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Professor Martin Charter Director The Centre for Sustainable Design Martin Cha

Eco-design: the ‘state of the art’ Japan, China,Taiwan & Hong Kong. Professor Martin Charter Director The Centre for Sustainable Design Martin Charter & Associates. Eco- design. UK Department of Trade & Industry (DTI) - Funded Missions

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Professor Martin Charter Director The Centre for Sustainable Design Martin Cha

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  1. Eco-design: the ‘state of the art’ Japan, China,Taiwan & Hong Kong Professor Martin Charter Director The Centre for Sustainable Design Martin Charter & Associates (c) Martin Charter (2004)

  2. Eco- design • UK Department of Trade & Industry (DTI) - Funded Missions • July 2002 - Japan • November 2003 - China, Taiwan, Hong Kong (c) Martin Charter (2004)

  3. Eco- design Three phases of greening 1. Elimination of hazardous chemicals 2. Recycling 3. Green new product development (c) Martin Charter (2004)

  4. Eco- design Legislative framework Basic framework laws - Basic Law on the Environment and Basic Plan for the Environment - Basic Law for Promoting the Creation of a Recycling- Oriented Society: this puts forward the basic philosophy and principles for building a recycling-oriented society Laws for proper waste management and recycling - Waste Management Law: establishes regulations for ensuring proper treatment of wastes - Law for the Promotion of the Effective Utilisation of Resources (LPEUR):promotes 3Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle) (c) Martin Charter (2004)

  5. Eco- design Legislative framework Laws for promoting specific waste recycling - Containers and Packaging Recycling Law - Home Appliances Recycling Law (HARL) - Construction Materials Recycling Law - Food Recycling Law - Automotive Recycling Law Law for promoting greater utilisation of recycled materials - Green Purchasing Law (GPL):requires government bodies to take the lead in procuring environmentally friendly products and material (c) Martin Charter (2004)

  6. Eco- design What is a ‘Recycling Orientated Economic System’ (Integration of Environment and Economy) • Maximising the efficiency of resources and energy • Partnership between industry, consumers and government • Establishing a new industrial technology structure • Advancing environment-related industries (c) Martin Charter (2004)

  7. Eco- design Common tasks and action relating to reduce, reuse and recycle measures • Positive information disclosure • Positive promotion of inter-sector collaboration • Technology development • Removal of administrative obstacles • Promotion of efforts by local authorities (c) Martin Charter (2004)

  8. Eco- design HARL: recycling rates (2002/3) • 60% for air conditioners (achieved 78%) • 55% for televisions (achieved 73%) • 50% for refrigerators (achieved 59%) • 50% for washing machines (achieved 56%) (c) Martin Charter (2004)

  9. Eco- design LPEUR categories 1 Designated resources-reutilising industries (design for reuse): - photocopier manufacturing [new industry] Specified resources-saved products (design for waste reduction) - household appliances (televisions; air conditioners; refrigerators; washing machines; microwave ovens; clothes dryers) [new item] - personal computers [new item] (c) Martin Charter (2004)

  10. Eco- design LPEUR categories 2 Specified resources-reutilised products (design for recycling) - household appliances (televisions; air conditioners; refrigerators; and washing machines) [existing items] - nickel-cadmium battery-powered devices (15 items e.g. electric tools and cordless phones) [existing items] - household appliances (microwave ovens and clothes dryers) [new items] - devices using compact rechargeable batteries (16 items including mobile phone devices) [new items] (c) Martin Charter (2004)

  11. Eco- design Green Purchasing Law (GPL) • Consumer Electronics • Office Equipment • Photocopiers • Computers • Printers • Fax • Scanners • Disk drives • Monitors • Lighting (c) Martin Charter (2004)

  12. Eco- design NEC "Environmental consciousness is a strong selling point for a product…..if a product is not environmentally sound, consumers will not buy it” Koji Nishigaki, President, NEC Corporation NEC aim to make all newly developed products environmentally sound (from April 2004 onwards) - FY2001 target: 60% - FY2002 result: 72% Source: NEC, Annual Environmental Reports (2001 and 2002) (c) Martin Charter (2004)

  13. Eco- design Hitachi As of March 2002, Hitachi had developed 240 eco-designed products, including 1504 different model types. These products represent 22% of overall sales volume. Source: Hitachi, Environmental Sustainability Report (2002) and Hitachi, Environmental Report (2001) (c) Martin Charter (2004)

  14. Eco- design National/Panasonic (Matsushita Electric Group) Green product development 2002 - 28% 2005 - 70% 2010 - 90% (c) Martin Charter (2004)

  15. Eco- design National/Panasonic (Matsushita Electric Group Hybrid recycling: Matsushita Eco Technology Center (METEC) • Recycling • Eco-design • Recycling • Materials • Visitors • Showcase (c) Martin Charter (2004)

  16. Eco- design China EnvironmentalManagement and eco-design • No clear plan for environmental legislation • Confusion over WEEE & RoHS • No awareness of EuP or REACH • ‘Chinese RoHS’ is being developed based on the RoHS • Directive • Development of Chinese equivalent of HARL (adding • computers) • Development of Cleaner Production Promotion Law • No clear plan for environmental legislation (c) Martin Charter (2004)

  17. Eco- design China EnvironmentalManagement and eco-design • Lack of enforcement of environmental laws • Two e-waste bans • No professional electronics recycling network • Possible development of standards for 2nd products • No awareness and development of eco-design • ISO14001: adherence + product (c) Martin Charter (2004)

  18. Eco- design Hong Kong Environmental management & eco-design • Awareness of RoHS, WEE & EuP • Various government funded eco-design projects • Assessment of social impacts of suppliers in mainland • China • Two track world? (c) Martin Charter (2004)

  19. Eco- design Taiwan Environmental management and eco-design • Awareness of RoHS and WEE Directives • No awareness over Eup or REACH • Awareness of GLP and HARL • Sony’s Green Partnership Programme (GPP) • IDB initiated an eco-design awareness raising programme • Eco-design compliance approaches • Lack of recognition of eco-innovation (c) Martin Charter (2004)

  20. Eco- design Taiwan Environmental management and eco-design • ITRI to launch ISO TR 14602 programme • Green Design Network (GDN) • Green Procurement Law was established in 1999 • Green Purchasing Network (GPN) • Increased networking with other South East Asian Countries • Assessment of social impact of suppliers (c) Martin Charter (2004)

  21. Eco- design Japan, China, Taiwan & Hong Kong Key issues 1 • Japan: Recycling-oriented society/economy (closed loops) • Implementation of eco-design • Green product development • Green procurement + information systems • Creating the market • Greater China is the hub of global electronics manufacturing • Importance of Taiwan and Hong Kong companies in mainland China • Problem of meeting RoHS targets amongst Chinese SMEs • Variable awareness of environmental legislation • Variable awareness of eco-design • Concern over quality of electronic components produced in China (c) Martin Charter (2004)

  22. Eco- design Japan, China, Taiwan & Hong Kong Key issues 2 • Partial lead-free production lines? • Two-track world? • Adherence to ISO 14001? • Potential impact of Energy Using Products (EuP) Directive? • Concern over protection of IPR in China • Growing concern over social impacts? (c) Martin Charter (2004)

  23. Contact Details Professor Martin Charter Director Martin Charter & Associates Tel: 00 44 (0)1252 722162 Fax: 00 44 (0)1252 722162 email: martincharter@compuserve.com The Centre for Sustainable Design Tel: 00 44 (0)1252 892772 Fax: 00 44 (0)1252 892747 email: mcharter@surrart.ac.uk web: www.cfsd.org.uk (c) Martin Charter (2004)

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