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Bulgarian sport heroes

Bulgarian sport heroes. Wrestling. Nikola Nikolov Stanchev (September 11, 1930 – July 12, 2009) was a Bulgarian freestyle wrestler. He was born in Tvarditsa, B o urgas province.

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Bulgarian sport heroes

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  1. Bulgariansportheroes

  2. Wrestling Nikola Nikolov Stanchev(September 11, 1930 – July 12, 2009) was a Bulgarian freestyle wrestler. He was born in Tvarditsa, Bourgas province. He was the 1956 Olympic Games middle weight freestyle wrestling champion - the first Bulgarian Olympics gold medal - and silver medal winner at the World championship in Istanbul the same year.
  3. BoyanRadevwasborn onFebruary 25, 1942 inMoshino, Pernik. Heis a formerGrecoRomanwrestlerfromBulgaria. Two time Olympicchampion(Tokio'1964 and Mexico'1968). World champion from Toledoin 1966 and vicechampionin 1962 and 1967.Europeanchampionin 1968 andSportsperson of theYear of Bulgariain 1964,1967,1968.Itwasdeclared as agrandmaster. In 2009, hereceivedthehighestaward of the International WrestlingFederation (FILA) - "Golden Necklace". BoyanRadevwasadoptedintheHall of Fame of the International WrestlingFederation (FILA) inOklahoma (USA).
  4. StankaZlatevaHristovawas born on 1 March 1983 inKrushare,(SlivenProvince)is a femaleBulgarianfreestylewrestler. Shecompetedatthe 2004 SummerOlympicsinAthensandthe 2008 SummerOlympicsinBeijing, whereshewon a silvermedal. Shewasnamed World FemaleWrestler of theYearin 2006 and 2007 andBulgarianSportsperson of theYearin 2007 and 2010. Zlatevahasbeenengagedinwrestlingsince 1997, atage 14. HerfirstcoachwasDemirDemirevandthenshetrainedwithValeriRaychevintheKyustendilsportsclubandinthenationalteam, aswellaswithOgnyanRaychevinthenationalteam. Since 2006, shehasbeencompetingforLevskiSofia, wherehercoachisformerworldchampionandtripleEuropeanchampionSimeonShterev.
  5. Zlatevahas won five world championships (Guangzhou 2006,Baku 2007, Tokyo 2008,Moscow 2010 and Istanbul 2011).She has also won five gold medals from European championships (Moscow 2006, Sofia 2007, Tampere2008,Vilnius 2009 and Baku 2010). ShewasthefirstBulgarianfemalewrestlerattheOlympics: women'swrestlingdebutedatthe 2004 OlympicsinAthens, andZlatevarepresentedBulgariathere, comingtwelfth. Atthe 2008 OlympicsinBeijing, shewasaspiring to wingold, butlost to thesurprisingWangJiao of thePeople's Republic of Chinainthefinal. Inlate 2010, itwasrevealedthatZlatevahadbeenoffered to competeforAzerbaijanatthe 2012 Olympics, buthadsteadfastlyrefused to discussanysuchpossibilitywiththeAzeris, asshewouldonlybewilling to representBulgaria.
  6. DanKoloff (1892–1940), bornDonchoKolеvDanev (Bulgarian: Дончо Колев Данев), was a famousBulgarianwrestlerand a nationalhero of Bulgaria. A verybravemanBorninthevillage of Sennik, Bulgaria to a modestpeasantfamily (onDecember 27, 1892), Koloffimmigrated to theUnited States attheage of 17. He foundworkas a railroadconstructionworker. He quicklyimpressedwithhisextraordinaryphysicalpowerandbecamefamousforhisability to twistmetalrailsaroundhisneck. He evenfought a bear, whilehunting, withhisbarehandsforanhourandfinallygotthechance to killtheanimalwithhisrifle. Witnessessawscars of Koloff'shandsontheneck of thebear. He wassubsequentlyhiredas a wrestlerintheVictoriaCircus. BeforebeingdiscoveredandtrainedbyZbyszkoCyganiewicz, DanKolovwas a self-taughtwrestler. Hisglorydayswerebetween 1918 and 1927 duringwhichhewasundefeatedandwonall 1,500 matchesthathefought. He becamethefirstwrestler to captureheavyweightwrestling's 'DiamondBelt'twice. He wasbeatentwiceinhiscareer. Hismostfamousvictoriesare:in New Yorkvs. LatvianRudyDusek – 1919 inTokyovs. JikiHigen -"TheStrangler" – 1921 inParisvs. HenriDeglane −1933
  7. Onhisreturn to Bulgariaas a Heavyweight World Champion, hewaswelcomedbythousandsas a nationalhero. InhishomelandDanKolovdevotedhimself to charity, arrangingmanymorematchesinSofiaanddonatingalltheproceeds to charity. ThefirstBulgarianpassengerairplaneswereboughtwithKolov'sfinancing. Koloffdiedinhishomevillage of SennikonMarch 27, 1940 of tuberculosis. Hiscoffinwascarriedbyofficers of theNinthArtilleryCorpsfromthetown of Sevlievoalsoescortedbyanhonourarycompany of cavalery. Nowadays, thereis a majorwrestlingtournamentinBulgariaheldannuallyinhishonour. Kolovremains a nationalheroandisstillwidelyconsideredasthebestwrestler of alltime.
