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WP5- Case Study: TURKEY Gediz River Basin

SMART Sustainable Management of Scarce Resources in the Coastal Zone. WP5- Case Study: TURKEY Gediz River Basin. 18–21 September 2003 Cesme,TURKEY. DOKUZ EYL U L UNIVERSITY WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH CENTER Faculty of Engineering , T ınaztepe Campus , 35160 B uca, Izmir, Turkey.

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WP5- Case Study: TURKEY Gediz River Basin

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  1. SMARTSustainable Management of Scarce Resources in the Coastal Zone WP5- Case Study: TURKEYGediz River Basin 18–21 September 2003 Cesme,TURKEY DOKUZ EYLUL UNIVERSITY WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH CENTER Faculty of Engineering, Tınaztepe Campus, 35160 Buca, Izmir, Turkey

  2. REALIZED STUDIES CESME 18-21 September 2003 BEIRUT 13-15 June 2003 Preparation for Waterware Socio-economic Data Compilation Telemac Studies

  3. Socio-Economic Data Compilation Details of socio-economic data compilation will be presented by Cem Polat Cetinkaya & Filiz Barbaros

  4. TELEMAC:by Okan Fistikoglu & Ali Gul Outer Bay Gediz Delta Izmir Inner Bay Inner Bay Middle Bay TELEMAC will answer the following questions: • What is the current pollution distribution in the bay? • How much pollution comes from Gediz River to the inner bay?

  5. Bathimetry TELEMAC DATA

  6. TELEMAC DATA Wind Series Source Cigli DMI Properties Hourly Time Series

  7. TELEMAC DATA Water Quality Data River Pollution Discharge Gediz River Point Source Çiğli Treatment Plant Point Source Güzelbahçe Treatment Plant

  8. TELEMAC DATA Calibration Data Current Meters

  9. Preparation for WaterWare

  10. Geographical Data for WaterWare ARCVIEW database DEM SOIL MAP RIVER LAND COVER

  11. Hydrometeorological Data for WaterWare METEO ARCVIEW database • Daily Precipitation • Average temperature • Relative humidity FLOW by DSI FLOW by EIE

  12. Quality Data for WaterWare Sta NO Name of Station Monitoring Duration 5-002 GEDİZ NEHRİ-URGANLI 86/89-93/95-96/96-00 5-005 GEDİZ NEHRİ-MURADİYE KÖPRÜSÜ 86/88-00 5-006 GEDİZ NEHRİ-MENEMEN KÖPRÜSÜ 86/91-92/95-00 5-022 EMİRALEM REGÜLATÖRÜ 90-93/95-00 5-023 NİF ÇAYI ÇİÇEKLİ-MEMBA 90-00 5-024 NİF ÇAYI-HACIHALİLLER (MANSAP) 91-93/95-00 5-026 NİF ÇAYI COBAN İSA-MANSAP 90-00 5-030 NİF II KÖPRÜSÜ 91-00 5-038 GEDİZ N.-MANİSA KÖPRÜSÜ 91-93/95-00 5-041 ALAŞEHİR ÇAYI-AKHİSAR KÖPRÜSÜ 91-93/95-00 5-043 GEDİZ NEHRİ-AKHİSAR KÖPRÜ 91-93/95-00 5-044 DEMİRCI ÇAYI-BORLU MEMBA 91-93/95-00 5-047 GEDİZ N.-GEDİZ I KÖPRÜSÜ 91-93/95-00 5-049 D.KÖPRÜ BARAJ ÇIKIŞI 92-00 5-054 GÖRDES BARAJI MENBA 98-00 Monitoring period: bimonthly Regularly Observed Parameters: BOD5, Ca, Cl, DO, EC, K, M-Al, Mg, Na, NH3-N, NO2-N, NO3-N, o-PO4, pH, pV, SO4, SS, T, TDS. Irregularly Observed Parameters: B, COD, Fe, F-Strip, P-Al Rarely Observed Parameters: Cd, CN, Col, Cr, Cu, E-Coli, F, Hg, Mn, Pb, T-Coli, TH, TKN, Turb, Zn

  13. Water Regulation Data for WaterWare ARCVIEW database LAKES, RESERVOIRS and REGULATORS

  14. Irrigation Supply&Demand Nodes for WaterWare

  15. Municipal and Industrial Supply&Demand Nodes for WaterWare IN PROGRESS End Back Main menu

  16. NEXT STEP WaterWare

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