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e-Frame Convergence Report

e-Frame Convergence Report. Jan Pieter Smits Rutger Hoekstra Niels Schoenaker Statistics Netherlands. Number of systems to measure SD/progress (Cumulative). Question to the audience . Number of countries with national income estimates. Econometric models Keynes theory

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e-Frame Convergence Report

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Presentation Transcript

  1. e-Frame Convergence Report Jan Pieter Smits Rutger Hoekstra Niels Schoenaker Statistics Netherlands

  2. Number of systems to measure SD/progress (Cumulative)

  3. Question to the audience

  4. Number of countries with national income estimates Econometric models Keynes theory Input-output analysis

  5. GDP and Beyond: Why convergence? • Arguments for convergence • One message for society • International comparability • Working together • Arguments against convergence • Countries have different preferences (Stakeholder involvement) • Misconceptions • It is just a matter of choosing one of the current systems • Convergence leaves no flexibility • This is the golden ticket to success in GDP and Beyond • The convergence process needs to be started now

  6. Stocktaking of convergence initiatives Conceptual convergence Horizontal convergence Example: System of Environmental and Economic accounts (SEEA) Global Reporting Initiative Vertical convergence Example: Measuring what matters (UK) CBS/GRI/TSC (The Netherlands)

  7. Conceptual convergence (National level) Capital approach /Wealth accounting (World Bank) (mid 90s) Conceptual model is: -Consistent to National Accounts -Linked to economic models UNECE/Eurostat/OECD WG on Statistics on Sustainable development (2005-2009) Stiglitz-Sen-Fittousi report (2009)/Sponsorship Group (Eurostat/INSEE) CES recommendations (UNECE-Eurostat-OECD (2009-2013)

  8. Number of systems to measure SD/progress (Cumulative)

  9. Case study: Measurement systems SD/progress • Database • 12 composites (economic and non-economic) • 43 Sustainable Development Indicator Sets • 24 out of 28 EU countries

  10. SD at national level: SDI sets

  11. SD at national level: Popular indicators

  12. SD at national level: Country differences

  13. Conclusions • We can learn from the history of National accounts/GDP • Bad news • Convergence takes a long time • Adoption takes even longer • Can we really wait several decades? • Good news • Convergence has already started • Despite their differences there are many similarities ofsystems • Comments? • Draft report ready by end of February • Want to review? r.hoekstra@cbs.nl • June 2014- finalversion

  14. SD at national level: Composites • 59%

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