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Genoa: European Capital of Culture. Municipality of Genoa. SUTRA Final Meeting Gdansk, June 25 2003 THE MUNICIPALITY OF GENOA CITY USER PERSPECTIVE. THE MUNICIPALITY OF GENOA: CITY USER PERSPECTIVE. Contents :.
Genoa: European Capital of Culture Municipality of Genoa SUTRA Final Meeting Gdansk, June 25 2003 THE MUNICIPALITY OF GENOA CITY USER PERSPECTIVE
THE MUNICIPALITY OF GENOA: CITY USER PERSPECTIVE Contents : • An integrated transport policy at local level: Description of the local actions • Use of S.U.TRA. Knowledge • Dissemination plan • Conclusions Gdansk, June 25 2003 Final Meeting
S.U.TRA. IN THE TRANSPORT PLANNING CONTEXT OF THE CITY OF GENOA In the following slides we’re going to present the local actions in the field of the urban transportation planning of the city of Genoa Each of these actions needs a support tool to evaluate a possible environmental impact. This is the aim of the model cascade carried out with the S.U.TRA. project Gdansk, June 25 2003 Final Meeting
INVISIP ROTRANOMO EUROPEAN PROJECTS ASIA URBAN ZENIT I and II PROGRESS MOSES PELLUCID Significant projects in the Environmental and Transport field Gdansk, June 25 2003 Final Meeting
Stockholm Wiesbaden Krakow Frankfurt Darmstadt Konstanz Genoa INVISIP Information Visualisation for Site Planning INVISIP will provide a technical platform as an aid to facilitate information access and data handling for the site planning process (time-saving, intuitive analysis). INVISIP will create a framework to support all involved parties in the site planning process: municipal authorities and departments, planning offices, data suppliers and citizens. Information Visualisation techniques are used to improve search and analysis tasks, and to facilitate the decision-making process based on an existing metadata information system (MIS) for geographic data. The proposed technical architecture is generic in the sense that it can be used in various fields of application. However, the actual implementation within the project concentrates on site planning, in particular issues connected to traffic are given special attention. Gdansk, June 25 2003 Final Meeting
Project Consortium • 2 Cities: Genoa, Glasgow • 1 city network: POLIS • 2 Universities • 5 Research Institutes • 9 Automobile manifacturing companies (VolkswagenScania DAF MAN Renault Ford Opel Porche Peugeot ) Rotranomo ROad TRAffic NOise MOdel Development of a Microscopic Road Traffic Model for the Assessment of Noise Reduction Measures OBJECTIVES The aim of the project is to build up a road traffic noise calculation model that can be used for the development of effective and economic noise reduction action plans on a local base as well as for the assessment of noise reduction strategies within the frame of the environmental protection policy in the EU or in its member states. To reach this goal the model must include all relevant influencing parameters, be sensitive for all the kinds of reduction measure scenarios, and be applicable to future estimations. Gdansk, June 25 2003 Final Meeting
USE OF S.U.TRA. KNOWLEDGE In the environmental sector our Department (Mobility and Transport) has started some projects in collaboration with: The Region of Liguria Other Local Authorities The Province of Genoa Other Departments of the Municipality of Genoa (Environmental Department) The University of Genoa Main objective: todevelop a tool to perform environmental/traffic integrated analisys, supporting the transport planning actvity. Gdansk, June 25 2003 Final Meeting
NEW PROJECTS M.I.T.A.(italian acronym for: Traffic and Environment Integrated Model) Project carried out by the Municipality of Genoa in collaboration with the Province of Genoa and the University of Genoa; Objective: to develop a tool to evaluate the environmental impact due to the transport planning actions,performing simulation of the present and future scenarios. Financed by the Italian Ministry for Environment and the Municipality of Genoa. S.I.M.A. (italian acronym for: Mobility and Environment Informative System). Project carried out by the Municipality of Genoa; the Province of Genoa and the Region of Liguria; Objective: to improve the available GIS tool, in a way that the Local Authorities, involved in the project, could have an easy access to all the available updating information about traffic and environment. Financed by the Municipality of Genoa and the Region of Liguria. Final Meeting Gdansk, June 25 2003
M.I.T.A. METHODOLOGY O/D Private Traffic volume Assignment Pollutant Concentrations Dispersion Model Emission Model Modal choice O/D Assignment Traffic volume O/D Public Fleet composition, traffic network characteristics, information on driving pattern Information on orografy and meteo-climatic conditions Urban Transport Plans (scenarios) Final Meeting Gdansk, June 25 2003
M.I.T.A. – SIMULATION TOOLS Traffic Assignment: VISUM – PTV (like in S.U.TRA.) Emission Evaluation: common model for all the cities involved in Re.M.I.T.A. Dispersion Model: task developed by the Province of Genoa Tools: available model already validated + at least one more, not chosen yet M.I.T.A. S.U.TRA. Exploitation of knowledge and data resulting from the S.U.TRA project,in spite of the partial differences in the model chain, will significantly contribute both in the validation phase of M.I.T.A, both for dissemination of the results. Final Meeting Gdansk, June 25 2003
