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French transport structure SG meeting Madrid – 15 July 2009

French transport structure SG meeting Madrid – 15 July 2009. Agenda. CRE’s deliberation of 2 nd July 2009 GDF Suez’s commitments proposal to DG Comp Organisation of the Open seasons. CRE’s deliberation of 2 nd July 2009. CRE’s willingness to develop competition in France

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French transport structure SG meeting Madrid – 15 July 2009

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  1. French transport structureSG meetingMadrid – 15 July 2009

  2. Agenda • CRE’s deliberation of 2nd July 2009 • GDF Suez’s commitments proposal to DG Comp • Organisation of the Open seasons

  3. CRE’s deliberation of 2nd July 2009 • CRE’s willingness to develop competition in France • CRE’s proposal: 2 market places with 3 balancing zones • 2 fully independent TSOs: TIGF and GRTgaz • Shippers with gas in either TIGF’s zone or GRTgaz South will be able to supply customers in the other zone without capacity booking at the link between the 2 zones

  4. CRE’s deliberation: the consultation process • Objectives : • To allow the development of interconnection with Spain • To increase competition in France and simplify the access to the transmission networks • 2 years of joint collaboration within the South GRI • 5 months of work within the Concertation Gaz with the aim to improve access to the South from April 2011 • Continuous consultation process : • CRE’s communication in March 2007 for better South access • Consultation on capacity product design in December 2008 • Consultation on the structure of French market in May 2009

  5. Main outcomes of the May 2009 public consultation • May 2009: Public consultation launched by CRE on the future access to transmission networks in France • 42 answers received (18 shippers, 12 consumers, 7 operators, 5 others), non confidential answers published on CRE’s website • 3 main outcomes: • Unanimous positive assessment of the merger in one North zone out of the former East, North and West balancing zones of GRTgaz • Large majority in favour of, eventually, a single market zone in France • Quasi-unanimity wishes a further evolution of the transport structure => the current status quo is not an option

  6. CRE’s deliberation: visibility for the open seasons • In order to launch the open seasons, needs to define which capacity products to be offered and at which price • In order for shippers to be able to commit themselves, visibility is also needed with regard to the future acces to transmission network • CRE’s deliberation to provide the orientations needed by TSOs to launch the open season and the visibility needed by shippers • Next steps following CRE’s deliberation : • 2nd semester 2010: CRE’s deliberation on transmission grid tariffs from 2011 on and possible evolution of French structure • 2nd semester 2012: CRE’s deliberation on transmission grid tariffs from 2013 on • Tariffs to be broadly in line with the visibility on tariffs provided in the Information memorandum

  7. CRE’s deliberation: the future transmission access structure in France(indicative tariffs in 2009 euros per MWh/d/year) Current situation Situation from April 2011 Entries : 90 Entries : 100-150 GRTgaz Nord GRTgaz Nord NS : 200 NS : 200 SN : 150 SN : 150 GRTgaz GRTgaz Sud Sud 150 €/MWh/d/year 0 €/MWh/j/an FE : 285 €/MWh/d/year FE : 400 €/MWh/j/an ORproximity charge for joint subscriptions with TIGF storages Total North/South tariff : 725 €/MWh/d/year Total North/South tariff: 720 €/MWh/d/year

  8. CRE’s deliberation : the future transmission access structure in France • The existence of 3 balancing zones in France, with two market places, (which means two prices of gas instead of three) • The pespective of one market place (one price of gas) if conditions are met • The fixing to €0/MWh/day per year in both directions of the tariff for using capacity between GRTgaz South and TIGF • The simplification of the operational arrangements regarding transport and balancing in the South of France (i.e. GRTgaz South and TIGF) through nomination without prior capacity subscription between GRTgaz South and TIGF • to be further developed in the consultation group «Concertation Gaz»

  9. Storage facilities grouping in France Sediane B Gournay sur Aronde St Clair S/E Sediane Serene Nord Germigny s/s Coulombs Saint-Illiers Cerville Beynes Trois fontaines Sediane Littoral Soings-en-Sologne Chémery Céré la Ronde Serene Sud Etrez Tersanne Izaute Manosque Lussagnet Saline / Saline multi

  10. GRTgaz • GRTgaz Geographical position of TIGF’s storage facilities in comparaison to Chemery (Storengy) Serene Sud • Izaute • Lussagnet

  11. GDF Suez’ s commitments proposal to DG Comp (1/2) • From 2014 on, GDF Suez is willing to take the commitment to reduce its long term entry capacity bookings into the French market to less than 50% • This will last 10 years • This will apply at three levels : • The global French market • The North GRTgaz balancing zone • The South GRTgaz / TIGF balancing zones taken together • From Octobre 2010, GDF Suez will free long term entry capacity at Taisnieres, Obergailbach interconnection points and at Montoir and Fos Cavaou LNG terminals

  12. GDF Suez’ s commitments proposal to DG Comp (1/2) • The European commission has reviewed the commitments in close cooperation with CRE • This will have a major impact of the dynamics of the French market, in the North of France as well as in the South • CRE’s President : « This is a major step in the opening of the French gas market » • Market test until 9th September 2009 • Final decision before end 2009

  13. Organisation of the open seasons In order to make possible the launch of the Open seasons : • OS will be organised under current structure, which means GRTgaz South / TIGF capacity products will be sold • Study to be realised jointly by TIGF and GRTgaz on the functionning of the French transmission network and the identification of possible congestion : to be finished by mid 2010 and presented to the Administration and CRE • French authorities endorse CRE’s deliberation and will accept future CRE’s formal tariff proposals, except if the study identifies significant difficulties and provided that the interest of all stakeholders have been taken into account

  14. GRTgaz Sud 375GWh/j* 405 GWh/j 100 GWh/j 5 GWh/j 225 GWh/j 225 GWh/j 230 GWh/j 342 GWh/j 430 GWh/j 230 GWh/j 330 GWh/j 230 GWh/j 180 GWh/j 230 GWh/j Technical transport capacities Technical capacities before open season France - Spain Technical capacities after open season France - Spain 30 – 35 bcm/y GRTgaz Nord GRTgaz Nord 12 – 15 bcm/y GRTgaz Sud 3 – 5 bcm/y • 2013 : * winter • 2015

  15. Test to validate capacity allocation in France • Requirement that a sufficient share of the capacity marketed is allocated: • Less than 50% of the capacity marketed allocated => allocation not validated • More than 90% of the capacity marketed allocated => allocation validated and corresponding contracts signed • Between 50 and 90% => discussion on whether to pursue or terminate the open season within the Implementation Group, taking into account the European Energy Programme for Recovery • Priority given to the realisation of Larrau interconnection point

  16. Conclusion • Strong willingness of French parties to launch the open season on schedule • Excellent cooperation between French national authorities and CRE • Stakeholders have been provided with CRE’s orientations and French national authorities’ position regarding the future French transmission access structure

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