1. X-ray Interferometer Mirror Module ISAL Study Pre-work Overview
7. The Periscope Module- the subject of this ISAL study The Periscope module is a convenient place to break out two radically different tolerance levels
Nm and ~mas relative positioning and pointing within the modules
Micron and arcsecond module to module alignment
Some further study makes our Periscope mirror �pairs� into mirror �quads�
4 bounce optical situation required to maintain coarse module to module alignment
9. Goals for this Study How do you make these light weight mirrors so they are flat to better than ?/200?
How do you hold these mirrors with actuators to move them by ~nm over microns of range? Which Actuators and controlling electronics? Do you put actuators on all the mirrors?
How does the structure provide an environment suitable to maintain the mirror figure and stability?
Do we need internal metrology? How to implement?
How do we register one module�s mirror surfaces to another modules mirror surfaces at the micron level?
How to mass produce these? By how much does this save costs?
What would the alignment procedures be?
Trade Studies- three different mirror module sizes,..
We need the usual IMDC cost/mass/power inputs. Drawings.
13. More on module tolerance later by Ann Shipley See PPT presentation by Ann and other supporting material.