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The Issue Federal Communications Commission wishes to regulate internet access and set prices for ISPs Court ruling against FCC’s claim and opportunity in Congress Current advocacy and media campaign for “non competition‐enabling” “firm‐restricting” ‘net neutrality’. Vision
The Issue • Federal Communications Commission wishes to regulate internet access and set prices for ISPs • Court ruling against FCC’s claim and opportunity in Congress • Current advocacy and media campaign for “non competition‐enabling” “firm‐restricting” ‘net neutrality’.
Vision People’s ability to provide and access unregulated internet content flow and connectivity speed in the U.S. and the rest of the world.
Mission Maintain free and unregulated internet access for content flow and connectivity speed by influencing the current policy debate on ‘net neutrality’.
Target Image • International non-partisan grassroots campaign • Launched by concerned citizens from 6 countries • Our agenda is to stop the government from taking over the internet
Goal • Stop ‘Net Neutrality’ movement by creating awareness amongst American internet users on the negative effects of this proposal • Influence the policy debate to make FCC, Congress, and social media consider ‘net neutrality’ as NET BRUTALITY. • Bring all supporters of our cause together under one common banner. • Petition the FCC and the Government
Target Groups • Libertarian like minded internet users and video gamers • Fiscal and Social Conservative Activists, Campaigners and Think Tanks • Internet Service Providers and Communications companies • Policy makers (Legislators, Regulators, Public officials)
Key Messages • Net Neutrality = Net BRUTALITY! • Government regulated internet is inefficient • Internet regulation will lead to content censorship and excessive taxation • The Internet is not immune from economic principles and forces
Our Strategy • Online Media Campaign • Webpage • Social Media: • Facebook Group • Chinese Blog • Twitter Messaging • Advocacy Efforts • ATR Wednesday Meeting • Informational and Take Action Pamphlet
Our Products and Activities • ATR Wednesday Meeting
www.nonetbrutality.com www.nonetbrutality.com
Our Outcome • Webpage Traffic: 200 Visitors in 3 days • Facebook Figures: About 200 supporters in two days • Twitter Figures: Following 293 people, 22 follower, 1 list • Organizational Support: ATR CATO Among others