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agenTel 6.2 Product Presentation

agenTel 6.2 Product Presentation. Product presentation January 2010. Content. If you want to go to a specific section, click the corresponding button. Introduction. Function Overview. Direct vs Routed Communications. Virtual Port Connector. Recording. Users. Contact Types.

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agenTel 6.2 Product Presentation

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  1. agenTel 6.2Product Presentation Product presentation January 2010

  2. Content If you want to go to a specific section, click the corresponding button. Introduction Function Overview Direct vs Routed Communications Virtual Port Connector Recording Users Contact Types Send/Receive Faxes Administrator Skills-based Routing Campaign Center Team leader Universal Queue Email Routing User Self Service BI Integrations Notes agenTel 6.2

  3. About Voxtron • Voxtron (1994) is an international company, headquartered in Belgium and having sales offices in Belgium, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Turkey, Tunisia, UAE and Thailand. • Voxtron operates in the field of Unified Communications focusing on Customer Interaction Solutions for enterprises. • Voxtron offers a cost-efficient answer to your communication challenges. agenTel 6.2

  4. Customer Interaction Solutions Corporate Headquarters Dept A Dept B Home Worker X Voxtron Customer Interaction Solutions Interaction types: call, email, fax Customer Customer Interaction Solutions

  5. What is agenTel? • agenTel is customer interaction software that runs on top of any (existing) communication environment • agenTel sends contacts (calls, emails, faxes) to appropriate persons within the organization • agenTel distinguishes between direct (personal) communication and routed (to a pool of employees) communication • agenTel’s assignment strategy is based on Skill-Based Routing (SBR) • agenTel is based on the Universal Queue (UQ) principle • agenTel provides Business Intelligence (BI) information • agenTel’s CTI function improves employee efficiency • agenTel offers powerful Software Development Kits (SDK) for integration within the existing IT infrastructure agenTel 6.2

  6. agenTel Inbound Voice Outbound Voice Fax Email Self Service Universal Queue Voice Recording Business Intelligence CTI Skill based routing SDKs Teamleader Agent Agent (Back) Office Worker ... ... Admini-strator (Back) Office Worker Agent Agent agenTel 6.2

  7. One Server One Client • One Server contributes to a greener world • Medium sized solutions require only one server to run all the applications (self service, contact center, recording,...) • Less hardware purchases • Less maintenance • Less electricity consumption • One Client for office workers and agents provides • Single roll out • Shorter learning curves • Easy introduction of office workers into the contact center in case of emergencies, peak times,... Customer Interaction Solutions

  8. FunctionAL overview agenTel 6.2

  9. Direct versus routed communication • agenTel distinguishes between direct and routed communication: • Direct (personal/private) communication: • Refers to contacts (calls, emails, faxes) that the initiator sends to a specific person within the organization by • dialing a DDI (direct dial-in) for making a call or sending a fax • sending a message to a personal email account • Routed communication: • Refers to contacts (calls, emails, faxes) that the initiator sends to an organization, not knowing (and caring) who treats the request (as long as he/she gets an answer within the shortest delay) by • dialing a general number for making a call or sending a fax • sending a message to a general email account agenTel 6.2

  10. Contact types • Supported contact types in agenTel 6.2: • Direct (personal) contacts: • Incoming/Outgoing call • Incoming/Outgoing fax • Routed (to a pool of employees) contacts: • Incoming call • Outgoing call • Initiated by an agent • Initiated by an outgoing campaign • Incoming/Outgoing fax • Incoming email agenTel 6.2

  11. Skill Based Routing • In a Skill Based Routing (SBR) solution, the Administrator assigns skills (e.g. product knowledge, language,…) to each Agent. He indicates to which extent this Agent possesses these skills (%) • Upon arrival, each new contact gets skills assigned. Potential ways for acquiring contact skills: • Info from the PSTN network: • Dialed number (can be linked to a specific service) • Database retrieval of info based on Calling Number Identification (CNID, also known as CLIP) • Data gathering via the Self Service application (Interactive Voice Response – IVR) • SBR searches for the best suitable Agent to serve a certain contact with its attached skills agenTel 6.2

