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MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES. Department Meeting March 25, 2011 9:15 AM – 10:45 AM CBC C146 (12 preceding slides agenda, 17 total). Budget Crisis Originally the estimated DMS cuts were 11 faculty lines.
MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES Department Meeting March 25, 2011 9:15 AM – 10:45 AM CBC C146 (12 preceding slides agenda, 17 total)
Budget Crisis • Originally the estimated DMS cuts were 11 faculty lines. • At that time, the Chairs were informed that eliminating any one of the COS Departments would not cover the needed cuts. • By mid-February the COS cuts were “only” $2,821,921, • based on a total of $25 million being cut from Academic Affairs • out of a total $47.5 million proposed reduction in the next biennium, • on top of the 49.6 million UNLV reductions in the past three fiscal years. • based on school/college’s % of the state appropriated Academic Affairs budget • Front office estimates indicated that total salaries from two COS Departments are over $3 million.
Initial target reductions: based on school/college’s % of the state appropriated Academic Affairs budget and Academic Affairs being cut $25 million (out of the $47.5 million proposed reduction, on top of the 49.6 million UNLV reductions in the past three fiscal years) Total seems to be $30,363,723. Possibly Law/Dental not part of the $25 million.
Sloppy calculations give: DMS salaries (w/o GA/PTI) total around $2,706,989.04 COS salaries (w/o GA/PTI) total around $12,288,111.40 DMS percentage slightly under 22.03 (22.02933349). DMS portion of COS target reduction 2,821,921.00 would be around $621,650 A later “estimate” indicated DMS would be cut either 7 or 3 faculty lines plus $18,000 in supplies. • The 3/8/2011 - Target Vertical Budget Cuts includes: • exactly one DMS faculty line, (my understanding) no tenured COS faculty, and “only” a total cut of a $17.5 million. From my 3/8/2011 email: I anticipate that things will change by the hour through August 2012, yes 2012, and nothing is definite until we start the fall semester 2012. At the same time, I am optimistic. One of many reasons: Even if all MS programs are eliminated due to the cuts (including the 15 or so in the College of Sciences), our PhD Program is growing very rapidly, and even if this is part of the UNLV plan, that plan may change by August 2012. Chair’s meeting today from 12:30-2pm I believe we should and will continue to work hard and prove our value to the university, the system, the greater Las Vegas area, and Nevada (and demonstrate that the decisions concerning our department were wise and in the best interests of future of the university).
Naturally GeoScience is very concerned. • They may feel Liberal Arts’ reduction is too small. • Chair’s meeting from 12:30-2pm (Stan Fulton Building) • March 24th email from David Wrobel: President and Provost attend. • At the Jan. one, the President was asked about maintaining faculty morale. • Pi Mu Epsilon event today in SU 209, 1pm until who knows (maybe 4pm) • 1:00pm -- PME, Nevada Beta Chapter Spring 2011 Induction Ceremony • 1:30pm – Mini Pi Lecture by Dr. Baragar, • Math Bee (includes algebra, geometry, and trig), Raffle • Remedial Math Redesign Workshop held 8:30-4:30 Friday Feb. 18 at CSN • Put together by Dr. Jane A. Nichols, Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs • Faculty attended from all the institutions, including UNR. • Carryn, Ananda, and I represented UNLV (as did Asera, McKenna). • Seems that those institutions teaching Math 95, 96, and below (e.g. CSN) are on the front line • Seems some want several years of middle/high school math to be learned in one year at CSN. • Key phrase: course redesign • Possibly dangerous: calculus centric • I think it is important for us to be involved and have a presence at these meetings. • Several of the items brought forward, we are already doing.
Advisory Committee working on possible bylaw changes • Choice Voting (whether or not to keep; what to replace it with) • To be used this year, any change needs to be in place before April 22 (Elections Meeting), so by April 15. • My concern: any possible ties, regardless of procedure • 2. Resignations (Bylaws are inadequate here!!!) • Common sense seems to result in five different possibilities for every four faculty. • 4. UNLV Bylaws indicate that “for tenure track faculty,” the Chair is to “incorporate in the chair’s annual evaluation the sense of the tenured faculty on the progress of the candidate towards tenure.” • I recently asked for a procedure to be included in the Bylaws, even if this is worked on during fall 2011 (needs to be in place before spring 2012). • A “sense” was included in such annual evaluations done this year. • The Chair and Associate Chair both met with each untenured faculty for over one hour to discuss the annual evaluation, etc. as was done last year. • Seems very helpful, despite the time constraints (each lasts up to 3hrs) • 3. Updating our bylaws wrt: Department P&T Evaluation and Chair’s P&T Evaluation are on separate tracks.
