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WEBQUEST Anger Management in Children. Vanessa C. Lamb Linda Aiello. INTRODUCTION. Students get angry ! Classrooms get disrupted ! How would the quality of your classroom improve if everyone used their anger in safe, acceptable ways?
WEBQUESTAnger Management in Children Vanessa C. Lamb Linda Aiello
INTRODUCTION Students get angry! Classrooms get disrupted! How would the quality of your classroom improve if everyone used their anger in safe, acceptable ways? Let’s face it, this issue is on the rise in this day in age. Our students are dealing with a variety of daily stresses. Come on this journey to find ways to help our students learn the virtue of self-control and calmness.
TASK In this web quest, you will further your knowledge on the topic of anger, identify the warning signs, and list effective ways to handle anger in/out of the classroom. You will develop a mini-lesson for your students on the topic of anger management. Your lesson will include a piece of children’s literature and activities to lead your students in completing tasks of self-control and appropriate release of emotions. What can parents do? You will also provide a parent letter connecting your lesson to effective home strategies.
PROCESS 1.Begin by exploring your background knowledge of Anger Management and decide what you would like to know regarding this topic. Complete a KWL graphic organizer from this link: (this is a type-in file) http://teacher.scholastic.com/lessonplans/graphicorg/pdfs/kwl.pdf be sure to save this completed chart to your desktop in order to revisit and add to what you’ve learned. 2. Use these guiding questions to further your knowledge on Anger Management: What are some alternatives to conflict and violence? How can one use their anger to empower themselves? What are alternative appropriate ways of expressing anger? What are some ‘trigger’ situations for kids and their anger? 3. Use these following websites to explore http://www.safeyouth.org/scripts/teens/anger.asp http://www.angriesout.com/ http://www.micheleborba.com/Pages/PRbmi01.htm http://www.education-world.com/a_curr/strategy/strategy049.shtml http://www.athealth.com/Consumer/issues/childsanger.html 4. Decide on a focus question dealing with the anger management in the classroom.
PROCESS cont. 5. Use your focus question to guide you in creatingactivities to do in your classroom within your mini lesson. Here is a sample : http://www.angriesout.com/bullylessons.htm 6. Choose a lesson plan template. Click here for some sample templates: (be sure to include an assessment piece) http://www.harlingen.isd.tenet.edu/forms/lessonplans.html 7. Create / plan your lesson and activities for your students. 8. Choose a piece of literature from our list of books to include in your mini lesson on anger management in children. Book List 9. Create a parent letterbased on this lesson. The purpose of your parent letter is to provide a connection of the common language/ strategies in managing child anger. You could include a TIPS section /list for an easy read or quick reference at home.
CONCLUSION In this web quest, you have furthered your knowledge on the topic of Anger Management. You should have identified the warning signs and listed effective ways to handle anger in/out of the classroom. With the development of a mini-lesson, you can now effectively share this information with your students and peers. By becoming aware of connected children literature, you have added to your classroom resources. By creating a parent letter, you have provided a great resource for effective home strategies as well as strengthening the home school connection.
CREDITS / RESOURCES • Scholastic KWL chart : http://teacher.scholastic.com/lessonplans/graphicorg/pdfs/kwl.pdf • Research Links: (websites to explore) http://www.safeyouth.org/scripts/teens/anger.asp http://www.angriesout.com/ http://www.micheleborba.com/Pages/PRbmi01.htm http://www.education-world.com/a_curr/strategy/strategy049.shtml http://www.athealth.com/Consumer/issues/childsanger.html • A sample mini lesson: http://www.angriesout.com/bullylessons.htm • Lesson plan templates: http://www.harlingen.isd.tenet.edu/forms/lessonplans.html • Children’s Literature : Book List (book cover images – Amazon.com) • Parent Letter Template (Microsoft Publisher) • Microsoft Office Online ClipArt
Presenter’s Page In order to effectively present this web quest, keep in mind that your audience must possess knowledge of new literacies as they navigate through the web quest’s links and complete the tasks. Your audience is gaining personal knowledge on the topic is Anger Management. This web quest will allow your audience to “walk away with” a ready-to-use lesson plan. Feel free to navigate through other websites in addition to the provided links on our TASK and RESOURCE slide. You may also feel free to explore or use other children’s literature from your personal library in order to be more appropriate to your grade level. Be sure to have the actual books available in your presentation. Keep in mind all the tasks that need to be completed. Below is an approximation of time allotted for each: KWL - 10 min Research / focus question- 30 min Lesson Plan ( objective; activities; assessment) – 20min Children Literature selection – 15 min Parent Letter -15 min
CHILDREN’S LITERATURE • If You’re ANGRY And You Know It! By: Cecily Kaiser • Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by: Judith Viorst • I Was So Mad by: Mercer Mayer • The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Teasing by: Stan & Jan Berenstain • back to PROCESS cont.
Additional Research Links • http://www.napa.ufl.edu/2002news/angermngmt.htm • http://pbskids.org/itsmylife/video/index.html#divorce • http://pbskids.org/itsmylife/emotions/anger/index.html • http://www.enterthefreudianslip.com/100-child-anger-management.htm