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n. BRIEF STATUS OF MICE. m. p. MICE. The International M uon I onization C ooling E xperiment. February 2008. 10-13 February 2008 Same overall + 2Mo in 4. Closure from ISIS OK Beam line not yet ready. Cosmic test failed (tracker cryo) Will resume in March-April.
n BRIEF STATUS OF MICE m p MICE The International Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment
February 2008 10-13 February 2008 Same overall + 2Mo in 4 Closure from ISIS OK Beam line not yet ready Cosmic test failed (tracker cryo) Will resume in March-April Target now in ISIS -- dry run Test target failed, on our teeth! Solenoid installed…but not connected nor tested MOM and safety system being installed Overview as of October 2007 • MICE collaboration meeting 7-10 october • Overall good progress of the experiment... but many lose ends! • -- Priority #1 is to ensure that full beam line is ready for step I data taking at the end of the Christmas shutdown (20 January) • -- A cosmic test will be organized in bldg. R8 in November-December with a good fraction of detectors (DAQ, Tracker, CKOV, TOF0 and TOF1, KL) • -- shakedown of the detectors and practice of DAQ • -- avoids work pileup in February 2008 • -- some delays appear in TOF and KL (delay to mid december) • -- preparations well underway • -- Much progress has been accomplished in the MICE beam line and Hall construction • Main technical uncertainties concern the target, and the PSI solenoid • -- target: + authorization given (using diamond like bearings) to install • -- PSI solenoid: MLI insulation and heat leaks still a worry • -- now preparing to man experiment in 2008: • Mice Operation Managers (MOM) and shifters. Run plan being prepared. • first MOMs: A.B (Nov 15-Dec15) K.Long (Dec 16-Jan15) M.Zisman (Jan 16-Feb 17)
Infrastructure: A BIG PROJECT! Under very good hands of W.Spensley, K. Long, R. Apsimon, A. Nichols and T.Hayler! Major achievement with installation of DSA shielding, decay solenoid, beam line magnets till Q6, water, electricity, power supplies etc… Q1 PS missing Still not completely powered up. PPS review 15 February to be done in May shutdown Radiation survey at each step Radiation monitors Still to finish: decay solenoid! Q7-9 installation by March False floor construction! will require destruction of ramp (>18/02, 4 weeks, very messy) Interference with Decay sol. Work? Magnetic walls start 10 March --> 4 july? Too late!!! Solution/staging being discussed
Beam line commissioning • GOAL of period 1: get beam to the end of the DSA • Target operation (after target 2 has operated 500k times) (>20 Fev)+ adjust beam loss monitors --> where can we be without irradiating ISIS? • Target 2 still not working and could be indicating a more profound problem • Magnets must be operational (complete cabling, water, interlocks) • Not there yet • -- Decay solenoid work is going on (fix Linde Plant and connect solenoid during • ISIS interrrupts or duing next shut down in March) • -- commissioning plan exists, detectors for beam line debugging + DAQ work, • Radiation surveys are planed. • -- Documentation is requested to MICE subsystem managers.
TRACKER Tracker complete in R8 Superb quality of construction (1/5000 channels dead) Unlucky with the cryostats! Can go cosmic testing in peace or beam testing in the hall. Once again the best is also the most dangerous!
Beam line commissioning • GOAL of period 1: get beam to the end of the DSA • Target operation (after target 2 has operated 500k times) (>20 Fev)+ adjust beam loss monitors --> where can we be wothout irradiating ISIS? • magnets must be operational (complete cabling, water, interlocks) • DAQ + at least one detector must be available to record particles • ICL beam line monitors and GVA scintillators will count particles • TOF0 (by pulse height) + and CKOV to provide e/(mu,pi)/proton separation • Stand will be ready when detectors are ready. Cabling? • -- Logbook: B. Martlew proposed to implement logbook for trial. OK! • all agree that TOF0 is essential asap (we will pay for travel!) • what level of PPS is needed for initial operation? Suggest a video/web camera in the hall (Tortora) • -- commissionning plan (Tilley et al,) developped • (i.e. operations to be performed and corresponding optics)
CKOV , TOF0 CKOV has been at RAL since summer 2007 (Mississipi, Louvain, Trieste) Now two ready to install TOF0 nearly complete and tested at Milano We all agree this should be moved to MICE asap. Extremely precious device (segmentation, pulse eight, timing) for STEPI Dont worry, stand will be ready when detector arrives! Cables issue was solved during the meeting by diligence of MZ and Willie
Spectrometer solenoids II I Delay due to cold mass support issue will arrive at RAL 15 May 08/ 31 Aug 08
Spool piece and step III absorbers Marco Apollonio Spool piece principle above (Nichols, Perrin) Access slit to be widened by 4 cm in z (slide solenoid) and lengthened to 52cm Marco will check optics)
Sandwich calorimeter Collaboration: FNAL, scintillator, fibers Trieste mechanical assembly, PMTs UNIGE PMTs electronics Funding bid prepared at UNIGE, according to “Sandstroem design” Need a more detailed note of the project !!! Many questions open: support, noise, readout scheme etc… Expect this device in MICE in first half of 2009
MICE Absorber Design by MIRAPRO MIRAPRO Co. Restart Design; Jan, 08 Rough Estimation; Feb, 08 Official Order; Jun, 08 Absorber Body #1 to KEK; ~ Sep, 08 Assembly and Test;
Layout for 350mm ID small coil testing Cryo-test Hall Provided by Liu,C.S.
