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J. EFFERS N. H. S. IGH. CHOOL. Welcome Back. 2014 – 2015. Student, Parent & Staff Handbook 2014-2015. Emailed to access email account Please review as it contains important information There have been changes since last year. Employee Bulletin 2014-2015.
J EFFERS N H S IGH CHOOL Welcome Back 2014 – 2015
Student, Parent & Staff Handbook 2014-2015 Emailed to access email account Please review as it contains important information There have been changes since last year
Employee Bulletin 2014-2015 Emailed to access email account Please review as it contains policies that govern employment There have been changes this year
3 forms must be signed and returned ASAP Verification Form Drug-Free Workplace Form Staff Consent Form for the Educational Purpose and Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources, Technologies, and the Internet Employee Bulletin Forms 2014 - 2015
E-mail Accounts Every employee should have one Critical information will be communicated electronically See Mrs. Group if you do not have one
Electronic Devices What is an electronic device? Blackberry, Cell Phone, Laptop, Desktop Computer iPod, iPad, Kindle, Nook, Student Responders, etc. Anything that can connect to JCS networks
Email/Electronic DevicesCautions Must comply with JCS Computer/Internet policy (Chapter 6, Section 1.10 – In Employee Bulletin ) Review carefully because it governs use of electronic resources, technologies, and the Internet Internet/Technology use is a Privilege Disciplinary action for violations Use must be acceptable and for educational purposes exclusively or per school policy in other areas
Email/Electronic Devices All devices remain property of JCS – not for personal use Do not store personal information on device Do not use e-mail account for inappropriate purposes Do not access inappropriate content or websites on device whether at school or on personal time
Passwords–Protection for You Do not share your passwords with others Do not use another employee’s e-mail account, WVEIS account, or network login Do not reply to scam emails asking for passwords Password protect all portable electronic devices Do not enable features that automatically store or enter passwords Do not share school network passwords with students
Small Appliances All small appliances (excluding refrigerators) must be removed from individual classrooms prior to the first day of school Includes: coffee makers, tea makers, microwaves, anything with heating element, etc. Refrigerators are permitted in individual classrooms but must be on the floor and plugged directly into an electrical outlet Supervisors will be inspecting rooms periodically to maintain compliance
Employee Code of Conduct West Virginia Department of Education Policy 5902 Front cover of Employee Bulletin Applies to ALL employees of JCS Expectation of daily behavior Be sure to familiarize yourself
Who is a mandatory reporter? If you are watching this slide show – you are a mandatory reporter! Applies to ALL employees of JCS West Virginia law requires certain persons to report Includes school teachers and all other school personnel including coaches
What is my reporting obligation? Mandatory reporters suspecting child abuse or neglect shall immediately and not more than 48 hours after suspecting the abuse report the circumstances to local DHHR or the statewide toll-free Hotline Mandatory reporters cannot transfer their reporting duties by notifying an administrator or supervisor at their work location. Still must contact supervisor at work location
YOU must make the report Supervisor can assist you in making report 1-800-352-6513 – WV Child Abuse & Neglect Hotline – 7 days a week and 24 hours a day Criminal charges for failure to report or preventing reports of another person, penalties have been increased What is my reporting obligation?
In cases of serious physical abuse, sexual abuse or sexual assault must also contact State Police and local law enforcement IMMEDIATELY! Immunity from civil and criminal liability for those that report in good faith. What is my reporting obligation?
Benefits/Employee Attendance JCS Policy Chapter 6, Section 2.8 Document all absences in SEMS It is your responsibility as the employee to put your absences into the system
Leave Without Cause (LWC) JCS Policy Chapter 6, Section 2.8.1 3 LWC days annually Can be taken without regard to cause for the absence Must give notice to Mr. Garvey, in writing (form), of LWC day at least 24 hours in advance unless emergency situation and then notice must be given as soon as reasonably practicable LWC can be denied under certain conditions (15% or 3 employees whichever is greater have already provided notice to be off that day)
Personal Leave After 5 consecutive working days of personal leave the employee must provide a physician’s note setting forth: The nature of the illness, injury or disability The date the illness, injury or disability started Date employee was considered fit to return to work
Leave Without Pay & Disciplinary Action JCS Policy Chapter 6, Section 2.8.2 Leave without pay is not a regular benefit of employment For emergency situations that cannot be covered by other forms of leave Violations of policy will result in disciplinary action including termination
Leave Without Pay Requirements Must exhaust all personal leave - JCS Policy Chapter 6 Section 2.8 - Unless meet certain circumstances Will be denied in first or last 20 days of instructional time Denied to extend holiday period
Mr. Garvey can authorize 1-5 days Must have advance approval (24 hrs) Superintendent can authorize 6-10 days Absences in excess of 10 days presented to Board of Education Leave Without Pay Requirements
Drug/Alcohol-Free Workplace JCS Policy Chapter 6, Section 1.4 Applies to ALL employees and substitutes Compliance is mandatory as a condition of employment Workplace includes all facilities, property, buildings, offices, structures, automobiles, trucks, trailers, other vehicles, buses, parking areas, etc. whether leased or owned by JCS
When Does it Apply? At all times that employee is engaged in any work-related activity Regularly scheduled workdays, meal breaks, and occasions with connection to JCBOE Any and all times when employees are on Board property Any and all times when employee is in attendance at any school or school board activity/function During performance of any and all job related activities During travel in any vehicle owned, leased, or rented by BOE
What is Prohibited? Employee cannot use, possess, or be under the influence of any controlled substance or alcohol Employee cannot manufacture or distribute any controlled substance or alcohol During any of the times and places detailed in policy and described in preceding slides
Penalties - First Offense Law enforcement notified Employee suspended for up to 15 days with pay during investigation Following Board hearing, employee can be suspended up to 90 days without pay
Penalties - First Offense Mandatory enrollment in substance abuse counseling program Verification of completion of substance abuse counseling program 6 months of drug/alcohol testing Penalties are more severe if first offense is manufacture/distribution.
