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n. m. p. MICE. The International M uon I onization C ooling E xperiment. MICE 1. Why, what and who? 2. MICE Funding/status/schedule -- Phase I -- Phase II (and III?) 3. Conclusions. Collaboration membership and organization in appendix http://mice.iit.edu.
n m p MICE The International Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment
MICE 1. Why, what and who? 2. MICE Funding/status/schedule -- Phase I -- Phase II (and III?) 3. Conclusions Collaboration membership and organization in appendix http://mice.iit.edu
Major challenges tackled by R&D expts High-power target . 4MW . good transmission MERIT experiment (CERN) Fast muon cooling MICE experiment (RAL) Fast, large aperture accelerator (FFAG) EMMA (Daresbury) ISS baseline
IONIZATION COOLING reality (simplified) principle: ….maybe… this will surely work..! Cooling is necessary for Neutrino Factory and crucial for Muon Collider. Delicate technology and integration problem Need to build a realistic prototype and verify that it works (i.e. cools a beam) Can it be built? Operate reliably? What performance can one get? Difficulty:affordable prototype of cooling section only cools beam by 10%, while standard emittance measurements barely achieve this precision. Solution: measure the beam particle-by-particle state-of-the-art particle physics instrumentation will test state-of-the-art accelerator technology.
10% cooling of 200 MeV/c muons requires ~ 20 MV of RF single particle measurements => measurement precision can be as good as D ( e out/e in ) = 10-3 never done before either… Coupling Coils 1&2 Spectrometer solenoid 1 Matching coils 1&2 Matching coils 1&2 Spectrometer solenoid 2 Focus coils 1 Focus coils 2 Focus coils 3 m Beam PID TOF 0 Cherenkov TOF 1 RF cavities 1 RF cavities 2 Downstream TOF 2 particle ID: KL and SW Calorimeter VariableDiffuser Liquid Hydrogen absorbers 1,2,3 Incoming muon beam Trackers 1 & 2 measurement of emittance in and out
Challenges of MICE: • (these things have never been done before) • Operate RF cavities of relatively low frequency (201 MHz) at high gradient (nominal 8MV/m in MICE, 16 MV/m with 8 MW and LN2 cooled RF cavities) • in highly inhomogeneous magnetic fields (1-3 T) • dark currents (can heat up LH2), breakdowns • 2. Hydrogen safety (substantial amounts of LH2 in vicinity of RF cavities) • 3. Emittance measurement to relative precision of 10-3 in environment of RF bkg • requires • low mass (low multiple scattering) and precise tracker • fast and redundant to fight dark-current-induced background • precision Time-of-Flight for particle phase determination (±3.60 = 50 ps) • complete set of PID detectors to eliminate beam pions and decay electrons • and… • 4. Obtaining (substantial) funding for R&D towards a facility that is not (yet) in the plans of a major lab
Requirements on detectors for MICE: • Must be sure to work on muons • 1.a use a pion/muon decay channel with 5T, 5m long decay solenoid • 1.b reject incoming pions and electrons • TOF over 6m with 70 ps resolution+ threshold Cherenkov • 1.c reject decays in flight of muons • downstream PID (TOF2 + calorimeter set up) • 2. Measure all 6 parameters of the muons x,y,t, x’, y’, z=E/Pz • tracker in magnetic field, TOF • 3. Resolution on above quantities must be better than 10% of rms of beam • at equilibrium emittance to ensure correction is less than 1%. • + resolution must be measured • 4. Detectors must be robust against RF radiation and field emission Design of MICE detectors and beam test results satisfy the above requirements
Aspirational MICE Schedule now (~unchanged since march 2006) m beam line + detector commissionning starts August 2007! 1 October 2007 STEP I STEP II December 2007 STEP III March 2008 PHASE I STEP IV Early 2009 STEP V R&D Summer 2009 STEP VI 2010 PHASE II
MICE Target ISIS pulses at 50Hz with flat top for ~2ms. Electromagnetic driver dips target in and out in~3ms. Resp: Sheffield, Glasgow actuator: in lab Target test succesful Oct-Nov06 beam at 50Hz/64 (1.28s) only 10 A target drive (need ~40) Review on 6 march 2007 Ballistic control of target critical… will be operated 3 months in beam before October run on the beam line shielded detectors in place
Beam line Construction at RAL is in full swing layout in the vault PSI solenoid PSI sol. cryo in the hall drilling holes quads refurbishment
