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MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES. Department Meeting April 15, 2011 9:15 AM – 10:45 AM CBC C146. Minutes Meeting of Friday (Meeting #1) April 16, 2010 , 9:15am – 10:50am in CBC C128 Department of Mathematical Sciences

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  1. MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES Department Meeting April 15, 2011 9:15 AM – 10:45 AM CBC C146

  2. Minutes Meeting of Friday (Meeting #1) April 16, 2010, 9:15am – 10:50am in CBC C128 Department of Mathematical Sciences Present: Drs. Amei, Ananda, Bachman, Baragar, Bellomo, Bhatnagar, Cho, Costa, Ding, DuBose, Ghosh, Ho, X. Li, J. Li, Muleshkov, Neda, Phanord, Robinette, Salehi, Shiue, Sun, Verma, Westveld, and Yang. Staff: Pablo, and Wong. Meeting starts at 9:20am with 24 faculty in attendance. Advisory Committee: Nominees: Drs. Baragar, Catlin, Ding, and Phanord. Drs. Baragar, Catlin, and Phanordwere elected by choice voting. Personnel Committee: Drs. Bhatnagar, Salehi and Shiueare elected by acclamation. Merit Committee: Drs. Ho, X. Li, and Yang are elected by acclamation. Dr. Ghoshis elected as the non-tenured member by acclamation. COS Curriculum Committee: Nominees: Dr. Robinette. A secret ballot was requested. Result of the secret ballot: 23-Yes, 1-No. Dr. Robinette is elected as the COS Curriculum Committee member. Graduate Studies Committee: Drs. Cho, Muleshkov, J. Li are elected by acclamation. Undergraduate Studies Committee: Dr. Bachman is elected by acclamation. COS Faculty Review Committee: Dr. Ding is elected by acclamation. COS Academic Standard Committee: Dr. Bachman is elected by acclamation. Dr. Bellomo moves to adjourn (seconded by Dr. Shiue).

  3. Elections Meeting 4.3 Elections Meeting……No other items will be considered during this meeting, though a regular meeting can be scheduled to immediately follow the election meeting………… During this meeting, elections will be held to fill upcoming vacancies on the standing committees, and upcoming vacancies for the officers. Since a member is allowed to vote for themselves, it is inappropriate to ask anyone to leave the room during balloting.

  4. Meeting Agenda Call to Order Elections  Adjournment

  5. DMS 4.3.2 The order of elections will be as follows: a. Chairperson (if necessary) b. Graduate coordinator (if necessary) c. Undergraduate coordinator (if necessary) d. Advisory Committee e. Personnel Committee f. Merit Committee g. Departmental representative to the College Curriculum Committee (if necessary**). The representative must be a member of the graduate faculty [CoSci, 4.5]. The term is approximately one year [CoSci, 4.7].* h. Graduate Studies Committee i. Undergraduate Studies Committee j. Departmental representative to the other standing College of Science Committees (if necessary) These are (see [CoSci. 4.2 and 4.4]: • COS Personnel Committee, 3yr term. Must be tenured and “may not vote on department/school tenure and promotion decisions, nor may they serve as an advocate for a candidate for tenure and/or promotion.” [CoSci 4.2] • COS Academic Standards Committee, 1yr term. • Faculty Review Committee, 3yr term. • Research Council, 3yr term. *Note that a member cannot serve on more than two college standing committees [CoSci, 4.8]. **If the College representative to the University Curriculum Committee is from our department, then that person is the Departmental representative to the College Curriculum Committee [CoSci, 4.5]. [Rev. 04/11] Green may need to be updated by Advisory Committee.

  6. Skip a., b., c. • d. Advisory Committee (2010-2011: Baragar, Catlin, Phanord) • (DMS 5.6.1)Three Tenured Regular Members • Personnel Committee (2010-2011: Bhatnagar, Salehi, Shiue) • (DMS 5.6.2) Three Tenured Regular Members • The Personnel Committee’s term begins as soon as elected (at least two weeks before the end of spring classes), and ends on June 30th, a little more than a year later. For the period between election and the beginning of the fall semester, service on this committee will be exempt from the limitations of service outlined above. (The incoming and outgoing Personnel committees might both be active at the same time.) All other committee assignments begin July 1st and end June 30th. • Merit Committee (2010-2011 Ghosh, Ho, X. Li, Yang) • 5.6.3 Three tenured regular members and one untenured non-voting member • g. Departmental representative to the College Curriculum Committee (if necessary**). (2010-2011: Robinette) The representative must be a member of the graduate faculty [CoSci, 4.5]. The term is approximately one year [CoSci, 4.7].* • For next year’s Advisory Committee: COS 4.5 & 4.7 no longer exists; now COS 4.4 • COS 4.4.3 Term: Approximately one year • *Note that a member cannot serve on more than two college standing committees [CoSci, 4.8]. • **If the College representative to the University Curriculum Committee is from our department, then that person is the Departmental representative to the College Curriculum Committee [CoSci, 4.5].

