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Welcome to Jaguar Nation. JH HS. 2014 2015.
Welcome to Jaguar Nation JH HS 2014 2015
JHHS Administrative TeamStacy Carpenter, Assistant Principal (Seniors, Biology, Geometry)David Medina, Assistant Principal (Discipline J-Q, English III, CATE, Foreign Language)Lonna Jackson, Assistant Principal (Discipline A-I, English II, Reading/Writing Initiative)Bruce Perkins, PrincipalMandi Marshall, Assistant Principal (Attendance, SpEd)Ryan Brassell, Assistant Principal (Discipline R-Z, U. S History, Subs, Textbooks)Ahnekii Tanner, Assistant Principal/Registrar (AP, Credit Recovery, Graduation)
Our #1 job is to provide a safe learning environment that promotes professionalism and academic excellence. • All administrators have an open door policy. • Please come to us with any concerns or questions. • Respect the chain of command. Administrative Support
JHHS CounselorsPaul Ballard (Students E-K)Karri Pritchard (Students L-R, At-Risk)Madelyn Hill (Students A-D, AP)Yolanda Deatherage (Career Technology)Rhonda Harrison, Registrar’s Administrative AssistantTonia Westbrook (Students S-Z, Senior Awards)
Teachers affect eternity; no one can tell where their influence stops. ~H. B. Adams The relationships you build with students form the single strongest access to student goals. ~E. Jensen The big four Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. ~N. Mandela It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. ~A. Einstein
2014-2015 Jag Nation Equation
Jag Nation Dedication • Show loyalty and respect to one another and John Horn High School at all times. • Take every opportunity to promote and to speak positively about our school and our students. The BOND ELECTION is this year. Does what we say about Horn HS tell others that we are worthy their money? • Be an advocate for our school and MISD. • Protect the instructional time of your colleagues. • Support cross-curricular academic endeavors. • Seek every opportunity for on-going professional growth. • Develop and maintain a positive rapport with parents and students. • Support, encourage, and value all who are part of JAGUAR NATION!
B elieve in the Vision I nfuse Rigor & Excellence G MISD Expectations ive Your Best
Jag Nation Expectations We will… • Read & write critically everyday • Have academic discussions • Own our learning (strategic & extended thinking) • Prepare for the future
Jaguar BHAGs Educator Learning Goals I will increase rigor in my classroom by… • Framing the lesson • Promoting academic discussions • Practicing quality questioning • Engaging the brain • Reading & writing critically • Closing the lesson
As a campus, we must commit to stepping up our efforts in order to reach and assist our Special Ed, Limited English Proficient, and Economically Disadvantaged students. • SpEd • (ARDs, inclusion/co-teach, liaisons, pre-teaching) • LEP • (SSTs, case managers, Newcomer’s Group, pre-teaching, Top 10 LEP strategies) • Economically Disadvantaged 46% • (SSTs, peer tutoring, pull-outs, acceleration, pre-teaching, Gems & Gents)
1:1 1:1 VALUE EVERYONE “Teachers who inspire know that teaching is like cultivating a garden, and those who would have nothing to do with thorns must never attempt to gather flowers.”~Author Unknown EXPECT TO BE THE BEST BUILD RELATIONSHIPS MAKE AN IMPACT
Welcome your students and be visible in the hallways. • Return phone calls and emails promptly. • Handle the small things in your classroom. • Be involved (PTSA, extra-curricular, etc.) • Communicate regularly with parents, especially good news (JAG Cards) Building Successful Relationships
Jag Cards are a positive way to let teachers, students and parents know you care. • You should stack them and put them in a rubber band with a post-it note delineating the number of cards. • Give cards to Pat Wood to send to the mail room. • The district mail room will put postage on the cards. • Writing down our triumphs and good thoughts makes us feel better. Jag Cards
When are the bookrooms going to open up? THEY WON’T! Mr. Brassell will actually come to you! 90 – 95% of all needed textbooks should already be distributed in the classrooms. Textbooks
What is the proper procedure for receiving textbooks? • You do not need to request more books than students enrolled in your class. • Textbooks will be scanned/assigned to the TEACHER. It will be up to the teacher to assign to students. • Books will be scanned to the appropriate teacher before the end of the third six weeks.