  8. Boxing GeorgiKostadinov (bornMarch 3, 1950) is a formerboxerfromBulgaria. KostadinovwontheOlympicFlyweightgoldmedalatthe 1972 MunichOlympicGamesforBulgaria.He is Bulgaria’s first Olympic champion in boxing. PetarLesov(bornSeptember 12, 1960) was a Bulgarianboxer, whowontheFlyweightGoldmedalatthe 1980 SummerOlympics. He is a two-timeEuropeanchampionintheflyweightdivision (1981 and 1983).He has won several competitions in Bulgaria.
  9. DetelinDalakliev (born 19 February 1983) is a boxerfromBulgaria. He iscompetingintheBantamweight (– 54 kg) division, andwonthegoldmedalatthe World AmateurBoxingChampionshipsinMilano 2009. Dalaklievwonbronzemedalsatthe 2003 World AmateurBoxingChampionshipsand 2001 and 2004 EuropeanAmateurBoxingChampionshipsand a silvermedalatthe 2006 and 2008 EuropeanAmateurBoxingChampionships. He competedatthe 2004 SummerOlympics, butwasknockedoutintheround of 16 byAghasiMammadov of Azerbaijan. He representedBulgariaatthe 2008 EuropeanAmateurBoxingChampionshipsinLiverpool, England. AtthechampionshipsDalaklievdefeatedWelshmanAndrewSelbyinthesemifinalsbeforefacinginexperiencedEnglishmanLukeCampbellinthefinal. AfterfourroundsBulgarianlevelledthescoresinthefight to 5 eachafterhescored a pointinthelasttwoseconds of thefight. Thedecisionthenwent to countbackandCampbellwasawardedthetitlemakingCampbellthefirstEnglishman to win a Europeanamateurtitlesince 1961.
  10. KubratVenkovPulev (born 4 May 1981) is a Bulgarianprofessionalheavyweightboxerbestknown to medalrepeatedlyatinternationaltournamentsasanamateur, winningthegoldmedalinthesuperheavyweightdivisionatthe2008 EuropeanChampionships.After his success on the amateur ring he turned up pro and from 2009 he has a personal record of 13 wins(6 by ko) 0 losses.
  11. Gymnastics Bulgaria'swomenrhythmicgymnasticsteamwon a goldmedalinthegroupscompetition of the 2011 RhythmicGymnastics World ChampionshipinMontpellier, France. RenetaKamberova, MihaelaMaevska, TsvetelinaNaydenova, ElenaTodorova, HristinaTodrova, andCatherinVelkova, brought to Bulgariathefirstmedalfrom a worldchampionshipsince 2003, whenthebulgarianteamwonthesilver medal. Inaddition to thethirdplace, on SaturdaytheBulgariangymnastswon a quotafortheOlympicsinLondonin 2012.
  12. The BulgarianTeam of RhythmicGymnasticsis a worldchampion! The Golden Girlsarebackontopafterthegirls of IlianaRaevawon a goldmedalina combinationwithtwohoopsandthreebandsattheworldchampionshipinFrance. Thegirlsarethenewworldchampions withribbonsandringslessthan a yearbeforetheOlympicsinLondon. Aftertheir performanceall the people in thehallinMontpellier werecheeringthemup! The Bulgariangirlswho camewiththelaststartingnumber, receiveda score of 27.400 points, havingplayed a perfectcombinationandtooktheirthirdmedal of thechampionship.
  13. "Our happiest moment, was when we saw that we were on rank 1, and our most difficult - the preparation before that" Said MihaelaMaevska, captain of the team. "We are very happy. We did not expect the gold medal. We figured there would be a medal, but not the gold one." added Elena Todorova. "We only dreamed of gold medals, but now they are reality!" said HristinaTodorova "We were the only ones, who did our combinations without making mistakes, which means that we were very well prepared. We hope that we'll get the gold medal at the olympics." saidPashalieva - assistantcoach "The most important thing is, that the kids played four times for two days, without making any mistakes!" added Ananieva – assistantcoach
  14. Freeruning DelyanDimitrov “Dido” (born 17 september 1991) is freeruner form Sofia , Bulgaria. Before he started training freerun he won international MMA and wrestling competitions.Dido started training freerun in 2006 and is known for trying high level moves outside, often being the first to try them.The community generally respects him for his bravery, despite the fact that he doesn't always land these moves succesfully. In 2009 he took first place at “Red Bull Art of Motion” competition and became freerun world champion.He is being sponsored by the sports brand “fiveten”.Now he continues training despite his ankle trauma and surgery fail ,he had second surgery which was succesful and he should get back in shape in couple of months.