Milano Parma Genova Roma Re.M.I.T.A. Network of Cities – Environmental and Traffic Integrated Model At present an italian network (Re.M.I.T.A..) is being set up by some cities (Genoa, Rome, Milan, Parma ect.) involved in projects with the same characteristics of M.I.T.A. The main objective of this working group will be to develop a common architecture system, in order to obtain comparable results at national level. Final Meeting Gdansk, June 25 2003
ARPAL Comune di Genova THE EUROPEAN PROJECT S.U.TRA. PRESENTATION OF THE GENOA CITY CASE RESULTS Genoa, July 7 2003 Transport Urban Plan Department Via di Francia 1 – Meeting Hall 24° floor DISSEMINATION PLAN • The first results of the SUTRA project are going to be presented to the Local Authorities. To this aim a presentation is foreseen for the first week of July. • We’d like to spend some more time, in collaboration with the ARPAL team, to improve the actual results for the specific case of Genoa; refining the input data and taking into account the modifications made on the VISUM network in the meanwhile. • To carry on the dissemination of the results, attending the public thematic events, that will be organised, in order to reach all the possible S.U.TRA. stakeholders. Final Meeting Gdansk, June 25 2003
59° National Traffic Conference, RIVA DEL GARDA, 19-23 May 2003 V National Conference of the Environmental Agencies BOLOGNA, 2002 Final Meeting Gdansk, June 25 2003
CONCLUSIONS • to take advantage of expertise, created thanks to the project, inside the before mentioned city network Re.M.I.T.A. • to be able to compare the characteristics of the future proposed tools and methodology with those adopted in S.U.TRA. • to be able to choose the most suitable support system for its urban transport planning It’s clear that exploitation and dissemination of the S.U.TRA. results will be an ongoing process, with a quite long horizon time. Final Meeting Gdansk, June 25 2003
ACCESS RESTRICTIONS • Blue parking zones • Limited Transit Zones and Limited Parking Zones • Benzene Decree (8.00/11.00 only non polluting cars) • Lanes restricted to Public Transport Gdansk, June 25 2003 Final Meeting
INTEGRATED PRICING STRATEGIES • Road Pricing Experimentation (P.RO.G.R.E.S.S EU) project • Interchange parking areas • Parking – Public Transport integrated ticket • Public Transport – Railway integrated ticket • Parking automated tolling experimentation based on “telepass” car recognition • Implementation of the Road Pricing scheme: SUTRA specific city scenario for the Genoa case; • In collaboration with the PTV modeling partner we started to define the VISUM network to implement our road charging project; • At the moment we’ve to improve the parameters for the traffic assignment and complete the implementation of the SUTRA model cascade; • Implementation of the Road Pricing scheme well represents a first example of future exploitation of the SUTRA results, for our city case. Gdansk, June 25 2003 Final Meeting
COLLECTIVE PASSENGER TRANSPORT • 4 new railways urban stations • Collective taxi • Connection between airport zone and city centre by sea • Underground extension • Trolley bus lines extension • Electric buses introduction • Hybrid buses testing • Bus on demand • Automated call centre for the collective taxi • NEW FORMS OF VEHICLES USE AND/OR OWNERSHIP • Car sharing National Circuit (ICS) • Car pooling (Benzene Decree) • Electric vehicles rental system for the city centre integrated with the car sharing Gdansk, June 25 2003 Final Meeting
DISTRIBUTION OF GOODS • The project foresees a system of goods delivery, using non-polluting vehicles, managed by a hub. The hub collects the goods that will be delivered to the Historic Centre of Genoa , only with non-polluting vehicles. Path optimization and Internt based tracking is supplied.. • Objectives : • Decreasing environmental impact (air pollution and noise) caused by goods delivery; • Rationalizing goods delivery with consequent increasing efficiency of whole distributive system; • Economic and social requalifying Historic Centre of the city. • “SOFT” MEASURES • Objectives : • to study commuting mobility to reduce the individual vehicles use, • to develope school safety plans and road safety actions Gdansk, June 25 2003 Final Meeting
TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS and TRAVELLER SERVICES • Traffic Control Centre Upgrade • Integrated Model Traffic Environment • S.I.MON. (Integrated GPS Bus Management System) • Traffic light priority for Public Transport • VMS for parking information and routeing • WAP and Internet technology for traffic data diffusion • Parking WAP Payment • New traffic sensor experimentation • Upgrade of the network for the environment monitoring • WEB Site Infomobility • Fast Inductive Recharge System Gdansk, June 25 2003 Final Meeting
An integrated transport policy at local level : the city of Genoa • 2 urban funiculars (1428 m with 7 stops and 366 m) • 1 rack-railway (1200 m) • 1 metrò (7 Km) to be completed within 2004 • 9 public double lifts • 1 horizontal-vertical lift • 20 filobuses (18 m) + 20 (18 m) within 2002 • 17 hybrid buses (12 m) • 8 battery buses (7,5 m) • 7 metane minibuses (DRINBUS) • 504 out of 904 have been bought after 1996 • FLEETS OF CLEAN VEHICLES