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Formats for Letters and Memos

Learn to choose & use standard formats, nonsexist titles, and create a professional image in business communication. Understand letter & memo setups, courtesy titles, and email structure.

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Formats for Letters and Memos

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  1. To learn how to Choose and use standard formats. Use nonsexist courtesy titles. Create a professional image. Formats for Letters and Memos

  2. Start by answering these questions: What are the standard formats for letters? What courtesy titles should I use? How should I set up memos? How should I set up e-mail messages? Formats for Letters and Memos

  3. Standard Components for Letters • Block vs. Modified Block • Salutation • Complimentary Close • Mixed vs. Open Punctuation • Subject Line vs. Reference Line

  4. Use Ms. or Mr. unless the reader has a professional title. Professional titles include Dr., Rev., Prof., and Senator. Use a complete name if you don’t know gender. Robin Sandersinstead ofMr.or Ms. Sanders. Courtesy Titles

  5. Courtesy Titlescontinued • When you don’t know the reader’s name or gender, use • The reader’s position or job title. • Dear Human Resources Manager • The general group to which the reader belongs. • DearConcerned Citizen

  6. Courtesy Titlescontinued • Omit the salutation and use a subject line instead. • Subject: An investment opportunity

  7. Standard Formats for Memos • Standard memo format mimics block letter format, but • Use Date/To/ From/Subject block. In general, initial next to your name. • Requires subject lines. • Doesn’t indent paragraphs or use headings for the first paragraph.

  8. Standard Formats for E-Mail • Standard formats are evolving. • The format depends on the e-mail program. • Most programs prompt you to supply the address and subject line. • Most programs allow you to send attachments, as well as computer copies (cc.).

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