Once I receive my books, what’s next? • Each book will be scanned into TipWeband checked out to the teacher. Mr. Brassell will print off a classroom set report for you and place in your box. This will show the book “ACCESSION” number on it. • Teachers will need to fill out the spreadsheet labeling book assignments to studentsand retain it for reference. Be sure to keep accurate records.
What happens if a student gets a schedule change? • For changes made within the same subject, the student is to return that book to Mrs. Harrison in the registrar’s office. • The new teacher will then inform Mr. Brassell that they will need a new book for a new student unless the teacher has one available. • The sending teacher should delete the student from their textbook list. The receiving teacher will add the student. • For schedule changes where a class is dropped and the student no longer needs the textbook, the student needs to take the book to the registrar’s office (Mrs. Harrison) and the book will be given to Mr. Brassell.
What do I do if I am a new teacher to the campus in regards to textbooks? • If you are replacing a teacher who is no longer at JHHS, Mr. Brassell will come to your classroom (books were left in classrooms over the summer), “scan in” the books from the former teacher, and “scan out” to the new teacher. • If you are teaching a new subject or from a new edition of a text, notify Mr. Brassell by email of: • Title of textbook • How many you need • (This is the same procedure if you need additional textbooks)
Teacher attendance was 96.31% last school year. Policy changes have occurred regarding tenure days, so please save your personal days for true emergencies. Attendance
All teachers must keep a hard copy of their attendance records to be turned in at the end of the school year. • Remember to send an alphabetized field trip list to the attendance secretaries (Ms. Lisle and Mrs. Methered) a full two days prior to the date of the event.
Take attendance after the first 10 minutes of class. First period, take attendance at 9:00 a.m. • If a student is more than 20 minutes late to 1st period, he/she is to be counted absent. If a student is more than 10 minutes late to 2nd-4th periods, he/ she is to be counted absent. • Be sure to record tardies and absences in PowerSchool. Our records must be accurate when we submit them for PEIMS and truancy court purposes. • Send attendance corrections in writing to Ms. Lisle.
Be sure to finalize all attendance information in PowerSchool by 4:00 each day. • Remember that when a student goes to truancy court, our case depends on the accuracy of your attendance data. • Last year our attendance percentage was 97.20%! Great job, Staff! • Please call Dr. Marshall at 5202 (or send an email) with any concerns about your students’ attendance issues. • The first step to success is to show up! Kids cannot be successful without attending school.
Students want you to support their interests outside of the classroom, and we want you to be there as well whenever time permits. • If you are interested in working any sporting events for extra money, please go by the ticket booth or the front office to see Janet Everson (ext. 5209). ExtracurricularEvents
We will have professional development training before and after school and in roll-in sessions throughout the school year. Teachers should attend the COOL sessions. These will usually be the first 30 – 45 minutes of your conference period. COOLCommunity Of Ongoing Learners
Any computer issues not involving integration of technology into instruction need to be directed to the Help Desk (ext. 7777). Technology
It is your responsibility to report an absence on AESOP. • AESOP business cards will be issued by Mr. Brassell. • Fill out schedules and include assignments (2 A-day/2 B-day), seating charts, roll sheets, and other information in Sub Folders and return to Amanda Lisle by August 23rd. • School business must be reported in a timely manner. If you wait until the day before the absence, you may not get a sub and may not get to attend your event. • Half-Day absences (8-12 or 12-4) must be reported, and subs must be called by 7:00 a.m. SubstitutesSee Mr. Brassell
If you are out 1stperiod and have a conference the next period, a ½ day absence must be put in AESOP. Please remember if you have a conference period and activity period, a ½ day absence must also be reported. • If you would like to sub for extra money, please email Mr. Brassell so he can create a list of staff to call before making someone else cover a class. You will get paid $27.33 per class. • If you have any special circumstances, please see Mr. Brassell.
Every office worker will wear an ID badge at all times. • Please inform administration if office workers cause a disruption to your class. • These badges can only be worn during the office periods. • Office workers are not to be used to run your personal errands, i.e. getting snacks from vending machines, fetching change, making copies, etc. Office Workers
The first day of school is critical, and it can set you up for a good or bad year. • Be fair and consistent across the board. • Pick your battles. Remember that you want to protect your instructional time as much as you can. • You may send home a welcome letter with your contact information for parents to be able to contact you in case they have questions in the future. Discipline
It is often easier to contact parents by phone because an email can be misconstrued. • Administrators will do whatever it takes to help and discipline students who are referred to the office.