  12. Universal Queue • agenTel performs SBR based on the Universal Queue (UQ) principle • This means that all contacts (incoming calls, outgoing campaign calls, faxes, emails) are sent to this UQ • When an agent becomes available, the system calculates the score matrix as shown in following slide • The contact with the highest score is transferred to the available agent • The complex algorithm takes into account skills but also: • Time: a contact gets more important the longer it is in the UQ • Agent: contacts can be assigned to an agent when • this agent had no contacts for a long time • this agent has the smallest load • this agent handled a previous contact of the same customer agenTel 6.2

  13. Universal Queue Free Agents Agent Agent Agent Agent Agent Agent Agent Queued Contacts Call Score Score Score Score Score Score Score Call Score Score Score Score Score Score Score Call Score Score High Score Score Score Score Score Fax Score Score Score Score Score Score Score Fax Score Score Score Score Score Score Score Email Score Score Score Score Score Score Score agenTel 6.2

  14. Self Service • agenTel contains a powerful IVR (Interactive Voice Response) • IVR is typically used to identify and segment callers (i.e. assign skills) • By extension it is also used • to resolve caller’s queries without transferring to an agent • to register call back requests from people who don’t want to continue to wait for a free agent • to link to customer data • to send and receive faxes • to store and retrieve voice messages (voice mail) • for conferencing • Supports telephone touchtone keypad input and speech recognition • Responds with pre-recorded or dynamically generated (TTS) audio • Multilingual agenTel 6.2

  15. Self Service • Intelligent Graphical User Interface • Limited set of powerful building blocks • No programming skills required agenTel 6.2

  16. Virtual Port Connector • agenTel’s Virtual Port Connector (VPC) can replace the IVR module in case there is no need for a welcome message, customer identification, language or other choices or input • VPC supports: • Easy (static) assignment of skills, groups, properties and contact codes based on the calling number • Free SQL statements to retrieve extension (to forward call to), skills, groups, properties, contact codes, scratchpad ID based on calling and/or called number • VPC cannot play messages, save voice mail messages, register call back requests; therefore a combination with IVR (on a reduced number of lines) can be considered in some cases agenTel 6.2

  17. Virtual Port Connector • agenTel’s Virtual Port Connector is based on the concept of ‘virtual extensions’ in PBXs and is therefore dependent on the type of PBX (not all PBXs support virtual extensions). • A virtual extension • is an extension to which no telephone set is connected • can receive calls • can be monitored via TAPI • can be controlled via TAPI agenTel 6.2

  18. Virtual Port Connector agenTel 6.2

  19. Send/receive faxes • With agenTel one can • Receive direct (personal) and routed faxes • Send private faxes and ‘contact center’ faxes • Look for archived faxes in the Fax Center • Delivery of faxes to the user can happen in two ways: • Within the client interface (immediate view) • As an attachment to an email message • A user can send faxes from any Windows application that supports the Print function • agenTel sends status delivery reports to the user agenTel 6.2

  20. Send fax agenTel 6.2

  21. Receive fax agenTel 6.2

  22. Fax Center agenTel 6.2

  23. Campaign Center • Organize your outbound campaigns via agenTel’s Campaign Center: • Add new campaigns: • Assign a name • Define a period • Specify a priority • Assign generic and campaign skills • Follow up active campaigns agenTel 6.2

  24. Campaign Center agenTel 6.2

  25. Email routing • agenTel supports email routing • Skills and a priority are assigned to an email using • the email rule wizard (perform actions based on the subject, “to” field, “from” field, ...) • advanced PERL scripting • Email routing has its own settings (e.g. thresholds) • Email is forwarded to the most appropriate agent • The agent’s standard email client (e.g. Outlook) is used to send/receive contact center emails • Auto detect reply email (wrap-up starts) • Personal email address masking agenTel 6.2

  26. Email routing agenTel 6.2

  27. Business Intelligence • agenTel’s Business Intelligence (BI) module consists of: • real time: • threshold driven dashboard • activity monitor • agent monitor • historical reporting tools agenTel 6.2

  28. Dashboard • agenTel’s dashboard is HTML based and therefore easily customizable • Different views are available (based on skills and type of user) • Administrator can define thresholds whereby parameters will highlight when they exceed these values agenTel 6.2

