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Welcome. Sign up sheets for fall conferences are on the back table Volunteer sign up for art and technology on back table Begin filling out forms in your child’s folder We will start promptly at 5:30. Welcome! Mrs. Albertini Open House Wednesday September 11, 2014.
Welcome Sign up sheets for fall conferences are on the back table Volunteer sign up for art and technology on back table Begin filling out forms in your child’s folder We will start promptly at 5:30
Welcome! Mrs. Albertini Open House Wednesday September 11, 2014
How to Contact the Teacher • The fast and easiest way is to email me at albertins@wrentham.k12.ma.us • Time sensitive matters should be called into the office at 508-384-5430 • I can be reached by phone before school and afterschool until 3:00. You may leave a message and I will return your call. • Report cards are given 3 times a year. Conferences are twice a year. Report cards go home before conferences. We meet in November and April.
Expectations For Students, Parents, and Teacher Follow Wrentham Public Schools Core Values! Respect Responsibility Collaboration Communication Continuous Growth and Learning
How to be a Great Student • Students will: • Raise their hands to ask a question • Be quiet when working • Do their work neatly • Come to school prepared • Keep their hands to themselves • Stay in their seat • Use their brain • Follow directions the first time • Always do their best
Lunch and Snack • Every day be sure to provide a health snack with a drink. We are a nut safe classroom • Children have an option to buy or bring their own lunch. If your child is buying lunch, milk is included. Mrs. White offers a main choice, chef’s salad, chicken patty and pizza everyday for $2.25. Milk only is $.50. A pre-paid lunch ticket is also available. We eat lunch at 12:15
If your child is going to any other destination other than his or her assigned bus stop you must get permission from Mrs. Wagstaff. Please try to keep pick up as consistent as possible to ensure that your child gets to where he/she needs to be. For safety reasons there have been security cameras installed on the buses. No cell phone usage for parents chaperoning field trips. School Bus Policy
Dismissal Policy • Children are picked up in the Delaney cafeteria. • A note will be required for dismissal. • Unexpected dismissals need to be called into the office. Do not email or call me because a substitute teacher can’t access my email or phone messages.
Birthdays • To celebrate birthdays children will take a trip to the birthday basket, wear a special crown for the day and receive a birthday pencil from Mrs. Wagstaff. Summer birthdays will be celebrated in June.
Language Arts • Fundation Phonics Program • NEW! Spelling is part of Fundation’s program • Reading Workshop • Mini Lesson • Reading Practice • Sharing time • Writing Workshop • Types of writing: narrative, informational, and opinion/persuasive
SpellingNews • Trick words from Fundations- children may look at word wall to spell word • Words that follow the phonic patterns being taught that week • Use home support packet for ideas on how to practice
Reading Workshop • Units of Study: Launching Reader’s Workshop, Retelling, Monitoring for Meaning, Creating Sensory Images/Poetry, Making Connections, Asking questions, Inferring, Genre study: Nonfiction, Author Study. • Start each workshop with a mini lesson • Children read independently • Children read with a partner • Children work in groups with a teacher
Components of ReadingCAFE • Comprehension- I understand what I read • Accuracy- I can read the words • Fluency- I can read accurately at a good rate, with expression, and understand what I read • Expand Vocabulary- I know, find, and use interesting words.
Math • Harcourt Math and other resources • Use a hands on approach. Many concepts are taught with manipulatives before moving to pencil and paper. • Children are expected to learn the basic addition and subtraction facts to 20 • Mastery of facts through 10 • Reflex math will be required for homework starting in November • Refer to Trimester skills
Other Subjects • Handwriting is daily through the Wilson Fundations program. Please encourage neat handwriting and coloring. • Science consists of 3 units: Balance and Motion, Plants and Air and Weather. This is a hands-on, observation and investigation program that encourages exploration and higher level thinking. • Social Studies is explored through literature, crafts, videos, technology and discussion. Topics that are covered are Geography, Economics, Civics and Government. • Open Circle is conducted 1-2 times a week. It a comprehensive social and emotional learning program that supports elementary school children in developing the skills needed to be good learners and to form healthy, positive relationships with people throughout their lives.
Homework • School policy for First Grade is 10-20 minutes a night. • Book Bag Books (Just Right Books) • Math • Practice reading and spelling Trick Words • Practice phonemic patterns from Fundation’s home packet • READ, READ, READ!
Vacation Work Policy • No school work will be supplied ahead of time for vacation. This policy is in the handbook. • School work will be collected during the time your child is absent. One week will be given to make-up any work
Who is Who? • Dr. Cameron- Superintendent of Schools • Mrs. Wagstaff-Principal of Delaney School • Mr. Grenham- Principle of Roderick School • Mrs. Richardson- School Nurse • Mrs. Traversi- Computer Teacher • Mrs. Lovely- Art teacher • Mrs. Drake- Health teacher • Mrs. Marcille- Music teacher • Mrs. Lamb- Reading Specialist • Mrs. Stocking- Reading Specialist/Ell teacher • Mrs. Ellis- classroom aid • Mrs. Zion- classroom aid • Mr. Moon- Gym teacher • Mr. Maguire- Gym teacher • Miss Maloney- Sixth Grade teacher whose class we “buddy” up with • Dr. Riberio-Math specialist
Final Thoughts! • First Grade is an exciting time. I look forward to a wonderful year of learning and growing together! • Please try not to compare your child’s progress or work with that of an older sibling, a friend or any other child. Each one is a unique individual who learns at his/her own pace. • First grade teachers teach the same skills using different approaches.