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The Time Thief Linda Buckley-Archer. Brandon Bond. What is it? In this story main characters go use a time machine to go back to the eighteenth century to rescue there friend. Attribute: The novel involves the use of advanced technology. Title: The Time Thief
The Time Thief Linda Buckley-Archer Brandon Bond
What is it? In this story main characters go use a time machine to go back to the eighteenth century to rescue there friend. Attribute: The novel involves the use of advanced technology. Title: The Time Thief What is the story’s genre? Historical Science Fiction Attribute: The story involves the use of old technology. Attribute: The story has a historical and present day setting. Example: The White Mountains by John Christopher Example: Buzantiumby Stephen lawhead Example: Heart of the Roninby Travis Heerman Click to go to the Evaluation slide
Attribute: The novel involves the use of advanced technology. “But Mr. Schock was already running toward his car, and moments later Kate found herself caught in the blinding glare of headlights. An electric window swooshed slowly down and Mr. schock’s head appeared” (98). “’ I have vivid pictures in my head of cars and planes and hospitals and telephones….. And police cars. I have often found it difficult to keep this knowledge to myself. Peter taught me to imitate a police… er..”’(206). “Kate while Megan, who had rushed over as soon as she received the call, now stood next to her friend holding her precious mobile phone once more. “you know,” shouted Dr. Dyer above the hubbub into his Kate’s ear, “if happiness could be measured like temperature with a thermometer, the reading in this room would go clean off the scale” (545).
Attribute: The story involves the use of old technology. “Onward the Tar Man galloped, never stopping nor slowing down. He encountered few of these outlandish carriages that moved without horses, and whenever he did see one, the Tar Man charged directly at it, wielding his umbrella fearlessly and daring it to attack him. In every case the strategy worked-the carriages squealed to an immediate halt. But how little bottom their passengers displayed cowering behind those queer, curved windows”(21). “Riding in a well-sprung carriage over uneven and poorly maintained roads is surprisingly like sailing in a ship. The joys of the countryside lost their attraction and instead he felt queasy and giddy. With the sound of a dozen horses thundering in his ears, what Mr. Schock desired more than anything else was to be absolutely still and totally quiet.” (196). “’Do you see all those great glass jars? They are filled with water, and by some means which is beyond my understanding, they store an electrical current which was transmitted through copper wire threaded through the silk carapace which fell upon us’”(455).
Attribute: The story has a historical and present day setting. “For the first two hours Mr. Schock hung out of the window, drinking in the eighteenth-century English countryside, in raptures over the rural idlyll that for mile after long mile passed before his eyes. Thatched cottages and mighty elms and hedge-rows bursting with flowers and berries…. And the butterflies! Oh, and the old-fashioned breeds of sheep and cows!”(196). “The Tar Man knew precisely where he was and yet he was lost. The roads were the same but everything in them was different…... This seemed to be London yet it was a London alive with infernal carriages that moved of their own accord at breathtaking speed. The noises and the smells and the sights of this familiar, yet foreign, city tore his senses apart”(16). “They stopped of one accord when they arrived at the drawbridge, uneasy about crossing it. IT spanned a small moat, bright emerald in color on account of all the algae” (449).
EVALUATION: Is The Time Thief a good example of a historical science fiction? • The novel The Time Thief is a good example of a historical science fiction novel because the setting of the story is in two different time periods, the eighteenth century and the twenty-first century. The author also brought science into the mix of history but using time travel to get the characters back in time. Time travel will not happen, so it is fiction.
Bibliography • http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.dailygalaxy.com/photos/uncategorized/2009/02/12/time_travel.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2009/02/time-travel--wi.html&usg=__PFgoLXtJhaddi8uoA_ySBhoxxlM=&h=487&w=365&sz=65&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=FIIEw8c7A9vVoM:&tbnh=164&tbnw=130&ei=LkxhTbTmGMr2gAee-8XnAg&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dtime%2Btravel%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1R2TSNA_enUS356%26biw%3D1345%26bih%3D560%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=1078&vpy=112&dur=374&hovh=259&hovw=194&tx=150&ty=172&oei=50thTaTVJoycgQfD0IS4AQ&page=1&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0 • http://search.barnesandnoble.com/The-Time-Thief/Linda-Buckley-Archer/e/9781416915270/?itm=1&USRI=the+time+thief+gideon+trilogy+series+2