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Minerals in Electronic Devices

Minerals in Electronic Devices. By: Alex Gilkey. Monitor.

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Minerals in Electronic Devices

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  1. Minerals in Electronic Devices By: Alex Gilkey

  2. Monitor • Sulfur, Hemmimorphite, ZinciteSmithsonite, FrankleniteAg, Pyrargyrite, Cerargyrite Halite Bauxite Chalcopyrite, Boronite, Enargite,Cuprite, Malachite, Azurite, Chrysocolla, ChalcociteGoldAlunite, Orthoclase, Nephelite, Leucite, Apophullite; Flourite, Cryolite, Vesuvianite; Lepidolite: Dolomite, Magnesite, Espomite, Spinel, Olivine, Pyrope, Biotite, TalcRealgar, Orpiment, Niccolite, Cobalite, Arsenopyrite, TetrahedriteMonzanite, Orthite

  3. Plastic case, Keyboard, Glass screen • Plastic case, Keyboard: Calcite, Gypsum, Apatite, Aragonite Rutile, Ilmenite, TitaniteApetite, Pyromorphite, Wavellite • Glass screen: Galena, Cerussite, Anglesite, Pyromorphite Quartz

  4. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Monitors, Metal case • Liquid Crystal Display Monitors: Galena, Cerussite, Anglesite, Pyromorphite Quartz Hematite Cassiterite,Sphalerite (Commonly found with Zinc) • Metal case: Magnetite, Limonite

  5. Flat Screen Plasma Display Monitors • Quartz Galena, Cerussite, Anglesite, Pyromorphite Sulfur, Hemmimorphite, Zincite, Smithsonite, Franklenite Ag, Pyrargyrite, Cerargyrite Halite Bauxite Chalcopyrite, Boronite, Enargite, Cuprite, Malachite, Azurite,Chryssocolla, ChalcociteGoldEuxenite Euxenite Alunite, Orthoclase, Nephelite, Leucite,Apophullite; Flourite, Cryolite, Vesuvianite; Lepidolite: Dolomite, Magnesite, Espomite, Spinel, Olivine, Pyrope, Biotite, TalcRealgar, Orpiment, Niccolite, CobaliteArsenopyrite, TetrahedriteMonzanite, Orthite

  6. Printed Circuit Boards, Computer Chips • Quartz Chalcopyrite, Boronite, Enargite, Cuprite, Malachite,Azurite, Chrysocolla, ChalcociteGoldAg, Pyrargyrite, CerargyriteCassiterite Bauxite

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