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WINNING FEDERAL BUSINESS. Utah Alliance for Economic Development Spring Meeting April 18, 2013. Presented by: Kori Ann Edwards, Sr. VP Operations LSI Business Development, Inc. 1530 N. Layton Hills Parkway Layton, UT 84041 www.lsiwins.com. Utah procurement team Composition.

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  1. WINNING FEDERAL BUSINESS Utah Alliance for Economic Development Spring Meeting April 18, 2013 Presented by: Kori Ann Edwards, Sr. VP Operations LSI Business Development, Inc. 1530 N. Layton Hills Parkway Layton, UT 84041 www.lsiwins.com

  2. Utah procurement team Composition • PTAC (Procurement Technical Assistance Centers) • LSI Business Development, Inc. BLUF • No charge to Utah companies!

  3. Goals • Assist small/medium Utah companies win government contracts • Government contracts can be: • Federal • State • Local • Keep contracts/jobs/dollars within state Functions/Duties • Introduction to Government Contracting • Registration (CCR, ORCA, DUNS, etc) • Bid Match • Pre-Bid Support • Proposal Assistance • Post Award Support • Cradle to Grave Contract Assistance

  4. LSI Overview Founded Established in 1972 by a group of former US Air Force career logisticians, pilots, aircraft maintenance experts, and industry supply chain specialists Provides Lifecycle business development services, business development training and logistics solutions Objective Solutions for the government and opportunities for our partners www.lsiwins.com

  5. LSI Overview We help our partners grow their business • Increase visibility to more opportunities • Improve win rate • Lower business development costs Our team of experienced professionals position our partners to WIN • Gathering early market intelligence • Creating business development strategies • Drafting winning proposals • Capturing programs • Executing the contract

  6. Eight Core Competencies • Strategy • Process • Training • Capture • Proposal Development • Program Support • Economic Development • Logistics Solutions

  7. LSI Site Locations

  8. LSI UPT Support • Explain government procurement process • Explain RFPs, RFQs, IFBs, etc. • Introductions to Government agencies • Assistance in preparing proposals • Red team reviews of proposals • Post award assistance • Training • Pricing Support • Contractor Grant Assistance • Outreach Support • GSA Support

  9. Outreach Events • Purposes: • Introduce small/medium Utah contractors to Prime Contractors • Communicate Contracting opportunities • Networking • One-on-one meetings between primes/subs • The following are a sample of the outreach and training events that have been executed: • Camp Williams Data Center Prime Contractor Outreach Events • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Construction Quality Management Contractors Training • Capture Training • General Services Administration (GSA) Workshops • Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) • Hill AFB Vendor Fair • Wyle Labs Outreach • BAE Outreach • Parvus Outreach • Battelle Outreach • Bureau of Reclamation Outreach

  10. New to Federal Procurement? • Gates, Barriers, Roadblocks ahead! • Help resources available!


  12. Objective • Understand the role of strategy planning in identifying and winning new business • Understand why this is important for businesses wanting to pursue Federal procurements

  13. Business Development Cycle Slide #

  14. Simple Company Assessment Model Market Plan Execute Environment Strategy Integration Integration Management Capability Three Leg Stool • Three Leg Stool: Issues • Assess • Integrate • Balance • Change • Re-Assess • Anticipate, Plan, Execute, Win

  15. Summary The “Winning” process starts long before a RFP hits the street • Winners understand themselves and their capabilities • Winners understand their market and the changing environment • Winners develop strategies that integrate real capabilities with market realities • Winners implement growth strategies with resources and team effort


  17. Objectives • Understand how and where to identify Federal business opportunities (resources/tools/help) • Understand the decision process for reviewing, analyzing, assessing and selecting new opportunities to bid

  18. Summary • Utilize PTAC services to identify federal opportunities • Qualify the opportunities for your capabilities • Assess opportunities • Pursuit Decision Process • Select opportunities that meet your company strengths and capabilities Slide #


  20. Objectives • Discuss how teaming can improve your “win” position • Identify the key elements of the teaming agreement • Recognize how SBA affiliation rules affect the determination of small business size • Differentiate the relationship between the teaming agreement and subcontract

  21. Summary • Long-term trend toward consolidation/bundling necessitates “win” strategy of small business teaming agreements. • Adopt an “eyes wide open” approach to teaming • Never lose sight of the fundamentals • Embrace best practices • Know SBA affiliation rules • A teaming agreement is NOT a subcontract. • Look for a teammate who is both capable AND willing to “pull” their share of the “load.” Slide #


  23. Objectives • Understand the capture planning process and key role in winning new business • Understand capture planning roles and relationships • Understand how the capture plan is used to prepare for proposal development and execution • Understand the Bid / No-Bid Process and how it fits in the Capture process

  24. Business Development Cycle

  25. What is Capture? Why is it Critical • Positions your company and resources to respond to a Federal opportunity, i.e., Request for Proposal • Shows the customer your interest in the opportunity • Highlights your capabilities and commitment • Build relationships with customers • Positions your company to win

  26. Summary The “Winning” process starts long before the RFP hits the street. • Winners understand the customer and the customer requirements. • Winners build customer confidence in the company and your approach. • Winners know the competition and their strong and weak points. • Winners develop a winning strategy and winning price. • The Capture Planning process gets you ready to build the winning proposal.


  28. Objectives • Understand the key elements of responding to government requirements • Understand how to present your capabilities with themes and discriminators • Understand pricing basics – “price to win” • Understand proposal build and delivery issues

  29. Summary • Entering the Federal Procurement process and winning contracts is a daunting task • There are many sources of support and tools available to facilitate entry • Understanding yourself, your company and the market environment is critical • Teaming is a great way to build experience and past performance • A disciplined bidding decision process saves tremendous time and resources • Writing winning proposals requires the integration of a great capture process and a great proposal development process • In the end, the government evaluates and awards to those who meet or exceed their requirements, bring the best price at the lowest risk


  31. Business Development Cycle

  32. Summary • The Capture and Proposal development process supports effective contract execution • The key elements of performance: cost, schedule, technical and quality • Past Performance affects the win and facilitates future wins • Current Government budget realities will impact on future business opportunities


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