Referrals – Last resort, it sends a message that you’ve exhausted all efforts to correct the behavior. Students like to say and do whatever will push your buttons. When they do this, please do not entertain his behavior & lower yourself to their standards. Remember to make parent contacts for persistent misbehavior. Evidence of that contact should be listed on the student’s referral. A parents first time hearing about his/her child's lack of academic/behavioral progress should not come from the administrator. Referrals
Students are dealt with based on a infraction system. ISS is used as a consequence after other options that do not remove a student from instruction have been utilized when possible. • Referrals must be detailed and complete for students to get the appropriate punishment. • At the end of each 6 weeks, you will receive discipline data that includes goals we will work to meet.
Return all parent phone calls and emails within 24 hours. • Keep ParentConnect up to date. • Communication is key to student success; keep parents informed on discipline, attendance, grades and student improvement. Communication
The district mandated that the tardy count restarts each six weeks. • Due to recent litigation, the district has set forth the certain expectations in regards to truancy: • Tardies can and will cause students to be sent to truancy court. For that reason, an accurate tardy log must be kept for documentation purposes. • Tardy logs must be turned in to your appraiser at the end of each semester. Tardy Policy
Tardy Policy • 1st tardy = warning by teacher • 2nd tardy = parent contact by teacher • 3rd tardy = parent contact by teacher/loss of exemption • warning/teacher detention • 4th tardy = office referral/loss of exemption for referring class • 5th tardy = office referral/SST and administrative detention • 6th tardy & beyond = office referral/ISS/truancy warning
Mrs. Alnita McCowin is the ISS teacher. • The ISS time is from 8:35 a.m. until 3:45p.m. every day for students who did not follow the ISS rules for the day. • Students must have assignments to work on while in ISS, and they will have to complete the ISS workbook if they do not have their assignments. • Teachers are expected to submit class assignments before the student begins his or her time in ISS or as soon as possible. ISS
All assignments sent to ISS should be properly labeled with the student’s name and teacher’s name. • If assignments are not sent in a timely manner and students have nothing to do, they can be released back to your classes early. • Please be specific with your instructions when you send assignments to ISS. See Mr. Medina for any questions! • There will be a sign-in sheet for teachers to sign while visiting students in ISS.
Mrs. Bratcher will email you about a placement and attach an assignment form. • Drag form to desktop, fill in assignments, and email back to Mrs. Bratcherwithin 24 hrs. of notification that your student has received a placement. • ALL teachers on a student’s schedule should provide assignments. Student’s are there for an extensive amount of time each day they are in placement. They will need assignments! ISIP
Please indicate if you have the student on “A” days or “B” days. • ISIP will have a selection of books. However, they may not have the book you use in your class. Please contact Mr. Brassell if you do not have enough to send one. Books and/or other items to Mrs. Bratcher by the end of the day. • Mr. Brassell is the ISIP contact administrator.
Be on time and be present. Being highly visible and proactive will help deter negative behavior. Safety first! • If you are going to be absent from your assigned duty, ask a colleague to cover for you; especially if you serve duty in a highly active area. • Be in the hallways during passing periods. • Please see Mr. Medina if you have any questions about your duty location. • Your duty will be every other day. Duties
Arrest notifications are confidential (see FERPA). • Weekend times 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. • If you need to reserve a room for an event, check Docushare and email Mrs. Bambi Aceves. • If you need the auditorium, email the theater teachers and Mrs. Aceves. • The sign up sheets for the school vans are with Mrs. Aceves. • Run all of your morning errands (checking mailbox, running copies, signing in, etc.) BEFORE first period bell. You will need to be in your classroom/at your door when students enter a class. Reminders
Do not remove anything (desks, cabinets, computers, etc.) or exchange items with a colleague without Mr. Medina’s knowledge and approval. He has to keep an accurate building inventory. • Ordering electronic devices over $100 needs prior district approval, please see Mrs. Wood for appropriate paperwork. • Inventory will be done later in the year. Please send the description and serial numbers of your new items to Mr. Medina. • Email Mr. Medina if you have any custodial service needs. Fixed Assets/Custodians
Lockers will be issued by Mr. Brassell. • Students do not have to take a locker. Lockers
Jag For Life 1:1 Value Everyone 24/7