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WEEK 5 ENGLISH 9B WINTER. Closed Monday 27 and Tuesday 28 as well as previous Friday 24. Wednesday January 29. Hand Out vocabulary Lesson 17 Go to library and check out TKAMB for 3 rd hour Quizlet time for lesson 16 vocabulary quiz tomorrow Thursday Monday Vocabulary Quiz 17

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  1. WEEK 5 ENGLISH 9B WINTER Closed Monday 27 and Tuesday 28 as well as previous Friday 24

  2. Wednesday January 29 Hand Out vocabulary Lesson 17 Go to library and check out TKAMB for 3rd hour Quizlet time for lesson 16 vocabulary quiz tomorrow Thursday Monday Vocabulary Quiz 17 Friday Survey from Guidance Office that was supposed to be last Friday. Read to end of chapter one in TKAMB/Note taking/possible quiz start of hour Thursday

  3. Thursday, January 30 Vocabulary Quiz 16 Quiz TKAMB chapter one Correct Vocabulary 17 reminder quiz is Monday Read Chapter 2

  4. Quiz vocabulary 16 trade & grade Quiz TKAMB chapter 1 Correct Vocabulary lesson 17 Vocabulary Quiz 17 Monday Read Chapters 2-5 (read to the end of chapter 5) for Monday be prepared for a quiz

  5. The Gray Ghost is one of a series of children's adventure books written in the 1920s and early 30's about a fun-loving gang of kids who have adventures and meet interesting folks. At the end of To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus begins to read The Gray Ghost to Scout, and she describes an incident in one of books, in which a character called Three-Finger Pete ( a character not unlike Boo Radley, who was suspected of being weird, bad and a thief) was not really bad at all, but a very nice person, Atticus remarks that most people are, when you get to know them. That's the message that Harper Lee wanted to leave with her readers, and using The Gray Ghost was a very appropriate choice, considering the time and setting of the novel. When Harper Lee was growing up, her brother had a set of the books, and she borrowed them and read them many times over. Source: The "author"/narrator of The Gray Ghost and the other books in the series was called Seckatary Hawkins.( spelling correct name of author) If you search out the Wikipedia article on his name, you'll find out more about the series, the real author, and links to the fan site for the actual books and the long-running club.

  6. Friday January 31 3rd, 5th and 6th Hours • Per Mr. Tunney: Here is the revised plan to accomplish our county health surveys: • Friday, JAN 31: • English 9 will visit LAB B after attendance (for a 45 minute session) during periods 3, 5, and 6 • Vocabulary Quiz 17 Monday • HW: Read Chapters 2-5 (read to the end of chapter 5) for Monday be prepared for a quiz • If students return to class before end of hour they are to silent read in book of choice or TKAMB • ( If for some reason the survey is off; read chapters 2-5 in class. You can do partner reading and have them fill out pages in yellow packet as they read. )

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