Law enforcement notified Employee suspended for up to 15 days with pay during investigation Superintendent will recommend to Board of Education that employee be terminated Penalties - Second Offense
Weapons/Firearms Prohibited on School Property Will result in criminal charges and disciplinary action up to and including termination Includes: blackjack, gravity knife, knife with blade longer than 3 ½ inches, switchblade knife, nunchuk, metallic or false knuckles, pistol, revolver, or any instrument designed to be used to produce serious bodily injury/death or is readily adaptable to such use.
Tobacco Control Policy JCS Policy Chapter 6, Section 1.4.1 Applies to all buildings, property, or vehicles leased, owned, or operated by JCBOE Applies to any private buildings, property, or vehicles used for school activities when students and/or staff are present
Cannot distribute or use any tobacco product at any time in the areas listed above and detailed in policy. Applies to all employees, students, visitors Disciplinary action for violations of policy as outlined in policy including letters of reprimand and suspensions without pay. Tobacco Control Policy
Racial, Sexual, Religious/Ethnic Harassment and Violence Policy JCS Policy Chapter 6, Section 2.15 Review in detail- employees are responsible for info contained in policy and compliance is mandatory The Jefferson County Board of Education prohibits any form of racial, sexual, religious harassment, or violence on Board property or at any school-sponsored event, regardless of where such an event might occur.
Racial, Sexual, Religious/Ethnic Harassment and Violence Policy • It shall be a violation of this policy for any student, volunteer, outside group, or third party using school facilities, or employees of the Board to harass or commit a violent act against a student, or any person, or any employee through conduct or communication of harassing or violent nature as defined by this policy. • Every employee in an organization plays a part in creating a respectful, harassment-free environment
Racial, Sexual, Religious/Ethnic Harassment and Violence Policy • How do we create a harassment free environment? • We need to know what harassment is and we have to make a commitment to choose appropriate behavior. • We need to be willing to speak up if we are a target of harassment or witness it. • What is harassment? • Inappropriate conduct that is unwelcome and/or denies/limits a person’s ability to participate in or benefit from a school’s education program or activity
Two Kinds of Harassment: Racial, Sexual, Religious/Ethnic Harassment and Violence Policy • Quid pro quo - (This for that) When an educational decision or benefit is based on submission or rejection of inappropriate, unwelcome conduct. • Hostile Environment – When inappropriate, unwelcome conduct creates a hostile environment that interferes with one’s ability to participate fully in school programs or activities
Reporting Times • Teachers are to report for duty 15 minutes before the beginning of the regular schedule • Teacher full-day begins at 7:25am • On duty by 7:30am • Teachers are to remain until 15 minutes after the dismissal bell/time for students • Teachers on duty after last bell • Full-day ends at 3:00pm
Contact with Students Use good judgment Avoid physical contact with students as much as possible Three possible exceptions – intervene in a student physical altercation prevent harm to self or others in a situation but only if appropriately trained (CPI) providing medical aid/care
Contact with Students Disciplinary action can be recommended when employees make physical contact with students. More employees are disciplined because they make physical contact with students than any other violation of policy.
McKinney-Vento • Homeless Children and Youths are persons who • lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence • are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason • are living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative accommodations • living in emergency or transitional shelters; are abandoned in hospitals; or are awaiting foster care placement; • are living in emergency/transitional shelters; are abandoned in hospitals; or awaiting foster care placement;
McKinney-Vento • Homeless Children and Youths are persons who • have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings; • are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings; • migratory children who qualify as homeless because the children or youth are living in circumstances as described in the above descriptions.