RFCC module Coupling coil Construction in Harbin (Li Wang) -- full swing. Aim at delivery of first coil Oct08 RF cavities (D. LI) Construction plan layed down. Review in may 2008 Expected delivery date of RFCC module : end 2009 (in line with Jan08 schedule) RF power station Refurbishment at CERN on going (Ramberger) --> june 2008 Refurbishment at DL ongoing (will visit it in june 2008!)
MICE Focus Pairs (UK responsibility) Invitation for tender was sent out to 6 companies on the 2ndof July 2007; Tesla company had an interesting schedule and offer. Bid clarification 27th September MICE TB -> EB approved in October CM Validation of Teslaユs original offer expired on the 9thof November 2007; They agreed to extend their offer validity period by a further 3 months This ran out on the 9thof February 2008; New plan proposed by K. Long at CM20 Order asap first coil, introduce a delivery delay on 2d in order to keep the funding profile acceptable to new STFC situation This leads to delivery of FC1 in Q409 and FC2 in Q310 It will take a few months to turn a coil into an FC module! (take 3Mo) Bid for FC3 to come at a later stage (When? Success of step III?
Consequences This proposal has major consequences on the schedule to the point of making it difficult to run the experiment (who cares if the next steps are so late anyway?) The RFCC module I is expected second half 2009 and requires 2 AFC modules to make step V -- one of which would come Q4(=Q3+1)2010. Can solutions be found to forward fund this FC2? (loan was suggested by Dornan) We are very concerned of the impact of such announcement at FAC in April. (vs US for instance)
MICE Schedule as of October 2007 m January 2008 STEP I STEP II April 2008 UK PHASE I STEP III July 2008 UK PHASE II STEP IV Delivery of 1st FC ~May 2009 STEP V >summer 2009 STEP VI end 2009 (-- 2010)
Aspirational MICE Schedule as of February 2008 m STEP I Febuary-May 2008 ? STEP II June 2008 UK PHASE I STEP III/III.1 August/ December 2008 UK PHASE II STEP IV Delivery of 1st FC --> september 2009! STEP V Q4 2010 STEP VI 2011?
GOALS TO CM21 June 4-7 in Daresbury Lab, UK (Becky Seviour, Andy Moss, X for program) step I completed ! -- Complete beam line, incl BLMs, PPS, radiation, etc.. (K.Long, W.Spencley) -- DAQ, Controls, logbook…running since mid-February (JSG, B.Martlew) -- CKOV,TOF0 installed before March 1 (Lau, Cremaldi, Bonesini) -- TOF1, KL installed before April 7 (“) -- (Online) software reading data and providing beam prarameters (M.Ellis) -- Determine misalignments and set of PS currents for emittances/momenta matrix, beam composition and intensity (K.Tilley, analysis team) -- DOCUMENTATION FOR ALL THE ABOVE before operating (Project managers and MOM to enforce!) -- rehearse EPAC08 talks! x WE CAN DO IT! Main concerns are -- Target -- Decay solenoid
2. Have run tracker on cosmics (K.Long et al) 3. Spectrometer solenoid completed, mapped (Bross) and arrived at RAL (S.Virostek)ready to install tracker and diffuser, Mag shield and TOF1 (TOF2, KL?) 4. Infrastructure: Have mag. shielding to protect from Spectrometer Solenoids or moreFalse floor construction in MICE Hall 5. Have finalized plans for SW construction (G.Giannini) 6. Have a proposal for the MICE BL correctors and collimators (T.Roberts Muons Inc) 7. Have reviewed and launched RF cavity procurement plan (D.Li) 8. Have ordered FC modules (K.Long) 9. Have ordered absorber body (S.Ishimoto) 10.Have found a collaborator responsible for RF shield for step V,VI (AB) 11…. Please signal for omissions!
Access to MICE by collaborators from abroad Running MICE will require people at RAL for extended periods O(6 mo/year) This is beyond the scope of the MICE-UK project. TA support for MICE beam line requested in EUcaRD From EU: 15K€ for 'running expenses' 47k€ for management costs, 234k€ MICE users (tot=296k€) committment of RAL to run the experiment and the TA programme. In 2008 there will be no EU support. For other collaborators bilateral collaboration agreements should be established. Explicit request has been made in this direction by Chinese colleagues est. need for 2008 was transmitted to N. McCubbin (100k£ of which 45k£ for Bulgarian and Chinese) we are told that 20k£ have been released. Thank you! Last request: The spokesperson/deputy and the MOM should have an office at RAL!
Conclusions In spite of difficulties, MICE has been making considerable progress There are many loose ends and some schedule conflicts seem to arise between infrastructure completion and data taking. Request made to PM to organized so that we run stepII in June-July (running will reveal many problems-- better be known asap) Funding is essentially complete for Phase I and II KEK going ahead with absorber orders and SW collaboration organized STFC funding situation in now hurting seriously phase II schedule: STEP IV to STEP VI will be delayed because of focus pairs As things are we are no longer on schedule to demonstrate ionization cooling by 2010! Travel and subsistance of MICE collaborators at RAL is an issue. Funding request to support subsistence at RAL of collaborators from EU is being prepared with framework of OMIA MICE muon test facility represents a beautiful scientific investment!