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Sex. Why should we talk about sex?Because we don'tSex is dirty, full of shame, secretIf there is a secret you want to carry to your grave, it'll get you drunk/loadedWe don't want you to relapseThe single most frequent cofactor in relapse has something to do with sex. Normal Behavior. Does anyone know anyone who doesn't have sex?Therefore having sex is normal behaviorWhat would happen if no one had sex?Therefore having sex is necessary behaviorCan you become addicted to behavior that is 273
1. An Addiction Specialist Looks At Sexual Addiction Ken Roy, MD
River Oaks Hospital
Tulane Department of Psychiatry
Addiction Recovery Resources of New Orleans
3. Normal Behavior Does anyone know anyone who doesn�t have sex?
Therefore having sex is normal behavior
What would happen if no one had sex?
Therefore having sex is necessary behavior
Can you become addicted to behavior that is both normal and necessary?
4. Addiction to Normal Behaviors If a behavior has a negative effect on one or more of the seven major areas of life - and we don�t stop doing it
Just like:
Loss of control
Continued use in the face of negative consequences
5. Levels of Sexual Addiction Level One
Addictive behavior that involves normal sexual activity
Level Two
Involves nuisance kinds of criminal sexual activity
Level Three
Horrific kinds of criminal sexual activity
6. How Many of Us Are Involved? Level One
90% at some time in our using careers
Level Two
Unknown � 12% - 25% as victims
Level Three
Unknown � 60% of females & 40% of males are victims
7. Learned vs. Genetic Addictions Genetic addictions
Drug addictions
Learned addictions
Sex, work, exercise, food, gambling, internet
People addiction, or Co Dependency
8. How Would You Learn? Family dysfunction - distorted Core Beliefs
I am a bad, unworthy person
Trauma -> Abuse = Shame
No one would love me as I am
Absence of Unconditional Love
My needs would never be met if I had to depend on others
Sense of abandonment and absence of nurturing
Sex (Love) is my most important need
Inappropriate Sexual Messages (Sexual Trauma)
9. How Would You Act? Distorted core beliefs
I am a bad, unworthy person
Trauma -> Abuse = Shame
No one would love me as I am
Absence of Unconditional Love
My needs would never be met if I had to depend on others
Sense of abandonment and absence of nurturing
Sex (Love) is my most important need
Inappropriate Sexual Messages (Sexual Trauma)
10. How It starts Distorted core beliefs
I am a bad, unworthy person
Trauma -> Abuse = Shame
No one would love me as I am
Absence of Unconditional Love
My needs would never be met if I had to depend on others
Sense of abandonment and absence of nurturing
Sex (Love) is my most important need
Inappropriate Sexual Messages (Sexual Trauma)
11. Developing a Cycle
12. Why About Me? My own story
Multiple relationships
After ninth step
No longer regret the past, or wish to shut the door on it
13. How it Goes
14. Other Levels
15. How it Ends
16. If You Identify Specific 12-Step meetings
Primary 12-Step meeting
1st fourth and fifth step
About drinking and drugging
2nd fourth and fifth step
About relationships
One way or the other � Deal With It!
17. Sexually Addicted Relationship If the measure of the success of the relationship is the value of the sex in the relationship
If the reward for �good� behavior is sex
If the punishment for �bad� behavior is withholding sex
If the focus of the relationship is on sex
18. Sexual Co Dependency Focus and self worth dependent on the behavior of another � in this case, sex
Co Dependent will often:
Invade the person, belongings and schedule of the sex addict
Behave flirtatiously, dress flirtatiously or even have sex with others to control the behavior of the addict
Focus on another to the neglect of self
19. Love is Not a Feeling True adult love is a decision
To take an interest in and make a commitment to the spiritual and emotional well being of another
The types of love
Filial = what we feel for relatives
Eros = I want to make a baby with you
Agape = true adult love
Success in love (relationship) depends on expectations of love in a relationship
20. What is Life All About? Not about winning
Probably about some of the things that we don�t learn well if we grow up in dysfunction
Unconditional love
The ability to nurture and be nurtured
A relationship with a power greater than ourselves
21. If This Touched a �bad� Place Listen to your feelings
They�re important
Access your support system
Use your staff
Get ready to begin healing
The road to recovery is directly through pain