  15. Tennis TsvetanaPironkovais born on September 13th in 1987 in Plovdiv,Bulgaria. Pironkovaisright-handedandplayswith a two-handedbackhand.Sheachievedhercareerhigh of worldno. 31 on 13 September 2010. SheisbestknownfordefeatingVenusWilliamsthreetimesatGrandSlamtournaments. SheiscurrentlytheBulgarianNo. 1 andhaswonsix ITF titlesinhercareer.Pironkova is born in the family of a formercanoeingchampion KirilEnchevPironkov and a formerswimmingchampionRadosvetaChinkovaNikolova. Shestartedplayingtennisattheage of 4, whenherfatherKirilintroducedher to thegame. Attheage of six, shestartedplayinginjuniortournamentsinBulgaria.Kirillaterbecamehercoach. In 2001, PironkovawontheAtlantic Cup International JuniorTournamentheldinBulgaria,andhercareerhighinjuniorswasworldno. 227 on 25 March 2002.
  16. DiaEvtimovais born on April 30th in 1989 in Haskovo,Bulgaria.Shesi Bulgarian tennis player too and she is a competitor in Bulgarian Fed Cup team, with current record 10-9..Her trainer is her father EvtimEvtimov.In 2001 she was selected for tennis player number 2 in Europe for ladies to 14 years. OnSeptember 12, 2011, shereachedherhighest WTA singlesranking of 147 whilstherbestdoublesrankingwas 275 onJune 15, 2009. In 2010, shequalifiedfortheInternationauxdeStrasbourgwhereshewasdefeatedbyMariaSharapovainthesecondround. In 2011, shequalifiedfortheGasteinLadieswhereshereachedherfirst WTA quarterfinal, butthereshelost to PatriciaMayr-Achleitner.Butnowshehas436 point and win the second place for ladies tennis players in Bulgaria after TsvetiPironkova.
  17. KaterinaMaleevaisbornon May 7thin1969 inSofia,Bulgaria.SheisBulgariantennisplayer.Sheplayedinthe WTA tour, competinginsingles, doublesandmixeddoublesbetween 1984 and 1997. Herbestpositioninthe WTA ranklistwasnumber 6 in 1990. Maleevawasthesecondoldest of thethreechildren of YuliaBerberyanandGeorgiMaleev. Themother, whocamefrom a prominentArmenianfamily, whichfoundrefugeinBulgariaafterthe 1896 ArmenianmassacresintheOttomanEmpire, wasthebestBulgariantennisplayerinthe 1960s. Aftersheretiredfromprofessionaltennisinthe 1970s, Berberyanstartedon a coachingcareer. Shewasthecoach of herthreedaughters, Katerina, ManuelaandMagdalena, each of whomeventuallybecame WTA toptenplayers. Throughoutherprofessionalcareer, Maleevahaswon a total of 11 WTA Toursinglestitlesandtwotitlesindoubles. Shehasbeensixtimesinthetoptenandhas a balance of 369 victoriesand 210 losses. In 1994 shemarriedheryear-longpartner, GeorgiStoimenov. ThetwohavetwochildrenandcurrentlyliveinSofia. She retired in 1997.Careerprizemoney $2,220,371.
  18. Volleyball The Bulgaria men's national volleyball team, controlled by the Bulgarian Volleyball Federation, is one of the leading volleyball teams in Europe and the world. Its achievements include one silver medal from the World Championship (1970) and four bronze medals (1949, 1952, 1986, 2006), as well as one fourth place (1962). From the European Championship, Bulgaria has won one second place (1951) and four third (1955, 1981, 1983, 2009) and four fourth places (1948, 1963, 1967, 1995). Bulgaria has also won a silver medal from the 1980 Summer Olympic Games in Moscow, and has a fourth place from the 1972 Olympics in Munich. The team's World Cup has won one bronze medal (2007) and one fourth place in 1969. Other achievements are the three World League fourth places (1994, 2004, 2006). The team's most relevant recent results were winning third place in the 2006 Volleyball World Championship, the 2007 World Cup, and the 2009 Men's European Volleyball Championship.
  19. Bulgaria was first invited to take part in the World League in 1994. In its debut season in the tournament the team managed to finish fourth led by players like LuboGanev, DimoTonev, Martin Stoev, etc. In the next four editions Bulgaria took part but did not manage to tie or beat its first season performance – the team came fifth in 1995, eight in 1996, sixth in 1997, and seventh in 1998. Bulgaria was then excluded from the World League until the 2003 season. It has been a constant participant ever since and among the contestants for the final phase of the tournament. Under the guidance of MiloradKijac the new wave of players including TeodorSalparov, DanailMihaylov, etc. mixed well with the more experienced EvgeniIvanov, PlamenKonstantinov, NikolayIvanov, Vladimir Nikolov, HristoTsvetanov to come fifth in 2003. The next year once again under Kijac the team played some impressive games and succeeded to tie its best performance of finishing fourth. The team included more players of the Under-21 team that the previous year managed to win a medal at the World Championships such as MateyKaziyski and Milushev. In 2005 with a new coach, Martin Stoev, the team finished fifth, followed by another tied best-ever performance – fourth in 2006, and another fifth in 2007. In 2008 the team finished seventh, while in 2009 they finished tenth. In 2010 Bulgaria recorded another seventh place. In 2011 Bulgaria qualified for first time in the Final Round after four years, they finished fifth.
  20. Thank you for your attentionEND
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