KLU KLUX KLAN By : Rylie Moore
The first Grand Wizard was Nathan Bedford Forrest. On December 24, 1865, at Pulaski, Tennessee, during a meeting in a small law office, Captain John C. Lester said "Boys, let's start something to break this monotony, and to cheer up our mothers and the girls. Let's start a club of some kind." During the evening the organization was perfected. Captain John B. Kennedy, on the committee to select a name mentioned one which he had considered, "Kukloi," from the Greek word "Kuklos," meaning a band or circle. James R. Crowe said, "Call is Ku Klux," and no one will know what it means. John C. Lester said: "Add Klan as we are all Scotch-Irish descent."
Some traditions that the KKK had is (hanging) blacks, burning crosses, secret handshakes and passwords, wore costumes, no names were ever told, stood near voting poles on voting day ( to make sure the blacks wouldn't vote), pretend to be ghosts of dead confederate soldiers, and killed innocent blacks. They would hang them, burn them alive, and take pictures. The Klu Klux Klan always said “THIS IS A WHITE MAN'S ORGANIZATION”, exalting the Caucasian Race and teaching the doctrine of White Supremacy. They would also say “WE STAND FOR WHITE SUPREMACY”. Distinction among the races is not accidental but designed.
The symbol is a red circle with a cross and a blood drop in the middle. The blood drop represents the blood shed by Jesus Christ as a sacrifice to the white race.