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Walter Pinna, Giuseppa Nieddu, Maurizio Picciau, Giuseppe Garau, Emanuela Pira

Dipartimento di Scienze Animali, Vegetali e dell’Ambiente dell’Università del Molise. 10° Convegno. Nuove acquisizioni in materia di Ippologia New findings in equine practice Druento (Torino) 31 ottobre/1 Novembre 2008.

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Walter Pinna, Giuseppa Nieddu, Maurizio Picciau, Giuseppe Garau, Emanuela Pira

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Dipartimento di Scienze Animali, Vegetali e dell’Ambiente dell’Università del Molise 10° Convegno Nuove acquisizioni in materia di Ippologia New findings in equine practice Druento (Torino) 31 ottobre/1 Novembre 2008 Electronic identification of the donkey: a field experience by means of two types of transponders and three application techniques Walter Pinna, Giuseppa Nieddu, Maurizio Picciau, Giuseppe Garau, Emanuela Pira

  2. Introduction (1/6) • The identification of equids, and of donkeys in particular, is a hot topic of the last times, due to 2 main reasons: • 1) within the E. U.: • “ is (is going to) operative since the 27° of June, and will be mandatory within all the Countries Members since the 1° of July 2009, the Regulation (CE) n. 504/2008, 6 June 2008, dealing with directive 90/ 426/ CEE and 90/427/CEE of the Counsil about the identification methods in Equids, involving the identification of all equids born or imported in the Europea Comunity; • The identification system of equids in agreement with the new Regulation deals with the identification document (passport) unique and valid for all the life of the animal; the passpost is linked to the animal by a microchip, whose code, unique in the whole world (UELN: Universal Equine Life Number ),is recorded in BDE.

  3. Introduction (2/4) • 2) within the Autonomous Region of Sardinia: • with approval of European Commission by Decision C (2007) 5949 of 28° of November 2007 and successive changes and integration it was issued a Program for the Rural Development (PSR), dealing with the financial supply of 7.000.000,00 € for the recovery and conservation of the biodiversity of some breeds under the menace of abandon; • within the above mentioned PSR Sarda breed donkey are involved; • Farmers who apply to the plan must meet the requirments for a 5 years period since the day after the deadline of the call, in the first moment identified with the 15° of May 2008, and then shifted to the 30° of June 2008.

  4. Introduction (3/4)

  5. Introduction (4/4)

  6. Aim of the trial Evaluate different electronic identifiers (transponder) and alternative techniques of individual identification of donkeys in comparison to the common technique in use at present

  7. Materials and methods (1/7) • 65 donkeys registered in the “Anagraphical Register of Sarda breed donkey” were elettronically identified by: • Farm A: 55 heads (24 transponder Animal Coder and 31 Tiris) • Farm B: 10 heads (4 transponder Animal Coder; 6 Tiris)

  8. Materials and methods (2/7) RFID Handy reader for Animal Coder transponder Commercial size of Animal Coder transponders

  9. Materials and methods (3/7) Technical features of Tiristransponder RFID Readers Fixed reader Handy reader

  10. Materials and methods (4/7) • EIC Readability: R (%) = Read transponders . 100 • Identified donkeys at reading

  11. Materials and methods (5/7) Transponder’s application (Retroauricolar, intramuscular and intraperitoneal site)

  12. Materials and methods (6/7) xRay examen of transponder’s position (in the retroauricolar and intramuscular site)

  13. Materials and methods (7/7) Table n. 1 – Summary of the transponders type, site of injection and technique of application deployed in the trial

  14. Results 1/6 Post-injection: T= 11d Post-injection: T= 0 Injection: T= 0 Recovery of the wound in the point of injection

  15. Results 2/6 EIC Static reading of Transponder by Animal Coder reader EIC Static reading of Transponder by Gesimpex reader

  16. Results 3/6 Table n. 1– Static Readability of EIC of the transponder in the donkey

  17. Results 4/6 Dynamicreadingwith a fixed antenna in a corridorto the ranged area

  18. Results 5/6 Table n. 2– Dynamic readability of EIC of the transponder in the donkey

  19. Results 6/6 (xRay check) Fix position of transponder in the retrauricolar site of injection Variable position of transponder in the intramuscular site of injection

  20. Conclusions • The application of the transponder in the retroauricolar region, as described in order to meet the needs of anagraphical controls in Sarda breed donkeys, resulted in a very easy to use method under usual farm conditions of Sardinia; • Tiris transpondershowed in farm condition a higher practical efficacy of the electronic identification system in the donkey thanks to the dynamic readability of the electronic code; • The localization of the injectable transponders in the retroauricolar region, shows to be more suitable in comparison to the intraperitoneal and in the middle (?) 3° of the neck injection, not only for individual identification but also according to the needs of recovery of the transponder in the slaugthehouse of animal elettronically identified.

  21. Questions ?

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