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Sita And Electronic Ticketing

Business Changes For E-ticketing 3 rd Annual Middle East Aviation I.T. Forum 21 & 22 November 2005 Dubai UAE Rob Drotar Product Manager. Sita And Electronic Ticketing. SITA is an airline owned organization addressing all airline I.T. requirements

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Sita And Electronic Ticketing

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  1. Business Changes For E-ticketing 3rd Annual Middle East Aviation I.T. Forum 21 & 22 November 2005Dubai UAERob DrotarProduct Manager

  2. Sita And Electronic Ticketing • SITA is an airline owned organization addressing all airline I.T. requirements • SITA has experience with many airlines worldwide • Each at various stages of electronic ticket implementation • SITA is an IATA Simplifying the Business Preferred Partner Programme Member offering services in the arena of each initiative

  3. Plan Trip Check-in Boarding Flight Arrival Simplifying Travel - Where? Simplifying Travel and Transportation … at airports, for airlines, for airline operations… while on board, at borders, for cargo… end-to-end

  4. Product Portfolio . Product A Product D Product B Product C Product E Product H Product F Product G Integrated Solution Portfolio Distribution Baggage Management Self Service Transportation Security Cargo Flight Automation Common Use Airport Onboard Communication Simplifying Travel - How? Simplifying Travel and Transportation Comprehensive Suite of Distribution Products and Solutions Foundation Services: Core processes – reservations, pricing, ticketing,departure etc Transformation Architecture: Enables market reach, adaptability Integration-led Approach: Component flexibility Optimisation Solutions: Improve performance, precision

  5. Business Changes For E-ticketing E-ticketing and the Middle East

  6. In The Press • ‘Arab Airlines Decide on E-Tickets Implementation and Look at new IT Platforms’ (P.R. 4/5/05) ‘AACO members, in totality, will be E-Ticket ready by the end of 2006, one year ahead of the IATA deadline’ AACO • ‘IATA builds readiness for ET rollout with Regional Workshops’ ‘Now we are ready to take first steps!’ Participant at Amman workshop

  7. State Of The Region • The industry's year end 2005 goal is that 40% of tickets sold via IATA's Billing Settlement Plans (BSPs) are electronic • By the end of the 3rd quarter, in the Middle East, the percentage of e-tickets sold via IATA's Billing Settlement Plans was 2.2% There is a lot to do … and a lot to do quickly!

  8. Where To Begin? • When taking a decision to introduce e-ticketing, keyarenas include: • Initial Actions • Revenue Accounting • Process Planning • Market Activities • Additional Opportunities

  9. Where To Begin? • When taking a decision to introduce e-ticketing, keyarenas include: • Initial Actions • Revenue Accounting • Process Planning • Market Activities • Additional Opportunities

  10. Initial Actions • Pinpoint the business drivers • Make the ‘build it’ or ‘buy it’ decision • Assemble a multi-discipline electronic ticketing project team • the team ought to include, among others, principals from your: • Finance department • Sales/Distribution department • Operations department • Marketing department • This team will guide the airline’s review of current processes and activities, ensure the entire team understands the near and long term objectives

  11. Where To Begin? • When taking a decision to introduce e-ticketing, keyarenas include: • Initial Actions • Revenue Accounting • Process Planning • Market Activities • Additional Opportunities

  12. Revenue Accounting • The revenue accounting system will need to process a nightly file of ‘used’ coupons • Users of sales based systems may wish to consider taking financial data at daily intervals • Interline billing arrangements may need updating to ensure electronic ticketing has been appropriately provided for • E.g. IDEC participation is mandatory

  13. Where To Begin? • When taking a decision to introduce e-ticketing, keyarenas include: • Initial Actions • Revenue Accounting • Process Planning • Market Activities • Additional Opportunities

  14. Process Planning • Develop internal processes • Passenger Handling • Revenue Accounting • Marketing • Internal training • Call centre • Airport/City Ticket Office • General Sales Agents (GSA) • Departure Control • Ground handlers

  15. Process Planning • Develop internal processes • Passenger handling • Revenue Accounting • Marketing • Internal training • Call centre • Airport/City ticket office • General Sales Agents (GSA) • Departure control • Ground handlers

  16. Develop Internal Processes • With e-ticket in mind, each procedure or process should be reviewed and these questions asked • “Does this still work?” • “Does this still make sense?” • Asking this of every procedure and process will take a long time to address • There is a need for focus

  17. Process Planning • Develop internal processes • Passenger handling • Revenue Accounting • Marketing • Internal training • Call centre • Airport/City ticket office • General Sales Agents (GSA) • Departure control • Ground handlers

  18. Process Planning • Develop internal processes • Passenger handling • Revenue Accounting • Marketing • Internal training • Call centre • Airport/City ticket office • General Sales Agents (GSA) • Departure control • Ground handlers

  19. More About Ground Handlers • A number of options are available for a ground handler to engage an airline’s electronic ticket • Some options, such as ETL, represent some degree of risk • Others, such as Control or Interactive Method, defined in Resolution 722h,are quite secure

