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TEAM OGT. My role. Getting ready for this test is like getting ready for a game You don’t prep for games by looking at the score - you break down film, do drills, know your assignments, and understand the strengths & weaknesses of self & enemy
My role • Getting ready for this test is like getting ready for a game • You don’t prep for games by looking at the score - you break down film, do drills, know your assignments, and understand the strengths & weaknesses of self & enemy • My role from now until March 20 is to guide you and make you stronger • I will be here every morning at 0715 for tutoring. I will be posting mp3 lectures to the class website for review. I will be coming to your homes near the end of the month.
Your role • You are teammates - not just those of you in here, but everyone who is a 10th grader • This test isn’t just about you and your future, it’s about the future of Rogers, the future of TPS, and the way people like Them see people like Us. • No one believes that we can meet the state standards. • We can make history by being the first school of our kind to make the cut.
That means each of us doing everything in our power in our role. Me, you, and your neighbor. • We will help each other practice • We will help each other when we miss • We will return those who stray to the team!
About the test… • 2 extended response (4 point) written questions • 4 short response (2 point) written questions • 32 multiple choice questions • You get two hours to do it!! So it ain’t a race!
The content areas • Social Studies Skills & Methods: How do you do research? How do you know what sources to trust? • Economics: Study how government impacts the economy, and how different economies make decisions • Geography: Look at the relationships between people and their lands • Government: Show how nations get and give power. Show how the Constitution changes
Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities: Show how we have certain duties. Show how our rights are balanced against other rights. • People in Societies: Explain how ideas and customs pass between cultures. Explain the perspectives of people.
History: Analyze world history from 1750-present, and U.S. history from 1877-present • Focus on colonialism, imperialism, industrialization, progressivism, the World Wars, and the Cold War
History: 8 m.c., 1 x.r., 1 s.a. People & Geog: 6 or 10 m.c., 0 or 1 x.r., 1 s.a. Econ, Gov’t & CRR: 7 or 11 m.c., 0 or 1 x.r., 1 s.a. Skills & Methods: 7 m.c., 1 s.a. TOTAL POINTS: 48. HOW MANY YOU NEED: At least 24 this year. How does it break down?
Our Classroom Environment • What happened in here before today doesn’t matter • Everyone has a clean slate. Everyone has an equal chance of passing • What has to happen for success is giving up a bit of ourselves - a bit of our freedom is sacrificed for the good of the team • For me, that means the beard, the shirt, the tutoring, the extra grading…
…For you it means • No extended warnings anymore. If you’re screwing around you are out. Other ppls success depends on it. • No hall passes • School tardy policy will be enforced • School electronics policy will be enforced
It comes down to this • Do you want to have one of these hanging over your head next year? • Do you want to get out early every day of OGT week next year? • Do you want to be worried four days before graduation? • Do you want to graduate? • If the answer is yes, we can work together and make this happen.
Schedule • Week 1 (2/2): 411, SSSM, & Gov’t • Week 2 (2/9): Economics • Week 3 (2/16): Geo, PinS, CRR • Week 4 (2/23): Hist, Enlight-WWI. The Visit of the Wandering Boyle • Week 5 (3/2): Hist, WWI-Present • Week 6 (3/9): Test-taking skills; Final PT • Week 0 (3/16): Review boards. • D-Day: BE HERE. GET PASSES.