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Anabolism: What micro-organisms do with all that 1. Reducing power 2.Energy 3. Raw building materials

Anabolism: What micro-organisms do with all that 1. Reducing power 2.Energy 3. Raw building materials. Reducing Power. NADH/FADH glycolysis and Kreb’s cycle NADPH  oxidative photophosphorylation NADPH  anaerobic photophosphorylation 1. Reverse electron flow

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Anabolism: What micro-organisms do with all that 1. Reducing power 2.Energy 3. Raw building materials

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  1. Anabolism: What micro-organisms do with all that1. Reducing power2.Energy3. Raw building materials

  2. Reducing Power NADH/FADHglycolysis and Kreb’s cycle NADPH  oxidative photophosphorylation NADPH  anaerobic photophosphorylation 1. Reverse electron flow 2. Protons from inorganic molecules (H2S, S2O3) Protons leached from Fe-S containing molecules in PSI in anaerobic photo-phosphorylation

  3. Energy--ATP • 1. Oxidation of organic molecules (glycolysis/Kreb’s cycle) • 2. Electron transport: • A. oxidative phosphorylation (PMF) chemiosmosis)— • oxygen the final proton/electron acceptor • B. anaerobic– inorganic molecules final electron acceptor • Oxidation of inorganic molecules (usually fed into electron • transport chain) • 4. Dissimulative reduction of inorganic molecules (CO2, • sulfides and iron • 5. Oxidative and anaerobic photophosphorylation

  4. Raw building materials Carbon/Nitrogen/Phosphorous etc. from the catabolism of carbohydrates lipids proteins nucleic acids strange organic matter such as petroleum Carbon from CO2 fixation Nitrogen from Nitrogen (N2) fixation Etc.

  5. Integrated pathway for catabolism and anabolism CARBOHYDRATES Ribose LIPIDS Glucose A.A Phosphoglycerate Fatty acids A.A. Kreb’s cycle Phosphoenolpyruvate A.A. oxaloacetate Pyruvate a-keto glutarate succinate Acetyl-CoA Amino acids purines pyrimidines Amino acids NUCLEIC ACIDS Amino acids PROTEINS n.b. amino acids (A.A)

  6. One strange thing bacteria can eat for energy and biomass—Petrol !!! Mediated by oxygen and the enzyme mono-oxygenase variety of yeasts/ molds and bacteria

  7. Another strange thing—benzene/toluene Requires oxygen, NADH. Aliphatic carbons are converted to linear molecules that can be catabolized to succinate/Acetyl-CoA/pyruvate which enter Kreb’s cycle—Pseudomonas spp.

  8. CO2 fixation (Calvin cycle, reverse TCA cycle and hydroxy-proprionate cycle)How autotrophs reduce CO2 intomaterial they can use for biomass.

  9. Calvin cycle In: CO2, NADPH and ATP Out: Fructose-6 phos intermediate of glycolysis

  10. Reverse TCA cycle

  11. Hydroxy-proprionate cycle

  12. Nitrogen fixation: atmospheric nitrogen to fixed nitrogen that can be utilized by plants and bacteria

  13. Agricultural significance of nitrogen fixation: Crop rotations with plants that form intimate symbiotic relationships with Rhizobium spp. (bacteria in root nodules) peas, beans, soybean, alfalfa, clover Pre seed watery environments with cyanobacteria (Anabaena azollae) and the water fern Azolla. Plant rice as rice plants grow they crowd out and kill the water fern thus releasing the nitrogen that they require pgs 685-692 in text book

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