MICE Hall and infrastructure: Vaultclosed Cyclestart INSTALLATION Commissng Operation
No access target upstream beam line upstream beam monitors B1 controled PSI sol B2 Collimator CV and CH CKOV and TOF0
~330 mm 1000 mm resp: Japan,UK,US Tracker two identical trackers with 5 planes of 3-views, 440 m point resolution achieved scintillating fiber detector read-out with VPLCs (7-fold ganging of 350 m diameter fibers) Prototypes with 3, 4 triple-planes were built and tested on cosmics and test beam at KEK (in 1 T mag field) ==> curvature measurement OK. Improved QA procedures for final production Full production of tracker started in January 2007 Fibre preparation &ribbon production at FNAL completeFirst production VLPC cryostat is under construction (works at 50Hz mains!)COMMISSION AT RAL STARTING in JUNE 2007
TOF0, TOF1, KL; SW TOF is Responsibility of M. Bonesini et al (INFN Milano, Pavia, Roma + Gva & Sofia) Technically: Two layers (x and y) of 4cm wide hodoscopes 60 ps resolution achieved in test beam Phototubes/electronics/magnetic shield defined construction of TOF0 and TOF1 underway all phototubes and scintillator purchased electronics purchased or under construction ==> on course for delivery at RAL in August 2007 Very useful tools for beam diagnostics alignment etc… KL calorimeter (4 X0 of lead sci-fibers sandwitch) first recognition of electrons Under construction at ROMA III (L. Tortora) delivery in october 2007 SW calorimeter (100X100 X 80 cm deep scintillator ranger for positive muon ID) First prototype layer under construction in Trieste (FNAL/Trieste/GVA collab.) aim is to be operational in 2008 for full downstream PID capability
KL calorimeter L=90 60 65 L=60 tracker SW calorimeter Spectrometer solenoid TOF and shielding
MICE DAQ & Trigger Gva, UK, IIT, Osaka DATE framework (ALICE expt @cern) Readout by VME Trigger signals and run modes established Control and monitoring established (Daresbury) data rate ~1MHz … February, 2007: DAQ test bench set up at Uni-Geneva March, 2007: Order MICE Stage 1 FEE hardware July, 2007: Move MICE DAQ system to RAL September, 2007: DAQ working in MICE Stage 1
Example Bias on emittance due to muon decays Would be ~0.5% (i.e. 5% error on cooling meast) Reduced to <<0.1% by PID+ tracker This uses tracker & TOF info and PID signals +Neural Network Preparing for PHASE I : software, analysis & DATA Challenge 1. Basic simulation and reconstruction of MICE is complete for the various steps Both G4MICE and MUCOOL are used. 2. Putting it all together to do analysis (particle reconstruction, particle ID algorithms Single particle amplitude and emittance calculations, etc…) 3. Data challenge launched in March 2007 4. Shortage of hands (general in MICE) is particularly felt here.
Single particle AmplitudeMeasurements in MICE Increase of central phase space density Transmission versus amplitude Large emittance beam Channel with absorbers & RF Transmission versus amplitude Large emittance beam Empty channel Emittance= RMS amplitude of muons in beam MICE can measure theamplitudesof single muons (6D radius in emittance ellipsoid) Increase in central phase space density Dramatic demonstration ofCooling
Goal: Establish beam match and whether we have all knobs necessary to draw emittance vs. transmission curve. Measure emittance Run plan -- steps I and II m STEP I Aug.- Nov. 2007 STEP II dec. 2007 to march 2008 Runnng time: Take 200-400 muons per 1ms spill once per second In steps I-IV 1% (0.1%) emittance meast will take <1 (<100) minute 10 times longer in steps V and VI where phase matters. preliminary estimate STEP I requires 60 shifts (20 days of running) beam line commissionning, target tuning (rates), DAQ and detector shake down STEP II requires 150 shifts (50 days, will extend in 2008) Alignment of beam x,x’,y,y’, (Lack of) dispersion, check range of transverse emittance, and range of momenta measure emittance and… publish first paper total for steps I & II: 70 days
Instrumentation/commissioning strawman schedule 2007 (from february 2007) Probably shifted by ~one month
2. Preparing for phase II LH2 Absorber (UK, US, Japan) AFC module (UK) RF R&D (Mucool-NFMCC) RF power (LBNL+ CERN -> Daresbury lab RAL) Coupling Coils (LBNL-Harbin ICST) SW calorimeter (GVA-FNAL-Trieste) Main technological uncertainty towards PHASEII is MUCOOL RF R&D. This emphasizes the need for the MUCOOL coupling coil! Main issue is funding.