  29. Activity and waiting monitor • Waiting monitor: • Provides an overview of all contacts that are waiting in the UQ • Allows sorting, filtering and grouping based on selectable fields (contact type, status, waiting time, ...) • Activity monitor: presence • Provides an overview of all agents and (back)office workers • Allows sorting, filtering and grouping based on selectable fields (name, status, extension, duration, ...) • The Administrator decides which other agents an agent can see agenTel 6.2

  30. Activity Monitor agenTel 6.2

  31. Reporting tool • A powerful HTML based reporting tool completes the BI module • Accessible by team leaders and administrators • Skill reports • Agent reports • Contact code reports • General reports • Login reports • Custom reports • Time interval for each of these reports can be changed • All reports can be exported to .csv or .html file • Scheduled reporting: • Send to an email address • Save to a folder agenTel 6.2

  32. Reporting tool agenTel 6.2

  33. Recording • agenTel 6.2 introduces integrated call recording offering: • User controlled access rights • Playback from the desktop • Single point of administration • HTML based recording center, integrated in the client interface • Searching for recordings based on (calling, called) number, agent information, skills, date/time and call duration • Automatic deletion of old recordings • Single file per call (including the ‘conversation’ between IVR and the customer) agenTel 6.2

  34. Recording agenTel 6.2

  35. Users • The types of users in agenTel: • Administrator • Team leader • Agent • (Back)Office Worker • All of them can work from home/anywhere, provided that a suitable phone and data connection is available agenTel 6.2

  36. Administrator • The agenTel’s administrator defines and configures: • Skills • Groups • Users • Pause reasons • Contact Codes • General settings agenTel 6.2

  37. Skills • There is no limit on the number of skills • Administrator can define the relative importance of a skill (compared to other skills) • Supports mandatory skills: • A contact can only be routed to an agent having that skill • Mandatoryness can expire after a certain time agenTel 6.2

  38. Groups • Administrative support for installations having a lot of users • Steps involved: • Define a group • Assign skills to the group • An agent inherits the skills of the group he/she belong to agenTel 6.2

  39. Users • The administrator adds a user by running through different parameter sets: • Personal settings (name, email address,...) • Permissions (with respect to monitors, fax center, email handling, ...) • Skills (select & assign a knowledge percentage) • Interactions (free seating, types of interactions, ...) • Filter display info in activity and agent monitor • Fax (enable/disable, sender/receiver number, archive (yes/no), ...) agenTel 6.2

  40. Users agenTel 6.2

  41. Contact codes • Purpose of the contact codes is the qualification of the contact • Defined by the Administrator • Selected and assigned by the agent during the treatment of the contact • Gain an insight into the type of questions treated by the agents, thanks to the contact code reports agenTel 6.2

  42. Pause reasons • The administrator can define an unlimited number of pause reasons • Example pause reasons: lunch, meeting, toilet break • Default pause reason = the pause reason selected by agenTel in case of: • User inactivity since x seconds • User fails to take a contact although marked as available agenTel 6.2

  43. General settings • Timers (default wrap-up times, thresholds) • Agent specific (log-off/pause of last agent (y/n), pause wrap-up (y/n), ...) • Routing strategy (define the mixture between skills-based routing, time based routing and agent based routing by using slider bars) • Advanced routing strategy (enable multiple simultaneous contacts per agent) • Mandatory skills (time after which the mandatoryness is obsolete) agenTel 6.2

  44. General settings agenTel 6.2

  45. Team leaders • Team leaders in agenTel: • Have access to the reporting tool (refer above) • Can assign contacts in the waiting queue to a specific agent • Access to Campaign Center • Receive warning messages if contacts wait too long in the queue agenTel 6.2

  46. Users • Major functions available for the users: • Free seating • Multilingual • Auto logon when starting Windows • Selection of type of contacts that he/she will treat • Work in full screen or minimize to system tray • Screen pop-ups • Select pause reason • Quick dial • Send faxes from any Windows application • Access to Fax and Recording Center • Show web pages in the agenTel Client agenTel 6.2

  47. Log-on agenTel 6.2

  48. Maximized view agent client agenTel 6.2

  49. Integrations • agenTel has a set of powerful SDKs allowing you to integrate with almost any business environment: • IVR (Axxium) plug-ins • Perl scripting for incoming emails • agenTel client SDK • COM interface • Custom toolbar • HTML • agenTel server SDK • Custom statistics • Custom wallboard • Dynamic campaigns agenTel 6.2

  50. notes agenTel 6.2

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