39. External Constituents Faculty Staff & Students Planning Committee Administration From The Center Out

  40. Chinese Proverb If we don’t change direction, we might end up where we’re headed!

  41. Pamukkale University’s Strategic Planning Framework 1 4 Announcement Of Strategic Planning Process to the Pamukkale University Community via intra-communication Channels (e-mail etc.) SWOT Analysis Meetings for each one of faculties, Instititues, vocational schools (Department and major Chairs attended) 8 Review & Input From System & Board 7 Formulation Of University Goals, Objectives, Strategies, & Performance Measures Draft University Strategic Plan And Supporting Faculties, Instititues, Voc. school Plans University Strategic Plan And Supporting Faculties, Instititues, Voc. school Plans 2 A 15 Question Form sent to Pamukkale University Academic staff for Feedback SWOT results 6 Formulation Of Faculties, Instititues, Voc. schools Priorities, Goals, Objectives, Strategies, Performance Measures 5 3 The big meeting to initiate Strategic planning At Pamukkale University Establishment of Faculty, Institute and Vocational School Strategic Planning Team 8 Review & Input From University Community Completed

  42. Pamukkale University Strategic Planning Group (SPG). SPG was established and lead by the Rector to plan and manage the strategic planning studies at Pamukkale University. SPG is coordinated by a Vice Rector.

  43. Announcement 1 • The objective of the announcement letter was to make the Pamukkale University community aware of Strategic Planning studies. • The letter was sent by the Office of the Rector to all academic units. • Support of decision-makers at all levels is important in strategic planning studies.

  44. Feedback from the 15 question form 2 • All academic staff were asked to answer a set of questions. The questions were needed to be answered within 2 weeks. • The questions were designed to let people think on what a strategic plan requires.

  45. Feedback from the 15 question form 2 • The answers were evaluated by the Pamukkale University Strategic Planning Group (SPG). • SPG was established and lead by the Rector to plan and manage the strategic planning studies at Pamukkale University. SPG is coordinated by a Vice Rector. • The feedback proved that most of the Pamukkale University community is supporting the strategic plan studies. • There is general consensus on majority of the answers.

  46. The Initiation Meeting 3 • An initiation meeting was organized in the university’s conference hall. • Rector, • Vice rectors, • Deans, • Institute directors, • Department chairs, • Major chairs, • Student represantatives, • Supporting personnel have attended the meeting(around 350 academics). • At the meeting, a comprehensive presentation was given to the audience on the strategic planning.

  47. Establishment of SPTs 4 • Each faculty, institute and vocational school established their own Strategic Planning Teams (SPTs). SPTs required : • SWOT results, • Information from departments, • Information from academic staff, • Information from students, • Information fron stakeholders and partners, • Support from administration. Support of People In The same Unit is Essential

  48. SWOT Analysis 5 • For every faculty and vocational school, a SWOT analysis meeting was organized. • Dean, vice deans, department chairs and major chairs student represantetives and administrative staff have attended the meeting. • A sitting environment was arranged such that the number of people at each table did not exceed 10. • Every table had two helping people; one to write on the whiteboard and the other to key into the computer. • A structured brain storming method was applied.

  49. SWOT Analysis 5 • The results of the SWOT analysis meeting were used by the SPG and by the strategic planning teams of each faculty, institute and vocational school.

  50. University Units’ Strategic Plans 6 • SPTs reported strategic plans to their deans and directors. • Faculty, institute and vocational school Strategic Plans are submitted to the SPG. • These plans are the basic building units of the university’s strategic plan.

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