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156 th Street Design in Bennington

156 th Street Design in Bennington . Public Open House Meeting October 28, 2009. City of Bennington, NE. Project Area. Bennington Elementary School. City Hall. 156 th St. Highway 36. Bennington Road. Project History. Jan 2007. Team Selected. Project History. Jan 2007. May 2007.

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156 th Street Design in Bennington

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 156th Street Design in Bennington Public Open House Meeting October 28, 2009 City of Bennington, NE

  2. Project Area Bennington Elementary School City Hall 156th St Highway 36 Bennington Road

  3. Project History Jan 2007 Team Selected

  4. Project History Jan 2007 May 2007 Team Selected FHWA authorized preparation of a NEPA Environmental Document

  5. Project History Jan 2007 May 2007 Team Selected Sep 2007 FHWA authorized preparation of a NEPA Environmental Document 1st Public Information Meeting Held

  6. Project History Jan 2007 May 2007 Team Selected Sep 2007 FHWA authorized preparation of a NEPA Environmental Document Jan 2008 1st Public Information Meeting Held Preliminary Engineering

  7. Project History Jan 2007 May 2007 Team Selected Sep 2007 FHWA authorized preparation of a NEPA Environmental Document Jan 2008 1st Public Information Meeting Held Preliminary Engineering Environmental Documentation (NEPA)

  8. Project History Jan 2007 May 2007 Team Selected Sep 2007 FHWA authorized preparation of a NEPA Environmental Document Jan 2008 1st Public Information Meeting Held Preliminary Engineering Environmental Documentation (NEPA) City Sep 2009 FHWA

  9. Project History Jan 2007 May 2007 Team Selected Sep 2007 FHWA authorized preparation of a NEPA Environmental Document Jan 2008 1st Public Information Meeting Held Preliminary Engineering Environmental Documentation (NEPA) City Sep 2009 FHWA Public Open House Public Open House Oct 2009

  10. Project History Environmental document is currently under review Jan 2007 May 2007 Team Selected Sep 2007 FHWA authorized preparation of a NEPA Environmental Document Jan 2008 1st Public Information Meeting Held Preliminary Engineering Environmental Documentation (NEPA) City Sep 2009 FHWA Public Open House Oct 2009

  11. Project Goals • Improve Safety of Traffic flow (Vehicular and Pedestrian) • Control Excessive Traffic Speeding • Address Traffic Congestion and Queuing problems during School peak hours • Improve Drainage and inadequate Storm Sewer system

  12. Project Needs • Excessive Speeding along 156th Street • 171 traffic citations (2006); • 199 citations (2007); • 150 citations (2008); • 135 citations (Jan-June 2009) • Speed Records along 156th Street • for 2008 - 81 mph • for 2009 - 59 mph

  13. Speed – Drivers Cone of Vision 40 mph  30 mph  20 mph

  14. Project Needs Poor Traffic Operations and Queuing during school peak hours.

  15. Project Needs Drainage – Open Ditches and existing storm sewer inadequate causing runoff and flooding.

  16. Project Needs Roadway – 156th Street Pavement rapidly degrading. No resurfacing or rehab done in the last 15-20 years.

  17. Project Alternatives • No-Build Alternative • Current 2-lane section along 156th St • 4-way stop at 156th St & Bennington Rd • Does not improve traffic operations, excessive speeding and queuing issues • Does not improve safety of Pedestrian/ Bicycles • Drainage problems will continue to exist

  18. Project Alternatives • Build Alternatives • Widen 156th Street to a 3-lane roadway with a center left-turn lane • Provides additional capacity to handle future volumes and queuing at School • Provides a refuge lane for left-turning vehicles • Provides a transition area for medians and landscaping – shorter pedestrian crossings • Traffic Calming like Chicanes (curved roadway) can be effectively incorporated to slow traffic

  19. Project Alternatives Incorporate ‘Traffic Calming’ elements to control excessive speeding Chicanes (Curved Roadway) Medians Landscaping, Trees Roundabouts etc.

  20. Project Alternatives Build Alternatives Install a Traffic Signal at 156th St & Bennington Rd More Right-of-way needed to install exclusive left-turn lanes Volumes do not meet ‘Federal Traffic Signal Warrants’ till 2030 – No federal money can be used

  21. Project Alternatives Build Alternatives Install a Roundabout at 156th St & Bennington Rd Excellent traffic control to reduce speeds (15-20 mph) Good pedestrian crossings – Shorter crossing distance with refuge medians (one lane at a time) ADA compliant design Eligible for federal funding Functions as a ‘Gateway’ from South

  22. North Segment

  23. Chicanes Curved Roadways to break drivers line-of-sight and Slow drivers

  24. South Segment

  25. South Segment

  26. Roundabout

  27. Intersection Conflict Points

  28. Roundabouts – How they work ? Source/ Credit: Kansas Dept of Transportation

  29. Roundabouts(similar to the proposed one in Bennington) Test Drive a Roundabout in Omaha Happy Hollow Blvd & Elmwood Park Road ( near 60th & Dodge)

  30. Public Opinion about Roundabouts Source: Wisconsin Dept of Transportation

  31. Project Area Stop Signs 3-Lane Section (Center turn lane + 1 NB thru lane + 1SB thru lane

  32. Project Area Chicane

  33. Project Area

  34. Roundabout Design

  35. Landscaping

  36. Landscaping

  37. Estimated Costs • Project Total Cost - $ 3,7000,000(approx.) • 156th St/ Bennington Rd Intersection • Roundabout - $ 375,000 • Traffic Signal - $ 550,000 • Mill & Overlay Total Cost - $ 200,000(approx.) (1” mill + 2” overlay to existing roadway – no drainage improvements or traffic signals or roundabouts )

  38. Thank You Please proceed to any of the stations to Review the preliminary plans Ask questions

  39. Show Starts in

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