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Joy around a little fir tree. ACTIVITIES DEVELOPED WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF COMENIUS PROGRAMME 2009-2010 VIRTUAL EDEN APPROVED WITH NR. 09-PM-622-2011. Period of activities: 2 months. Teachers: prof. Viorica D RAGĂ – head teacher inst. Mariana ANGHEL - responsible
Period of activities: 2 months • Teachers: • prof. Viorica DRAGĂ – head teacher • inst. Mariana ANGHEL - responsible • prof. Mihaela BUŞE • parents: Dia Cristina, Stanculescu-Dinulescu Diana Number of pupils involved: 24 pupils – class I C • Purpose: • Achievement of the curriculum objectives of several school subjects by activities developed within the framework of the project; • Involvement of the parents in the school activities.
ROMANIAN LANGUAGE • Objectives of the project: • Communication in mother tongue (Romanian); • Oral communication of the scientific information, structuring of the message according to its aims. • Curriculum objectives: • Developing of abilities of reception of the oral message; • Developing of abilities of oral mode of expression; • Understanding the global significance of the oral message; • Ability to formulate clearly and correctly verbal statements according to a given situation; • Developing of initiative and interest in the communication with the others. Description of the activities: Within the framework of the lesson of Romanian language, the pupils listened to the lecture “I wont to liveamongstars” by the Romanian writer Victor Eftimiu. Then they discussed about the text conceiving different endings for the story.
KNOWLEDGE OF THE ENVIRONMENT • Objectives of the project: • Mathematical, scientific and technological abilities; • Determination by pupils of the objectives, description of actions, relations, dependences, identification of regulations of systems and processes, influence of environment pollution. • Curriculum objectives: • Knowledge, understanding and utilisation in communication of specific terms, in order to describe phenomena observed in the environment; • Formation of a positive attitude toward the environment, by stimulating the interest toward environment preservation and practising the skill of its care and protection; • Identification of specific ways which can contribute to the preservation of a healthy life for plants and animals; • Participation in actions concerning the care and protection of plants and animals.
Description of activities: • In the first activity the pupils acquired knowledge about the type of forests in our country and their disposition on our territory, as well as about the importance of the forests for human beings: http://picasaweb.google.ro/clasa1c186/CunoastereaMediului#
2. In the second activity the pupils moulded from plasticine different plants and animals existing in the forests of our country or other countries: http://picasaweb.google.ro/clasa1c186/AbilitatiPractice#
3.In the last action a fir tree was planted in the school garden. It was just our CHRISTMAS TREE. The pupils realized that some traditions and customs must not lead to forest deterioration. The fir tree was offered to our class by Vlad’s mother, Ms. Dia Cristina. Ms. Director, prof. Viorica DRAGĂ joined us during this activity. http://picasaweb.google.ro/clasa1c186/BradutulNostru#
PRACTICAL ABILITIES • Objectives of the project: • Mathematical, scientific and technological competences; • Determination by pupils of the objectives, actions description, relations and dependences, identification of regulations of processes and systems, influence of environment pollution. • Curricular objectives: • Knowledge and utilisation of some working technics with different materials and tools; • Designing, manufacturing and evaluation of some simple products; • Ability of recognition and using simple work operations using natural and synthetic materials; • Applications of previously learned working technics in the achievement of combined compositions;
Description of activities: 1. In the first activity the pupils achieved small fir trees by sticking together small pieces of corrugate paper on a bigger sheet of paper. http://picasaweb.google.ro/clasa1c186/EducatiePlastica#
2. In the second activity they achievedornaments and decorations for the CHRISTMAS TREE, using corrugate paper of different colors. http://picasaweb.google.ro/clasa1c186/BradutulNostru#
MUSICAL EDUCATION & FRENCH ”STEP BY STEP“ • Objectives of the project: • Communication in foreign language; • Promotion of the learning of a foreign language with an accent on the linguistic diversity. • Curricular objectives: • Expression by music; • Development of reception abilities of the oral messages; • Development of abilities of oral expression; • To make evident by body motions the content of ideas of a written text; • To play songs of a given repertory in a medium nuance; • To articulate isolate sounds and within the framework of words/groups of words,observing the specific accent and intonation of French language; • To learn to react in a verbal/nonverbal manner at a listened message.
Description of activities: 1. In the first activity the pupils learned songs in Romanian language about fir trees and about winter, presenting them at the Christmas school celebration. http://picasaweb.google.ro/clasa1c186/SerbareDeCraciun#
2. In the second activity, together with the French language teacher, the pupils learned songs in French and sang them nobile dancing around the fir tree, after that the fir tree was planted in the school garden. http://picasaweb.google.ro/clasa1c186/BradutulNostru#
EVALUATION OF ACTIVITIES • Analysis of the products of activities; • Observation ; • Analysis of the answers of pupils at questions asked during the development of the activities; • Exhibitions within the project; • Remarks of parents and teachers in our school; • Creation of a virtual album with pictures taken within the activities (parent: Stanculescu-Dinulescu Diana)
The little fir tree in the winter season The little fir tree in the spring season