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Continuous knowledge assessment program (CKAP) for surgical residents. Central issues. residents get the opportunity to participate in a yearly web based exam on surgery One test: longer training, higher score Monitor the growth of knowledge of the trainees
Continuous knowledge assessment program (CKAP)for surgical residents
Central issues • residents get the opportunity to participate in a yearly web based exam on surgery • One test: longer training, higher score • Monitor the growth of knowledge of the trainees • May function as a quality system for surgical care in Europe.
What is needed? a large stock of questions will be needed: different areas of surgery pre- and postoperative care a web based module will have to be made and maintained
Is there an example? American Board of Surgery In-Training Examination (ABSITE) 220 item multiple choice examination developed by experts in surgery representing all of the major American surgical societies (Directors of the American Board of Surgery)
Participation in the ABSITE Pilot in the Netherlands 2 academic, 1 teaching hospital Trainee’s 1st – 6th year $100 per trainee One moment for login Tough exam (no preparation)
Content • 250 questions in 5 hours • Also: • Gynecology • Cardiothoracic • Tough basic part • Not included: • fractures
Evaluation of the candidates Time adequate: 90% Language ok: 70% Context clear: 90% Relevant: 55% Study neccess.: 95% Voluntarily: 55%
synopsis • Succesfull pilot ABSITE • Not all items relevant • Selection afterwards? • Preparation is necessary • US trainees take 3 months
Next step • Other centers participate • Including other countries • Add preparation • Junior exam in which years? • Post exam: excluding less relevant questions
???? • ABSITE exam will take place in march 2012 • Fee to participate is 100 dollar per resident • SCORE website access is another 100 dollars per resident • Are the fees dependent on the number of participants? • Preparation for the ABSITE will take intensive preparation, most VS residents take at least 3 months beside their clinical work. • The SCORE website covers at least 70% of the information necessary for the ABSITE: but which subjects are in preparation (I saw for instance that abdominal aneurysms are not covered) and which subjects can only be studied from textbooks. • Can subscribers to SCORE get on line support for guidance through the website? • The practice questions in SCORE represent the level of knowledge required for ABSITE (?) • Which textbooks shall I advice that the residents should buy for preparation of the ABSITE: we would like to participate in only the senior exam? • Can we afterwards indicate which questions should be disregarded, because they are not relevant for the dutch curriculum (gynaecology, thoracic surgery)? • Can we invite one or more of you for an instruction course for preparing ABSITE? Timing (March 2012) Costs How to prepare? Practice questions Textbooks SCORE website
Hoe verder? • Doen we mee in maart 2012? • Hoe gaan de AIOS voorbereiden? • Verplichte deelname?