  7. Graduate Studies Committee (2010-2011: Burke, Cho, Muleshkov, Robinette, J. Li) • (DMS 5.6.5) Five members: • 1. Graduate Coordinator (already selected) • 2. Departmental representative to the College Curriculum Committee (already selected) • 3. Three or four elected academic graduate faculty members. (It is possible for the Graduate Coordinator to also be the departmental representative to the College Curriculum Committee, in which case we will need four additional members instead of three.) • Undergraduate Studies Committee (2010-2011: Bellomo, Bachman, Robinette) • (DMS 5.6.4) Three members • 1. Undergraduate Coordinator (already selected) • 2. Departmental representative to the College Curriculum Committee (already selected) • 3. One (or two) elected academic faculty member(s) It may be necessary to elect two instead of one, if the rep to the college and the Undergraduate Coordinator are the same person. Should a member of the department (including officers) be elected to the University Curriculum Committee, then he/she will automatically be the departmental representative to the College Curriculum Committee [CoSci Bylaws, 4.5]. • j. Departmental representative to the other standing College of Science Committees (if necessary) These are (see [CoSci. 4.2 and 4.4]: Advisory Committee: add right )

  8. SKIPOLD FROM 2010 POWERPOINT • j. Departmental representative to the College of Science Peer Review Committee (if necessary) [CoSci, 4.5]. This is a 3 year elected position and the representative must have tenure [CoSci, 4.5 and 4.7].* • The departmental bylaws refer to the CoSci bylaws that existed before the major revision we now have. The duties of the peer review committee were the same as the Faculty Review Committee. • Faculty Review Committee (COS 4.4 & DMS 4.3.2.j) (2009-2010: Baragar) • May 4, 2007 minutes: Departmental Representative to the COS Peer Review Committee. Dr. Baragar is reelected by acclamation. • COS 4.3.3 – Three year term with elections staggered by departments • k. Departmental representative to the Committee for Evaluation of the Dean [CoSci, 4.5]. (gone) This is a one year term.* • *Note that a member cannot serve on more than two college standing committees [CoSci, 4.8].

  9. SKIP OLD FROM 2010 POWERPOINT From COS By-laws COS 4.4.4 Limitation of Service: No member shall serve at the same time on more than two College Standing Committees or Councils nor be chairperson of more than one College Committee or Council. Academic Standards Committee COS 4.4 (2009-2010: Bachman) COS 4.4.3 Term: Approximately one year Curriculum Committee (Already Selected?) COS 4.4 & DMS 4.3.2 g (2009-2010: Robinette) COS 4.4.3 Term: Approximately one year Financial Aid Committee (No selection/election!!!) (COS 4.4.1 Dean Appoints) COS 4.4.3 Term: Approximately one year Faculty Review Committee (Already Selected?) (COS 4.4 & DMS 4.3.2.j) (2009-2010: Baragar) May 4, 2007 minutes: Departmental Representative to the COS Peer Review Committee. Dr. Baragar is reelected by acclamation. COS 4.3.3 – Three year term with elections staggered by departments The departmental bylaws refer to the CoSci bylaws that existed before the major revision we now have. The duties of the peer review committee were the same as the Faculty Review Committee. Undergraduate Affairs Council (COS 4.4) (Graduate Coordinator) COS 4.3.3 – Three year term with elections staggered by departments Graduate Affairs Council (COS 4.4) (Undergraduate Coordinator) COS 4.3.3 – Three year term with elections staggered by departments Research Council (COS 4.4) (Westveld; Term ends Spring 2012) COS 4.3.3 – Three year term with elections staggered by departments