  20. More About Ground Handlers • A number of options are available for a ground handler to engage an airline’s electronic ticket • Some options, such as ETL, represent some degree of risk • Others, such as Control or Interactive Method, defined in Resolution 722h,are quite secure

  21. More About Control & Interactive Methods • Highlights of the Control Method are: • Coupons are passed to the ground handler’s database • The ground handler interacts natively with the coupon • Final status is returned • Highlights of the Interactive Method are: • Coupons remain in the Operating Carrier’s database • Change of status messages are sent directly to the Operating Carrier’s electronic ticketing database • Negative responses prohibit check in

  22. Where To Begin? • When taking a decision to introduce e-ticketing, keyarenas include: • Initial Actions • Revenue Accounting • Process Planning • Market Activities • Additional Opportunities

  23. Market Activities • Review high volume channels • Prioritize sales channels • Prepare marketing activity • Plan electronic ticketing roll out to partners • Request GDS participation agreement update • Exchange General Business Requirement documents (GBRs) with key interline partners

  24. Market Activities • Review high volume channels • Prioritize sales channels • Prepare marketing activity • Plan electronic ticketing roll out to partners • Request GDS participation agreement update • Exchange General Business Requirement documents (GBRs) with key interline partners

  25. More About Priorities • When prioritizing sales channels and interline partners the key information is often • “Who do I work with today?” • “Who do I want to work with tomorrow?” • An ordinal focus on which partners are most important may cause you to miss opportunities to work with others lower on your list • At the end of the day you need to connect them all

  26. Market Activities • Review high volume channels • Prioritize sales channels • Prepare marketing activity • Plan electronic ticketing roll out to partners • Request GDS participation agreement update • Exchange General Business Requirement documents (GBRs) with key interline partners

  27. Market Activities • Review high volume channels • Prioritize sales channels • Prepare marketing activity • Plan electronic ticketing roll out to partners • Request GDS participationagreement update • Exchange General Business Requirement documents (GBRs) with key interline partners

  28. Activities And Expectations: GDS • The GDS participation agreement must reflect electronic ticketing • GDS will open a project and provide a questionnaire • Hosted carriers may seek assistance in the completion of the questionnaire • The GDS may require a higherlevel of connectivity • E.g. Direct Sell

  29. Activities And Expectations: GDS • You, and your system provider, will coordinate with the GDS on all project activities • Test plan • Implementation date • Provide a marketingmessage, where available, to the GDS to be used in a ‘trailer’

  30. Market Activities • Review high volume channels • Prioritize sales channels • Prepare marketing activity • Plan electronic ticketing roll out to partners • Request GDS participation agreement update • Exchange General Business Requirement documents (GBRs) with key interline partners

  31. Activities And Expectations: Interline • Exchange General Business Requirement documents (GBRs) with key interline partners • When hosted, your service provider can assist with the GBR review • Typically a conference call or meeting • Ensure interline billing systems and processes necessary for electronic ticketing are in place • E.g. IDEC participation

  32. Activities And Expectations: Interline • You, and your system provider, will coordinate with the other airline, and its system provider, on all project activities • Test plan • Implementation date • Advise GDSs with which you participate and IATA of your new interline electronic ticketing agreement • GDSs may perform additional testing • IATA will update the MITA

  33. Market Activities • Confirm readiness of Billing Settlement Plans (BSP) with which participation is required • Confirm airports/local authorities readiness for electronic ticketing • Familiarize authorities with receipts and other new travel documents • File electronic eligibility in your schedule

  34. Market Activities • Confirm readiness of Billing Settlement Plans (BSP) with which participation is required • Confirm airports/local authorities readiness for electronic ticketing • Familiarize authorities with receipts and other new travel documents • File electronic eligibility in your schedule

  35. More About Eligibility • Controlled by flight number/segment • Set in the host system and filed • Eligible flights are displayed by participating partners and ignored by non-participating partners • May be recapped at the time of sale in an interactive sell response where required

  36. Where To Begin? • When taking a decision to introduce e-ticketing, keyarenas include: • Initial Actions • Revenue Accounting • Process Planning • Market Activities • Additional Opportunities

  37. Additional Opportunities • Increase focus on your automation agenda • Electronic ticketing is ideal for Internet booking and kiosk, web, and mobile phone check-in • Increase focus on revenue protection • Eliminate lost and counterfeit tickets • Eliminate coupon sequence abuse • Automate reissues

  38. Where To Turn? • Turn to us • In the electronic ticketing arena SITA offers: • Applications services • Consulting services • Business transformation • Ask your SITA ClientManager for more information about howSITA is Simplifying Distribution

  39. Simplifying Distribution At SITA INC, we create straightforward solutions that simplify air travel and transportation. We leverage our know-how, technology and expertise to make the passenger experience easier, safer and hassle-free. We say straightforward because it goes beyond easy and simple. It means reducing complexity and delivering results. That’s what we do.

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