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World Literature. October 25 th. Journal Prompt. Please look at the chart under the clock and grab the copy of The Odyssey that you will be assigned to. These will be used in class only, and you will use the same book throughout the unit.
World Literature October 25th
Journal Prompt • Please look at the chart under the clock and grab the copy of The Odyssey that you will be assigned to. These will be used in class only, and you will use the same book throughout the unit. • Please flip through it and check to make sure that there are no marks or damage PROMPT: What do you recall about the Trojan War?
Today’s Objectives • To analyze features of Homeric Style • To define greek epic as homer developed it
Today’s activities • Background on the story • Iliad in brief • Poetic version • Prose version • Close reading for Literary devices
The Odyssey is a 10 year journey home http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/Live/Writer/Images/blueseahomermap.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/Maps.htm&h=467&w=754&sz=19&tbnid=B8jrxrjmefgsEM:&tbnh=76&tbnw=123&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dmap%2Bof%2Bancient%2Bgreece%2Btroy%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=map+of+ancient+greece+troy&docid=aJRFRaDVV7HbtM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=nASfToD8Iq3YiQLv8KjMCQ&ved=0CCkQ9QEwAQ
Major Characters • Odysseus – Hero of the Trojan War • Telemachus – Odysseus’ son • Penelope – Odysseus’ wife • Poseidon – Sea God
The Odyssey -poetic version • As I read, listen carefully to what is going on • Try to create mental pictures of what you hear • In your journals, jot down notes including: • Details about the characters • Unusual wordings • Features of the setting
In your groups • Review book1 and find at least 3 examples where Homer is setting up the characters: 1 and 5 The Suitors (take them as one character) 2 and 6 Athena 3 and 7 Telemakhos 4 and 8 Odysseus (we haven't seen him yet, but we hear about him)
Book 1-the Goddess Intervenes • Browse the subtitles of each book of The Odyssey (Book I; A Goddess Intervenes) • In your groups, finish book 1 In your journals, answer the following questions: • How does Athena give Telemakhos boldness • What is threatening Penelope and their family happiness? • Describe Penelope as she is protrayed briefly in Book 1