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JESUS OF HISTORY. CHRIST OF FAITH. Evidence of Existence Tacitus Suetonius Pliny the Younger The Gospels. The World of Jesus Palestine Politics Antiochus IV Maccabean Revolt Roman Rule The Land Four Major Terrains Three Provinces Religious Sects Sadducees Pharisees Essenes

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  2. Evidence of Existence Tacitus Suetonius Pliny the Younger The Gospels The World of Jesus Palestine Politics Antiochus IV Maccabean Revolt Roman Rule The Land Four Major Terrains Three Provinces Religious Sects Sadducees Pharisees Essenes Zealots Covenant & Torah The Historical Jesus

  3. The Kingdom • Deep roots in Jewish religious history • OT understanding • Jesus and the Kingdom • Central Theme • The work of God • Kingdom Future and Present

  4. Jesus & His Disciples • Literal meaning • Rabbi/Teacher/Master of Jesus’ day • To be a disciple of Jesus • How was it different? • Requires a change • Characteristics of

  5. Jesus & The Marginalized • Why a special part of Jesus’ ministry?

  6. Jesus & Women • Role of women in Jewish society • How is Jesus different?

  7. Jesus As Teacher • Teaches with authority • “Amen, amen I say to you” • What does Jesus teach?

  8. Jesus & The Law • Jesus was a good and faithful Jew • Came to fulfill, not abolish the Law • Sermon on the Mount (Matthew’s Gospel) • Diversity of Judaism • Legalists – religious fidelity • Jesus & religious fidelity The Torah

  9. Miracles • “Miracle” by definition • NT concept of miracle • Dynamis • Semeion • Four Categories of Miracles • What do Jesus’ miracles reveal about God’s power? • What are Jesus’ miracles a sign of?

  10. The Four Faces of Jesus • Mark • Matthew • Luke • John

  11. Jesus’ Divinity • Jesus – “God saves” (Hebrew) • Christ – “anointed” (Greek) from Messiah (Hebrew) • Jesus - Word of God • What does it mean? • Why did the word become flesh? • The Doctrine and Purpose of the Incarnation • Jesus: True God and True Man • Significance of Jesus’ Death & Resurrection • Catholic Christology – An Overview

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