Graduate Committee has been working on • EE/MAT proposals • Likely agenda items for the April 1 Department Meeting. • About 60 applications for our graduate programs • Reports that some are very good • AMS/UNLV Meeting on April 30-May 1. • About 18 special sessions total. • 2001 AMS/UNLV meeting had about 11 special sessions. • 1999 AMS/UNLV meeting had about 12 special sessions. • Semester barbecue Friday April 29 • time not yet determined (needs to be in afternoon due to set up time) • One day before the AMS/UNLV Meeting • Unfortunately, last Spring 2011 Chair’s Meeting is Fri. April 29, 12:30-2pm
3/25/11 Meeting Agenda 1. Call to Order 2. Announcements 3. Approval of 1/28/2011 Meeting Minutes 4. Committee Reports (Merit, Graduate, Undergraduate, Personnel, Advisory) 5. Proposed Bylaws changes: proposal 1 6. Proposed Bylaws changes: proposal 2 7. Proposed Bylaws changes: proposal 3 8. New Business 9. Adjournment
Section 1.6, Department Bylaws: Modification of the Bylaws Motions to amend the bylaws must appear on the agenda of a meeting of the faculty [RONR (10th ed.), p 573, l. 33 – 36]. Proposed amendments may be submitted to the Advisory Committee to make a recommendation to the department. The smaller of a two-thirds vote in a departmental meeting or a majority of the entire regular membership is required to adopt the amendment. [See RONR (10th ed.), Section 57, for more information.]"
Proposal One, on resignations: • For reference, the current version of 5.9.3 is the following: • 5.9.3 Should a member resign from a committee before the completion of their term, a replacement will be elected and serve for the duration of the term. Such elections can be done outside of a meeting (see 2.3.3.a and 2.3.4). • The proposal is to replace 5.9.3 with: • 5.9.3. Resignations: A resignation is, in effect, a request to be excused from a duty. Such a request must be made to the chair of the department, normally in writing. • a. The power of accepting a resignation from an office or committee rests with the chair of the department. • b. The chair may deny the resignation (rare), accept the resignation, or accept the resignation but require the member to fulfill his or her duties until a replacement is selected. A resignation is deemed accepted if so declared in writing, or if actions have been taken to replace the resigning member (e.g. appointment of a replacement, election of a replacement, or including election of a replacement on the agenda of a meeting). • c. Replacements must be selected in the same manner in which the person resigning was selected. So an election must be conducted to replace a member who was elected, but a person appointed by the chair is replaced by the chair. • d. When a replacement election is required, that election must occur during or before the next departmental meeting. • e. A person whose resignation has not yet been accepted may withdraw his or her resignation. • f. A person is expected to fulfill his or her duties until relieved of them by the chair. Should a departmental meeting pass after the resignation is tendered but without any action taken by the chair (neither accepting nor denying the resignation), then the member may abandon his or her duties. • From RONR (10th edition), p. 279: “If a member who has accepted an office, committee assignment , or other duty finds that he is unable to perform it, he should submit his resignation – normally in writing – to the secretary or appointing power. By doing so, he is, in effect, requesting to be excused from a duty. The chair, on reading or announcing the resignation, can assume a motion “that the resignation be accepted.” • “The duties of a position must not be abandoned until a resignation has been accepted and becomes effective, or at least until there has been a reasonable opportunity for it to be accepted.”
Proposal Two, on choice voting: Strike 2.3.3 b. (Clause on choice voting.) Amend 2.3.3 a. by replacing “Elections of officers and other singular positions.” with “Elections of officers and committee members.”
Proposal Three, on electing the chairperson: • The motivation of this change is the desire to know that a nominee has the support of the department. Thus, the threshold has been changed from a majority of those voting, to a majority of the regular members of the department. Unfortunately, the change might cause a stalemate, hence the addition of procedure (a). • The proposal is to replace 3.2.1 with • 3.2.1 Internal search. A nominee will be elected by the regular members using the procedure outlined in (a) below. The winner’s name will be forwarded to the dean of the College of Science as the Department nominee for chairperson. Should the department be unable to select a nominee, that result, together with a report on the steps taken by the department to select a nominee, will be forwarded to the dean of the College of Science. • a. To be elected as the nominee for chairperson, a candidate must receive votes from a majority of the regular members of the department. Should an election not produce a nominee, another election shall be immediately conducted, and if that election is also unsuccessful, a third election shall be conducted. If a nominee has still not been selected, the department may, at its discretion, conduct more elections. If there is still no selection, then the department will conduct an election outside of a meeting, as outlined in 2.3.4, wherein the threshold is again a majority of the regular members. • The hope is that, if both candidates are acceptable, then enough votes will be changed between the elections, and that a stalemate will only occur if the department is deeply divided.