  10. j. Departmental representative to the other standing College of Science Committees (if necessary) These are (see [CoSci. 4.2 and 4.4]: • •COS Personnel Committee, 3yr term. Must be tenured and “may not vote on department/school tenure and promotion decisions, nor may they serve as an advocate for a candidate for tenure and/or promotion.” [CoSci 4.2] • Costa (DMS Representative): Fall 2008-Spring 2011 • Phanord: Alternate for 2008-2009 • Marcozzi: Alternate for 2009-2011 • Cho: Alternate for the Alternate 2009-2010 • COS 4.2: Personnel Committee. The College of Sciences Personnel Committee shall review each tenure and/or promotion recommendation from the College’s Departments/Schools and make an advisory recommendation to the Dean. This committee shall consist of one tenured faculty memberfrom each department/school, regardless of rank. Each Department’s/School’s representative, and an alternate, shall be elected by secret ballot in accordance with Department/School bylaws and shall serve for a three-year term. Terms of various committee members shall be staggered. The Dean, Associate/Assistant Deans, and Department Chairs (and equivalent administrators) may not serve on this committee per In compliance with Title Ch. 6 UNLV Bylaws, Ch. III Sec. 6.1.B. Members of the College Personnel Committee may not simultaneously serve on the Faculty Senate Promotion and Tenure Committee. Voting members of the College Personnel Committee may participate in tenure and promotion deliberations within their respective Departments/Schools, but they may not vote on department/school tenure and promotion decisions, nor may they serve as an advocate for a candidate for tenure and/or promotion. • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • On later slides: • • Academic Standards Committee, 1yr term. (2010-2011 Bachman) • • Not this year: Faculty Review Committee, 3yr term. (Dr. Ding, elected in spring 2010). • • Not this year: Research Council, 3yr term. (Westveld, term ends spring 2012) • *Note that a member cannot serve on more than two college standing committees [CoSci, 4.8]. • **If the College representative to the University Curriculum Committee is from our department, then that person is the Departmental representative to the College Curriculum Committee [CoSci, 4.5]. [Rev. 04/11] • ………………………………………………SEE LATER SLIDE ………………………………….………. • Financial Aid Committee (No selection/election!!!) • (COS 4.4.1 Dean Appoints) COS 4.4.3 Term: Approximately one year • Curriculum Committee (Already Selected) COS 4.4 & DMS 4.3.2 g • COS 4.4.3 Term: Approximately one year 3.4.4 • DMS 3.4.4: The Undergraduate Coordinator will represent the Department on the College of Sciences Undergraduate Affairs Council. [Rev. 04/11] • Undergraduate Affairs Council (COS 4.4) (Undergraduate Coordinator) • COS 4.3.3 – Three year term with elections staggered by departments • Graduate Affairs Council (COS 4.4) (Graduate Coordinator) • COS 4.3.3 – Three year term with elections staggered by departments • DMS 3.5.4: The Graduate Coordinator will represent the Department on the College of Sciences Graduate Council. [Rev. 04/11]

  11. Continuation of DMS 4.3.2 j. Departmental representative to the other standing College of Science Committees (if necessary) These are (see [CoSci. 4.2 and 4.4]: • COS Personnel Committee (done) • Academic Standards Committee, 1yr term. (2010-2011 Bachman) • Not this year: Faculty Review Committee, 3yr term. (Dr. Ding, elected in spring 2010). • Not this year: Research Council, 3yr term. (Westveld, term ends spring 2012) *Note that a member cannot serve on more than two college standing committees [CoSci, 4.8] (now wrong? Instead CoSci 4.4.4. Limitation of Service: No member shall serve at the same time on more than two College Standing Committees or Councils nor be chairperson of more than one College Committee or Council.) **If the College representative to the University Curriculum Committee is from our department, then that person is the Departmental representative to the College Curriculum Committee [CoSci, 4.5] (Is this instead COS 4.4.1?). [Rev. 04/11]

  12. NO ELECTION NEEDED and/or ALREADY SELECTED • COS 4.4: Financial Aid Committee (No selection/election!!!) • (COS 4.4.1 Dean Appoints) COS 4.4.3 Term: Approximately one year • COS Curriculum Committee (Already Selected) COS 4.4 & DMS 4.3.2 g • COS 4.4.3: Term: Approximately one year (see bottom) • COS 4.4: Undergraduate Affairs Council (Undergraduate Coordinator) • COS 4.4.3: Three year term with elections staggered by departments (see bottom) • DMS 3.4.4: The Undergraduate Coordinator will represent the Department on the College of Sciences Undergraduate Affairs Council. [Rev. 04/11] • COS 4.4: Graduate Affairs Council (Graduate Coordinator) • COS 4.4.3: Three year term with elections staggered by departments (see bottom) • DMS 3.5.4: The Graduate Coordinator will represent the Department on the College of Sciences Graduate Council. [Rev. 04/11] • COS 4.4.3 Term of Service: The term of service of a member on any standing committee except the Faculty Review Committee and the Councils shall be for a period of approximately one year. The term of service of a member of the Faculty Review Committee and the Councils shall be three years with elections staggered by Departments/Schools. The terms begin at the date of appointment and ends at the time of appointment of a designated successor. Members of ad-hoc committees shall serve until discharged by the Dean.

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