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Explore the landmark Landau Damping theory in plasma physics, its experimental confirmations, and numerical studies. Discover interpretations, debates, and nonlinear effects.
Landau Damping Tim Larson Physics 312 March 2, 2005 Lev Davidovich Landau
Review • Linearized Vlasov & Poisson equations in 1D: • These yield the dispersion relation (no collision term!) Landau, J. Phys. (Moscow) 10, 25 (1946)
Review • Landau stressed that this problem must be treated as an initial value problem. As such, k is assumed real. If is then complex, its real part will give the oscillation frequency while its imaginary part will give the rate of damping (or growth). • Derived in the limit of high frequency and low damping, or equivalently • v = /k >> vthermal = (KT/m)1/2 Chen, Introduction to Plasma Physics (Plenum, New York, 1974)
Points of Note • Purely mathematical result • Assumes no collisions • 15 years before the standard physical derivation given by Dawson • Doubts remained Dawson, Phys. Fluids4, 869-874 (1961)
Experimental Confirmation • Cylindrical column of H plasma, length=230cm, radius=5.2cm • T=6.5eV or 9.6eV, n~2108cm-3 • rD≈1mm, mean free path ≈ 1000m for election-ion collisions, ≈40m for election-neutral collisions • Magnetic field B ≈183G • Boundary value problem, implies real and k complex Malmberg & Wharton, Phys. Rev. Letters17, 175 (1966)
Experimental Confirmation • First plot: upper curve is the log of received power. Lower is interferometer output. • Second plot: measured & calculated dispersion relations. Malmberg & Wharton, Phys. Rev. Letters17, 175 (1966)
Experimental Confirmation • Im(k)/Re(k) vs. (v/vthermal)2 • For a Maxwellian distrubtion, Landau theory predicts Im(k)exp(-( v/vthermal)2) just as for Im(), in agreement with observations. Malmberg & Wharton, Phys. Rev. Letters17, 175 (1966) Chen, Introduction to Plasma Physics (Plenum, New York, 1974)
Another Experiment • Almost same experiment, but different scale, done at Stanford. • T=0.18eV, n=6.9107 /cc • p/2 fitted to 68MHz Derfler & Simonen, J. Appl. Phys. 38, 5018 (1967)
Another Experiment Dispersion Relations Derfler & Simonen, J. Appl. Phys. 38, 5018 (1967)
Numerical Studies • Most straightforward approach is to simulate charged particles moving in an electrostatic field. • Damping is seen for some initial conditions, but not for others. Mixed behavior is also observed. • In this example, electric field amplitude is plotted against time. Decay by two orders of magnitude is seen at a rate differing from theory by less than 7%. The rise after t=45 is due to nonlinearities. Birdsall & Langdon, Plasma Physics via Computer Simulation, (McGraw-Hill,San Francisco, 1985)
Phase Portraits • Phase portraits at • t= 2, 16, 30, 40, 90 • Initial velocities are • v=0.8, 0.9, 1.0 Birdsall & Langdon, Plasma Physics via Computer Simulation, (McGraw-Hill, San Francisco, 1985)
Another Numerical Study Another approach is to solve the differential equations governing the plasma. These plots show electric field amplitude vs. time calculated from a phase mixing model for two different initial conditions. Brodin, Am. J. Phys. 65, 1 (1997)
Interpretations • Conventional • Energy exchange with resonant particles • Validity contested • Phase Mixing & Thermal Spread • Oscillators dephase • Particles may have zero charge Sagan, Am. J. Phys. 62, 5 (1994)
Interpretations • Resonant Diffusion • Relies on velocity-space diffusivity • Sometimes equated with conventional picture, but also allows for zero charge • Viscosity / Thermal Conduction • Complex transport coefficients can reproduce Landau damping Stubbe & Sukhorukov, Phys. Plasmas6, 2976 (1999) Puri, Phys. Plasmas7, 773 (2000)
Thermal Spreading • Stubbe and Sukhorukov derive surprising result of Landau damping even in neutral gases. • Confirmed by earlier experiment by Meyer and Sessler measuring decay of sound waves in rarefied gas Stubbe & Sukhorukov, Phys. Plasmas6, 2976 (1999) Meyer & Sessler, Z. Phys. 149, 15 (1957)
Physicist Deathmatch • Stubbe and Sukhorukov vs. Puri • Puri advocates resonant diffusion, claims it explains neutral gas Landau damping, rejects thermal spreading • S&S claim Puri’s treatment is equivalent to the conventional and uses incorrect energy relations • Paradigms differ Puri, Phys. Plasmas7, 773 (2000) Stubbe & Sukhorukov, Phys. Plasmas7, 775 (2000)
Nonlinear Landau Damping • High enough amplitude waves can cause particle trapping • Collisions become non-negligible • Some authors claim BGK modes are steady state solutions, but this is contested. Electric field amplitude vs. time from numerical studies. Shown are (B/L)2=0.01, 6, 0.8, 1.0 Brodin, Phys. Rev. Letters78, 7 1997
New & Crazy Applications • Particle beams (e.g. at the SLAC linac) • Superfluids • Condensed Matter • Quarks • Gravity Waves • Biological Systems (e.g. the synchronization of fireflies) Sagan, Am. J. Phys. 62, 5 (1994)