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Hi-Tech Group. The Hi-Tech Group specializes in providing competent and high-quality services in Human Resource & Organization Development Consulting. The company provides the full range of services in search and selection of highly skilled experts and managers for Russian and foreign companies.
Hi-Tech Group The Hi-Tech Group specializes in providing competent and high-quality services in Human Resource& Organization Development Consulting. The company provides the full range of services in search and selection of highly skilled experts andmanagers for Russian and foreign companies. We are proud that among our regular customers are the largest Russian and transnational companiesas well as international organizations. High quality of our services is verified by references and letters of credence from our customers. (c) Hi-Tech Group, LLC, 2004-2009.
Company Overview The Hi-Tech Group was established in 2004 by top managers of some Russian IT companies, who becamepartners of the company and this fact predetermined the name – “Hi-Tech Group”. Currently, the structure of the Hi-Tech Group comprises Consulting, Recruiting, Marketing and Customer ServicesDepartments. The Hi-Tech Group constantly conducts independent research on an ongoing basis, implements new technologies andmethodologies. As a result of this work the Hi-Tech Group provides its customers with new solutions and products andmore efficient and less expensive methods of their realization. Quality management system of the company meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2000. (c) Hi-Tech Group, LLC, 2004-2009.
Recruiting The Hi-Tech Group provides a wide range of services related to search and selection ofhighly qualified specialists and managers for Russian and foreign companies. Our specialization: • Corporate sales • Marketing, including product- & pre-management; • Information & Telecom Technology: development, implementation, ERP systems, IT security, project management, tech support, sales etc. • Human Resources Managenent • Quality Management • Medicine & Pharma (c) Hi-Tech Group, LLC, 2004-2009.
Terms of work Depending on customer’s needs out company offers the following types of work in the field of recruitment: “We have no recruiter, but certain vacancies appear sometimes" This is the most productive, cost-efficient and effective way. We close all the vacancies of our loyal customers, from chief financial officer to secretary. At the same time we are eager to offer our clients the most favorable terms of cooperation. “We have one or more vacancies for highly qualified managers and specialists” Services on search and selection of executives, top-managers and specialists in corporate sales, marketing, IT&Telecom, HR and Quality Management. “We are establishing a new business” Project recruiting is one of the most efficient methods used for searching key specialists and managers in case of establishing new structures and businesses. (c) Hi-Tech Group, LLC, 2004-2009.
Recruiting. Cost of Service Cost of the Hi-Tech Group services for search and selection of executives, managers and specialists is equal to 12- 16% of the annual base salary of the employed specialist, excluding any potential bonuses or any other compensation. The concrete amount of payment by the contract depends on different factors and being set individually for the concrete vacancy and terms of work. The payment is made in case of hiring the candidate, one week after the candidate’s starting date in case of positive feedback from both sides (i.e. the firm and the new employee). The standard agreement includes 3 month warranty period. The Hi-Tech Group Company is not a standard recruitment agency: it is one of the few acting developers of HR technologies in Russia that does not allow as to have narrow approach on our clients’ tasks. (c) Hi-Tech Group, LLC, 2004-2009.
Our Clients We are proud that among our loyal customers are the largest Russian and transnational companies as well as international organizations.
ContactUs Phone number: +7 (495) 361-62-39 +7 (915) 245-3550 E-mail:dv@htg.ru http://www.htg.ru/(Russian version) http://www.htg.ru/eng/ (c) Hi-Tech Group, LLC, 2004-2009.