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ReDVA Meeting in Paris Guerbet, Villepinte, FR April 3-4, 2014

ReDVA Meeting in Paris Guerbet, Villepinte, FR April 3-4, 2014. E. Lancelot. Agenda of the meeting. Day 1 – welcome and introduction Day 1 – workpackages 2 & 3 orientation program Day 1 – brainstorming session Day 1 – plenary session Day 2 – workpackages 4 & 5 orientation program

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ReDVA Meeting in Paris Guerbet, Villepinte, FR April 3-4, 2014

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  1. ReDVA Meeting in ParisGuerbet, Villepinte, FRApril 3-4, 2014 E. Lancelot

  2. Agenda of the meeting Day 1 – welcome and introduction Day 1 – workpackages 2 & 3 orientation program Day 1 – brainstorming session Day 1 – plenary session Day 2 – workpackages 4 & 5 orientation program Day 2 – workshops Day 2 - conclusion

  3. Agenda of the meeting Day 1 – welcome and introduction Day 1 – workpackages 2 & 3 orientation program Day 1 – brainstorming session Day 1 – plenary session Day 2 – workpackages 4 & 5 orientation program Day 2 – workshops Day 2 - conclusion

  4. Agenda of the meeting • Day 1 – welcome and introduction • Welcome and logistic matters (E. Lancelot – 5 min) • Update on the project developments • Organizational matters (G. Houston – 15 min) • Administrative matters (J. Wyatt – 15 min)

  5. Agenda of the meeting Day 1 – welcome and introduction Day 1 – workpackages 2 & 3 orientation program Day 1 – brainstorming session Day 1 – plenary session Day 2 – workpackages 4 & 5 orientation program Day 2 – workshops Day 2 - conclusion

  6. Agenda of the meeting • Day 1 – workpackages 2 & 3 orientation program • Key questions (G. Houston – 5 min) • Methodology (G. Houston – 10 min) • ERBP questionnaires (N. Inston – 15 min) • Deliverables and Gant chart (E. Lancelot – 15 min)

  7. How are central vein problems assessed in the pre-operative setting? What is the place of CT and MRI? • How are these problems managed, once detected? • What types of interventions are available in case of failing VA site? • How is the surveillance of VA sites performed? Agenda of the meeting • Day 1 – workpackages 2 & 3 orientation program • Key questions (G. Houston – 5 min) • Methodology (G. Houston – 10 min) • ERBP questionnaires (N. Inston – 15 min) • Deliverables and Gant chart (E. Lancelot – 15 min)

  8. Literature review • Retrospective analysis of ReVDA Partners data • Local and European databases • Two levels of questions: • Deep vein catheters: who is doing what? • MRI and CT: what are they used for and how? Agenda of the meeting • Day 1 – workpackages 2 & 3 orientation program • Key questions (G. Houston – 5 min) • Methodology (G. Houston – 10 min) • ERBP questionnaires (N. Inston – 15 min) • Deliverables and Gant chart (E. Lancelot – 15 min)

  9. The PICO method • Use of the EROS system • List of topics relevant to VA • How to elaborate the questionnaires and who should receive them? Agenda of the meeting • Day 1 – workpackages 2 & 3 orientation program • Key questions (G. Houston – 5 min) • Methodology (G. Houston – 10 min) • ERBP questionnaires (N. Inston – 15 min) • Deliverables and Gant chart (E. Lancelot – 15 min)

  10. Who should do what and when? Agenda of the meeting • Day 1 – workpackages 2 & 3 orientation program • Key questions (G. Houston – 5 min) • Methodology (G. Houston/N.Inston – 10 min) • ERBP questionnaires (N. Inston – 15 min) • Deliverables and Gant chart (E. Lancelot – 15 min)

  11. Agenda of the meeting Day 1 – welcome and introduction Day 1 – workpackages 2 & 3 orientation program Day 1 – brainstorming session Day 1 – plenary session Day 2 – workpackages 4 & 5 orientation program Day 2 – workshops Day 2 - conclusion

