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Hall C Users Meeting January 30, 2009

Precise Measurement of p + / p - Ratios in Semi-inclusive DIS Part I: Charge Symmetry Violating Quark Distributions (PR12-09-002) Part II: Unraveling the Flavor Dependence of the EMC Effect (PR12-09-004) Spokespersons: D. Dutta , K. Hafidi , and D. Gaskell. Hall C Users Meeting

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Hall C Users Meeting January 30, 2009

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  1. Precise Measurement of p+/p- Ratios in Semi-inclusive DISPart I: Charge Symmetry Violating Quark Distributions (PR12-09-002)Part II: Unraveling the Flavor Dependence of the EMC Effect (PR12-09-004)Spokespersons: D. Dutta, K. Hafidi, and D. Gaskell Hall C Users Meeting January 30, 2009

  2. quark distribution fragmentation function Inclusive cross section 2 Experiments – 1 Technique Semi-inclusive DIS can be used as a “flavor tag” to explore UnpolarizedPDFs  Polarized PDFs  Sea flavor asymmetry 2 new experiments measuring p+/p- ratios with high precision to measure  Charge symmetry violating quark distributions  Flavor dependence of the EMC effect Needed precision requires high luminosity, good (charge-independent) understanding of acceptance  ideal for Hall C with HMS-SHMS

  3. Charge Symmetry: Low energy nuclear physics vs. QCD Charge symmetry (CS) is a particular form of isospin symmetry (IS) that involves a rotation of 180° about the “2” axis in isospin space Low energy QCD • For nuclei: • CS operator interchanges neutrons and protons • CS appears to be more respected than IS: • pp and nn scattering lengths are almost equal • mp = mn(to 1%) • Binding energies of 3H and 3He are equal to 1% • Energy levels in mirror nuclei are equal to 1 % • After corrections for electromagnetic interactions • up(x,Q2) = dn(x,Q2) and dp(x,Q2) = un(x,Q2) • Origin: • Electromagnetic interactions • δm = md – mu • Naively, one would expect that CSV would be • of the order of (md – mu)/<M> • Where <M> = 0.5 – 1 GeV • CSV effect of 1% CS has been universally assumed in parton distribution functions !

  4. Motivations • CSV measurements are important on their own as a further step in studying the inner structure of the nucleon • The validity of charge symmetry is a necessary condition for many relations between structure functions • Flavor symmetry violation extraction relies on the implicit assumption of charge symmetry (sea quarks) • Charge symmetry violation could be a viable explanation for the anomalous value of the Weinberg angle extracted by NuTeV experiment

  5. Theory, phenomenologyandexperimentalupper limit ! • Based on the same twist-2 PDF from Adelaide group • Model by Sather (PLB274(1992)433): • δd ~ 2-3% and δu ~ 1% • Model by Rodionov, Thomas and Londergan(Mod. PLA9(1994)1799): • δd could reach up to 10% at high x • MRST group studied uncertainties in PDFs (Eur. Phys. J.35(2004)325) • CSV parameterization δuv = -δdv = κ(1-x)4x-0.5(x-0.0909) • The form has to satisfy the normalization condition • κ was varied in the global fit: 90% CL obtained for (-0.65 < κ < 0.8) • Upper limit obtained by comparing: F2ν and F2γ on isoscalar targets • F2ν by CCFR collaboration at FNAL (iron data) • F2γ by NMC collaboration using muons (deuterium target) • 0.1 ≤ x ≤ 0.4  9% upper limit for CSV effect!

  6. Theory, phenomenologyandexperimentalupper limit ! • MRST group studied uncertainties in PDFs (Eur. Phys. J.35(2004)325) • CSV parameterization δuv = -δdv = κ(1-x)4x-0.5(x-0.0909) • The form has to satisfy the normalization condition • κ was varied in the global fit: 90% CL obtained for (-0.65 < κ < 0.8) • Upper limit obtained by comparing: F2ν and F2γ on isoscalar targets • F2ν by CCFR collaboration at FNAL (iron data) • F2γ by NMC collaboration using muons (deuterium target) • 0.1 ≤ x ≤ 0.4  9% upper limit for CSV effect!

  7. Formalism (Londergan, Pang and Thomas PRD54(1996)3154) Assuming factorization Impulse Approximation D(z)R(x,z) + A(x) C(x) = B(x,z) Extract simultaneously D(z) and C(x) in each Q2 bin! 7

  8. Measurements: D(e,e’π+) and D(e,e’π-) in Hall C • 11 GeV electron beam • 10 cm LD2 target • HMS and SHMS spectrometers • A sister proposal to PR-09-004 SHMS 4.5 ≤ p ≤ 6.8 GeV/c To each x setting corresponds 4 z measurements (z = 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7) Q2 = 3.5 GeV2x = 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45 Q2 = 5.1 GeV2 x = 0.45, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6 Q2 = 6.2 GeV2x = 0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.65 3 Q2 measurements: for each Q2 we have 16 equations and 8 unknowns: D(zi) and C(xi) HMS 1.7 ≤ p ≤ 4.6 GeV/c D(z)R(x,z) + A(x) C(x) = B(x,z) 8