The complete cell of the study II cooling channel is composed of two RF coupling-coil modules with an absorber-focus pair module in the middle This corresponds to step VI. Although ionization cooling could already be observed in step V, several aspects of the system such as -- flip between two modules and longitudinal emittance growth would not be covered fully. The complete MICE project extends to step VI (MICE needs two RFCC modules and three AFC modules)
RF power system completion of test stand in 2007 (Daresbury Lab) relationship with CERN & phase 2 FC Module Tender spec complete announcement in EU journal made Hydrogen System Spec almost ready for review Safety review and HAZOP for H2 system has been passed. Metal hydride storage tank with capacity of 20 m3 of hydrogen
Summary of funding situation (I) -- UK: PhaseI = 9.7M£ (OST+ rolling grants + CCLRC contributions) Phase II bid submitted in July 2007. Peer review positive; recommended 100% of support for engineering 2 + option for 3d focus pair modules support for exploitation Merge of CCLRC and PPARC into STFC leads to general review during next year reconcilitation for one year funding. Authorization to post official notice for FC module in EU journal (1st step in call for tender process) -- USA: funding from the NFMCC (DOE baseline scenario 4.125M$) + 4MW RF source + NSF grant (IIT) 300k$ + MRI grant (tracker + tracker solenoid) 750k$ (NB tracker part was reduced substantially by D0 electronics deal) +DOE suppl. for MUCOOL coupling coil 300k$ + Fermilab 800k$ + NSF tracker proposal by Pr G. Hanson 400 k$ (postdocX3 years) (+ equal amount of startup fund) further request submitted: NSF MRI for MUCOOL CC (should know by june) + other avenues being investigated (e.g. PIRES)
Summary of funding situation (II) -- Japan: Very important contribution by Osaka and KEK was interrupted in 2006 Bids have been resubmitted for US-Japan coll. and Japan No effect on tracker. Affects absorber bodies and controls. -- Switzerland: PSI solenoid Uni-Geneva+SNF (DAQ, trigger + TOF0 PMTS + 2PhD+1RA ~ 1000 kCHF so far) additional request for online (100kCHF) in preparation +Bulgaria collaboration (travel, PID electronics) (74kCHF granted) -- CERN:1 RF station providing 4MW (173kCHF or 110k€ + 0.3 FTE) agreed on 3 Nov 2006: Maurizio Vretenar charged of execution -- Netherlands:(Mag probes) -- Italy:(TOF, Calorimeter) 500 k€ from INFN + 200 k€ from RAL end-of-year 2006 to completion project recognized within INFN NTA (New Techniques of Acceleration) -- China: (MICE coupling coils) propose to build first coupling coil with US funding (MUCOOL coupling coil) + bid submitted from ICST to HIT for + delivery of two MICE coupling coils (requires NFMCC to purchase the conductor and power supplies)
Summary of funding situation (III) Missing but requested: 1. UK: Phase II bid 2. US: Mucool coupling coil MRI bid (rest is within MICE 2005 5yrs plan) 3. China: MICE coupling coils 4. Japan: Absorbers bodies and controls + everywhere: manpower
Beyond PHASEII -- Ideas for « Phase III » ONCE PHASEII will be completed, having equipped the MICE hall with -- spectrometers, TOF and PID able to measure emittance to 10-3 -- 8 MW of 201MHz RF power -- 23 MV of RF acceleration -- Liquid Hydrogen infrastructure and safety MICE can become a facility to test new cooling ideas. Such ideas were proposed: A. with the existing MICE hardware to test optics beyond the neutrino Factory study II: non flip optics, low-beta optics (down to 5 cm vs 42 cm nominal) other absorber materials He, Li, LiH, etc.. LN2 cooled RF cavities B. with additional hardware: -- A. Skrinsky to test a lithium lense available at Novosibirsk -- Muons Inc. to test a section of helicoidal channel (MANX)
Conclusions 0. MICE will be taking data in 166 days 1. The collaboration is making excellent progress in all fronts: Simulations, R&D, engineering, prototyping and construction The funding for phase I is complete, but manpower is never in excess US contributions have been fundamental since the start of MICE (concept,engineering) and continue to be (detectors, electronics) 2. MICE will start phase I data taking in summer/fall 2007 Steps I, II, III will allow beam tuning, first measurement of emittance and verification of systematics. 3. The funding for phase II is submitted and under review. The MUCOOL R&D is critical to the continuation of the experiment and suffers from the lack of a coupling coil NOW. 4. MICE phase II requires 2 RFCC modules and 3 AFC modules to allow full benefit from MICE until step VI. 5. Our aim is to assure that step VI can be performed in good time for 2010. MUTAC support will be highly valuable for this.