  12. Agenda of the meeting • Day 1 – brainstorming session • Group 1 – « what are the strengths and weaknesses of each imaging modality in relation to VA solutions and implantation sites? » (J. Ayub – 45 min) • Group 2 – « evidence-based clinical practice in relation to VA assessment: what are the challenges? » (E. Lancelot – 45 min) • Group 1 – feedback (J. Ayub – 15 min) • Group 2 – feedback (E. Lancelot – 15 min)

  13. G. Houston + JS. Raynaud + S. Gandy + S. Kokkalis + Z. Kwhawaja + M. Walsh+ R. Ross + J. Alshakarchi + L. Brown Agenda of the meeting • N. Inston + R. Jones + D. Cassidy + S. Matthew + P. Hoskins + P. Stonebridge + S. Broderick+ D. Newport + J. Wyatt + S. Bell • Day 1 – brainstorming session • Group 1 – « what are the strengths and weaknesses of each imaging modality in relation to VA solutions and implantation sites? » (J. Ayub – 45 min) • Group 2 – « evidence-based clinical practice in relation to VA assessment: what are the challenges? » (E. Lancelot – 45 min) • Group 1 – restitution (J. Ayub – 15 min) • Group 2 – restitution (E. Lancelot – 15 min)

  14. Agenda of the meeting Day 1 – welcome and introduction Day 1 – workpackages 2 & 3 orientation program Day 1 – brainstorming session Day 1 – plenary session Day 2 – workpackages 4 & 5 orientation program Day 2 – workshops Day 2 - conclusion

  15. Agenda of the meeting • Day 1 – plenary session – VA Clinical Aspects • Clinical aspects of VA site disease (N. Inston – 20 min) • Imaging modalities for VA site assessment (R. Jones – 20 min) • Techniques for intervention on failing VA (P Stonebridge– 20 min)

  16. Agenda of the meeting Day 1 – welcome and introduction Day 1 – workpackages 2 & 3 orientation program Day 1 – brainstorming session Day 1 – plenary session Day 2 – workpackages 4 & 5 orientation program Day 2 – workshops Day 2 - conclusion

  17. Agenda of the meeting • Day 2 – workpackages 4 & 5 orientation program Lab based work in AV access: • Pressure flow rigs and CFD(M Walsh 10 mins) • Blood mimics and Ultrasound (P Hoskins 10 mins) • Flow visualisation (E Kokkalis 10 mins) Key Questions definition discussion (20 mins) (will be defined by above on Thursday am!)

  18. Agenda of the meeting Day 1 – welcome and introduction Day 1 – workpackages 2 & 3 orientation program Day 1 – brainstorming session Day 1 – plenary session Day 2 – workpackages 4 & 5 orientation program Day 2 – workshops Day 2 - conclusion

  19. Agenda of the meeting • Day 2 – workshops • High-resolution imaging techniques for VA site assessment – technical considerations (JS. Raynaud & S. Gandy – 30 min) • Managing VA in haemodialized patients – the patient and clinicians view point (S. Matthew & S Bell – 30 min) • Laboratory-based techniques for VA site assessment – translational research in support of clinical research (M. Walsh & P Hoskins – 30 min)

  20. Agenda of the meeting • Day 2 – workshops • Summary of the discussions (JS. Raynaud & S. Gandy – 10 min) • Summary of the discussions (S. Matthew – 10 min) • Summary of the discussions (M. Walsh – 10 min)

  21. Agenda of the meeting Day 1 – welcome and introduction Day 1 – workpackages 2 & 3 orientation program Day 1 – brainstorming session Day 1 – plenary session Day 2 – workpackages 4 & 5 orientation program Day 2 – workshops Day 2 - conclusion

  22. Agenda of the meeting • Day 2 - conclusion • Next steps – scientific aspects (G. Houston – 10 min) • Next steps – administrative aspects (J. Wyatt – 10 min)

  23. Agenda • Scientific Advisory Board Meeting Agenda G Houston (30 mins) Title of Presentation - Date, Confidentiality level

  24. Thank you for your participation ! See you at the next ReDVA meeting !

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