McKinney-Vento • Districts are required to: • ensure public notice of educational rights of students in homeless situations is disseminated where children and youths receive services • ensure that parents/guardians are informed of educational and related opportunities • ensure that parents/guardians are provided with meaningful opportunities to participate in the education of their children. • ensure that parents or guardians are informed of, and assisted in accessing, all transportation services for their children, including to the school of origin. • help unaccompanied youth choose and enroll in a school, after considering the youth’s wishes, and provide the youth with notice of his or her right to appeal the school district’s decision.
McKinney-Vento • Districts are required to: • assist in obtaining immunizations or record of immunizations or other medical records for those students who do not have them, and assure that students are enrolled in school while the records are being obtained. • ensure that homeless children and youths are identified by school personnel and through coordination activities with other entities and agencies. • ensure that homeless children and youths enroll in, and have a full and equal opportunity to succeed in, schools of that local educational agency. • ensure that homeless families, children, and youths receive educational services for which such families, children, and youths are eligible, including Head Start and Even Start programs and preschool programs administered by the local educational agency, and referrals to health care services, dental services, mental health services, and other appropriate services.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) • The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that affords parents the right to have access to their children's education records, the right to seek to have the records amended, and the right to have some control over the disclosure of personally identifiable information from the education records. • The FERPA statute is found at 20 U.S.C. § 1232g and the FERPA regulations are found at 34 CFR Part 99.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) • Applies to educational agencies and institutions that receive funding from the U.S. Department of Education. New regulations under this act, effective January 3, 2012, allow forgreater disclosures of personal and directory student identifying information and regulate student IDs and e-mail addresses. • FERPA rights transfer from parents to students who are 18 years old or any aged student attending postsecondary institutions With exceptions, schools must have a student's consent prior to disclosure of education records after that student is 18 years old.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) • FERPA permits a school to disclose personally identifiable information from education records of a student age 18 or older (or enrolled in a postsecondary institution at any age) to his or her parents if the student is a "dependent student" (generally, if either parent has claimed the student as a dependent on the parent's most recent income tax statement) • Curiosity is not a valid reason to view student records • Records should only be used in the context of official school business • Do not leave confidential information displayed on an unattended computer. • *Make sure there is no confidential information left on your desk if you leave the area. • *School volunteers should never have access to student records.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Examples of situations affected by FERPA include • school employees divulging information to anyone other than the student or the legal parent/guardian about the student's grades, attendance, or behaviors • school work posted on a bulletin board with a grade • students grading other students work • student aide with access to another student’s records (gradebook, discipline, permanent records, etc.) • discussing grades, discipline, attendance, etc. in the presence of other students Never discuss student information with anyone that does not have a legitimate educational interest-including family members other than parents/legal guardians. Remember, grandparents have no FERPA rights unless they have been made legal guardians of the student.
Suicide Preventation • In America, nearly 1 million people attempt suicide each year. • One person completes suicide every 16 minutes in the U.S. • Nationally, suicide is the third leading cause of death for youth ages 15-24, however, in West Virginia it is the SECOND leading cause of death for this age group. • Within a typical high school classroom, it is likely that three students have made a suicide attempt in the last year. • What can we do? • RECOGNIZE - Eighty percent ofindividuals who are thinking about completing suicide communicate their intentions in either a verbal or behavioral manner. There aresigns and warnings for suicidal intent and completion. They areboth recognizable and referable.
Suicide Preventation RESPOND - -All signs are worth recognizing. Every statement warrants a response. Dismissing doesn’t make it go away. As an individual interacting with youth, we know you tend to identify adolescents who seem vulnerable or at risk. There is something setting off alarms and raising red flags. How do you know if what you’re seeing is part of the normal ups and downs of adolescence or something more severe? There is no foolproof way to automatically know the intention of the individual you are concerned about. The only thing to do is ASK QUESTIONS and TALK to the person. Know that saying the word suicide doesn’t make someone more apt to do it. If it is a word that has crossed your mind about someone who seems to be depressed or in significant psychological pain, then it has probably crossed their mind as well.
Suicide Preventation REFER - Direct the person towards help. Do not count on them to seek further help themselves; they have sought you as a source of trusted help. Lead him to the most appropriate intervention. At school, you should make a referral to the school counselor and ask the student to also go see the counselor. Many times, students will ask (or even beg) you not to “tell”. Remind the student that saving her life is more important to you than her not being mad at you. If you don’t know where to go, call the Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK for help. Sometimes intervention is being in the right place at the right time. Your role in youth suicide prevention is critical. You may be the one to save a life. Two documents to read, along with a link (http://jasonfoundation.com/login/) to a mandatory online training (approx. 2hrs) with quiz and printable certificate will be e-mailed to you. Register and create password so training can be done in sections. Training must be completed by Aug 30. Give a copy of certificate to your admin.
J EFFERS N H S IGH CHOOL Welcome Back 2014 – 2015