  9. hadron arm Particle IDentification electron arm Precision Measurement of Charged Pion Ratios Acceptance for pion is independent of their charge • For each setting keep the total rates the same for π+ and π- • Reduces rate dependent systematics (tracking efficiency…) • 50 μA (25 μA) beam current for negative (positive) polarity p • HMS (pions) 1.9 - 4.6 GeV • Gas Č @ 0.96 atm • pth(π) = 2.65 GeV and • pth(K)= 9.4 GeV • Aerogel (n = 1.015) • pth(π) = 0.8 GeV and • pth(K)= 2.85 GeV • Max e- rate = 90 kHz • HMS Caloe- rejection 100:1 @ 1 GeV • 1000:1 @ 2 GeV • Pion detection eff> 99.5% • Aided by Č for p< 2.6 GeV • SHMS (electrons) 4.5-6.5 GeV • π- rate ≈ 10s kHz • p- /e in the worst case ~ 1/5 • Lead glass Calo: 99% e- det. eff • 200:1 π rejection • Heavy gas Č @ 1 atm • to further reduce π background

  10. Factorization SIDIS = (g*q) (qhadronization) Results from E00-108 in Hall-C T. Navasardyan et al., PRL 98, 022001 (2007) SIDIS Issues Cross sections and ratios of p+ & p- production from 1H and 2H suggest that factorization may hold even at 6 GeV for z< 0.7 We will perform similar tests with 1H and 2H @ 12 GeV

  11. Simulated using SIMC: cross-section from PYTHIA modified to agree with HERMES and CLAS results. <10% of SIDIS in the x-scan @ z=0.5 Backgrounds Diffractive r0 production Used to estimate the uncertainty to the super-ratio and difference ratio. CSV:0.2%-1.2% (EMC: super-ratio: ~ 0.6% -0.8%) State-of-the-art parameterizations will be used to correct the experimental yields

  12. Simulated using SIMC Implementation of radiative effects in the energy peaking approximation combined with an exclusive pionelectroproduction model for the resonance region. Contributions are small (<6%) Backgrounds Radiative background from exclusives Estimated uncertainty due to radiative background CSV: (EMC: 0.1%-1.3%~0.8%)

  13. CSV Error budget

  14. CSV Projections

  15. CSV Projections

  16. CSV Projections

  17. CSV Beam time needed !

  18. EMC BCDMS SLAC Fermi smearing Anti-Shadowing Shadowing EMC effect The EMC Effect Significant nuclear dependence of the structure functions,( F2A/F2D) discovered over 25 years ago Indicates that quark distributions are modified inside nuclei

  19. EMC BCDMS SLAC Fermi smearing Anti-Shadowing Shadowing EMC effect The EMC Effect (Precision Measurements) A and x dependence were precisely mapped at SLAC (for A > 4) JLab E03-103 and HERMES have made precision measurements for few-body nuclei. Size of EMC effect varies with A Shape of EMC effect independent of A Independent of Q2 All these measurements are inclusive measurements

  20. New handle Some models predict a significant flavor dependence for asymmetric nuclei such as gold. medium modified quark distributions Clöet, Bentz & Thomas (nuc-th/0901.3559) nucleon quark distributions Why Another Measurement? Experimentally, the flavor dependence of the EMC effect is as yet completely unexplored. It could also help explain the anomalous sin2qW measured by the NuTeV experiment.

  21. EMC effect from d-quarks EMC effect from u-quarks Nuclear PDFs of Hirai, Kumano & Nagai Clöet et al. Test sensitivity to flavor dependence of the EMC effect with toy model uv only: EMC effect due to modification of uA only F2A remains unchanged dv only: EMC effect due to modification of dA only Why Another Measurement? • New Observables Super ratio & Difference ratio

  22. HERMES results Inclusive cross section are explicitly removed, avoiding effects of differences in uA,dA Nuclear environment has significant effect on hadron formation A. Airapetian et al., NPB 780, 1 (2007) (More) SIDIS Issues Hadron attenuation HERMES results indicate that hadron attenuation for p+ & p- are the same at the few % level

  23. The New Proposal (part II) • Measure A(e,e’ p±)X on 2H (10 cm, 1.5% r.l.) and 197Au (6% r.l.) • targets, with Ee = 11 GeV, & beam current of 15-50 mA. • Use DIS kinematics • Q2 > 1.0 GeV2, W2 > 4.0 GeV2 and W’2 > 2.5 GeV2 , PT ~ 0 (parallel kinematics) • Detect the electron in the SHMS and the hadron in the HMS, • Cover the EMC region, x = 0.2 to 0.6 in steps of 0.1, • at a fixed z = 0.5 • 2. Cover z=0.4 to 0.6 in steps of 0.1 and • n=4.0 to 6.5 GeV in steps of 0.5 GeV at a fixed x =0.3 • 3. Cover z=0.4 to 0.6 in steps of 0.1 at a fixed x = 0.5 (study flavor dependence) (study hadronization) (study sensitivity to models of fragmentation functions) Collect H(e,e’p±)X data to be used with the 2H data to verify factorization at 12 GeV

  24. Total Uncertainties The real/random ratio is taken into account target thickness, rescattering, and absorption cancel in the double ratio. The beam current is adjusted to keep the spectrometer rates in the hadron arm similar for both charge states. Experience in Hall-C suggests that absolute yields on heavy targets can be stable to ~ 1% over the course of months. Ratios should do better.

  25. Projected Results Hadron attenuation study At x=0.3 there is no EMC effect and hence no flavor dependence. z and nscans at x=0.3 will be provide high precision measurement of hadron attenuation of pions.

  26. Projected Results Flavor dependence of the EMC effect Both observables can be measured with sufficient precision to verify and/or set stringent limits on the flavor dependence of EMC effect

  27. Beam Time Request • 72 hrs of LH2 time and • 37 hrs of LD2 time is common • between part I and part II • (PR12-09-002 and PR12-09-004) • If theEMC and CSVexperiments run • together the total running time • would be reduced by 5.5 days • total run time for both = 35.5 days • Bulk of the time 418/480 hrs is • spent on the Gold target. Higher • currents would reduce this time but would need the large exit pipe on the scattering chamber.

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