Intense K physics Intense Low-E muons Neutrino Factory Higgs(es) Factory(ies) Energy Frontier -> 5 TeV circa 1997-1999 US, Europe, Japan Possible layout of a muon complex on the CERN site.
Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment MICE FIRST BEAM IN OCTOBER 2007 Final PID: TOF Calorimeter Demonstrate feasibility and performance of a section of cooling channel by 2010 4T spectrometer II Status: Approved at RAL(UK) First beam: 10-2007 Funded in: UK,CH,It,JP,NL,US Further requests: JP,UK,US, PRChina… Cooling cell (~10%) b=5-45cm, liquid H2, RF 4T spectrometer I TOF Single-m beam ~200 MeV/c Liquid-hydrogen absorbers Prototyping: 200MHz RF cavity with beryllium windows Scintillating-fiber tracker
THE MICE COLLABORATION -128 collaborators- • Universite Catholique de Louvain,Belgium • University of Sofia,Bulgaria • The Harbin Institute for Super Conducting Technologies PR China • INFN Milano, INFN Napoli,INFN Pavia, INFN Roma III,INFN Trieste,Italy • KEK, Kyoto University, Osaka University,Japan • NIKHEF, The Netherlands • CERN • Geneva University, Paul Scherrer InstitutSwitzerland • Brunel,Cockcroft/Lancaster, Glasgow, Liverpool, ICL London, Oxford, Darsbury, RAL, SheffieldUK • Argonne National Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Fairfield University, University of Chicago, Enrico Fermi Institute, Fermilab, Illinois Institute of Technology, • Jefferson Lab, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, UCLA, Northern Illinois University, University of Iowa, University of Mississippi, UC Riverside, University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignUSA
Internal MICE Organization numbers of meetings per year MICE charter was voted in 2003. Spokesperson election concluded 15/4/2007 Technical Board 12 Project manager: Paul Drumm Deputies Bross, Lau, Virostek management of the project reports to EB +spokesperson +deputy +software coord. +level 2 WBS coordinators enforces design and safety reviews change control documents exp.design 3 Executive Board 12 spokesperson deputy Project manager software coord. analysis coord. 2 reps from UK,US,EU,JP manages collaboration life nominates personels prepares decisions for CB Collaboration board 1 rep/institute elects spokesperson reviews EB activity votes on decisions prepared by EB chair: Dan Kaplan (IIT) 3 collaboration meetings/yr 1 video conf/month Installation/Commissionning/Operations (MICO) NEW 1 representative of each MICE subsystem Speakers bureau Chair Ken Long ~3 Editorial board Chair Dan Kaplan ~3 solicits talks at conferences and proposes speakers 12 Analysis forum Chair John Cobb controls quality of publications proposes publication policy discusses how to achieve the physics goals of the experiment
201MHz cavity in magnetic field? At this point we do not know if a 200 MHz cavity can operate reliably with 4T fields from the focus pairs Performance of NUFACT is strongly affected by this (muon decays!) NUFACT performance assumes 12 MV/m MICE normal operation is 8MV/m (8MW on 8 cavities at room Temp) MICE can reach 12 MV/m this by cooling all cavities with LiqN2 MICE can reach up to 16MV/m (8MW on 2 cavities or 4 LiqN2-cooled) MUCOOL single cavity can reach 16 MV/m but present MUCOOL magnet only allows 0.2T on window with very divergent B field will be tried anyway - instrum. ready strong multipactor was observed in 800 MHz cavity--> What is really needed here is MUCOOL Coupling coil
Total channel length 10 m Total energy 10-15 MJ Z axis muon beam injection LHe absorber inside the channel LHe vessel diameter 1.1 m Outer diameter 1.4 m LHe volume (1.1m dia.) 10 m³ LHe volume absorber (0.5m dia.) 3 m³ Front end 3 m matching section 4 m Cooling Channel Far end 3 m matching section