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LEVITICUS. LEVITICUS. LXX ~ Leuitikon – priestly. Hebrew ~ and He called. LEVITICUS. Exodus: Jesus as Savior. Leviticus: Jesus as Sanctifier. LEVITICUS. Holy , holiness , etc ~ over 90x in Leviticus. Over 40x in New Testament. Atonement 45x (a covering). LEVITICUS.

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  2. LEVITICUS LXX ~ Leuitikon – priestly Hebrew ~ and He called

  3. LEVITICUS Exodus: Jesus as Savior Leviticus: Jesus as Sanctifier

  4. LEVITICUS Holy, holiness, etc ~ over 90x in Leviticus Over 40x in New Testament Atonement 45x (a covering)

  5. LEVITICUS For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins. Hebrews 10.4

  6. LEVITICUS 1) Apodictic ~ Thou shalt not 2) Casuistic ~ If … Then

  7. LEVITICUS Though sacrifices and ceremonies can be no ground or foundation to build upon – that is, though we can prove naught with them – yet when we have once found Christ and His mysteries, then we may borrow figures, that is to say, allegories, simili-tudes, and examples, to open Christ, and the secrets of God hid in Christ, even unto the quick: and declare them more lively and sensibly with them that all the words of the world. William Tyndale

  8. LEVITICUS Rules for types: 1) Proper attention to historical reality 2) Relate significance to N. T. believers 3) Let established doctrine shape type not vice versa

  9. LEVITICUS Sweet savor~ literally, restful, (abstractly) pleasant • NASB ~ soothingaroma • NIV~ aroma pleasing

  10. LEVITICUS Burnt (Lev. 1, 6 • Bull, male sheep, dove or pigeon • Voluntary • Wholly burned on altar • Signified total dedication to God • Christ is Lamb of God The Five Levitical Sacrifices

  11. LEVITICUS Grain (Lev. 2, 6) • Wheat or barley • Accompanying burnt offering; always with peace offering; sin offering of very poor • As a non-bloody offering, accompanied bloody offerings • Signified total dedication to God • Christ is our provision The Five Levitical Sacrifices

  12. LEVITICUS Peace (Lev. 3, 7) • Bull, lamb or goat • Thank offering, pledge offering, free-will offering • Most parts were eaten by worshipper and family • Meat eaten was token of God's faithfulness • Christ's death is basis of fellowship with God The Five Levitical Sacrifices

  13. LEVITICUS Sin (Lev. 4, 5, 6) • Priest or nation: Young bull • Leader: Male goat • Layperson: Female goat • Poor: Dove or pigeon • Very poor: Flour • Unintentional sin against divine command • Atonement • Jesus is our atonement The Five Levitical Sacrifices

  14. LEVITICUS Trespass (Lev. 5, 6, 7) • Usually a ram • Sin against God or man • Usually accompanied by compensation or fine • Jesus provides retribution The Five Levitical Sacrifices

  15. Mar May Apr Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Nisan Iyar Sivan Tammuz Av Elul Tishri Heshvan Chislev LEVITICUS * Signifies mandatory pilgrim feasts Church age Jan Feb Mar Tevet Shevat Adar * 4 Pentecost (6 Sivan) * 7 Tabernacles (15-22 Tishri) 3 Firstfruits (16 Nisan 6 Atonement (10 Tishri) 2 Unleavened Bread (15-21 Nisan) 5 Trumpets (1-2 Tishri) * 1 Passover (14 Nisan) The Seven Levitical Feasts

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