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Congratulations on launching the young academy in Israel!.
Congratulationsonlaunching the young academy in Israel! All members of the young academy of Japan are glad to welcome a new friend. We’ve also just kicked off the young academy in our country for one year. We’ve been struggling to find what we can do, and what we would be. It is definitely encouraging for us and other country to establish the young academy in our own country. And also I believe that empowering the young generation will energize the whole generations and nations to lead us to a peaceful and sustainable world. We are looking forward to sharing ideas and thoughts to make the world a better place. Be sure to enjoy the insightful discussion in the young academy!! Shoji Komai, Ph.D. Chair of the young academy of Japan Associate Professor in Biological Sciences Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST)
A message from the South African Young Academy of Science (SAYAS) Congratulations to the newly appointed founding members of the Israeli Young Academy; your excellence is recognised! Your new role includes an obligation of service and the opportunity to shape the strategic plan of the Israeli Young Academy in line with your proposed vision. SAYAS members convey their best wishes to you all as you proceed on this exciting journey and look forward to future opportunities to work together.
Congratulations and best wishes to the Israeli Young Academy of Sciences ... Prof. Hans Hilgenkamp Univ. Twente The Netherlands - Dutch Young Academy 2005-2010 - Co-founder Global Young Academy .. and a whole field of flowers from The Netherlands for its founders and first members!
To: Dr. Yael Hanein and the Israeli Young Academy On behalf of the Philippine Academy of Young Scientists, congratulations to the inauguration of the Israeli Young Academy. Mabuhay, Regina So Manila, Philippines photo taken at the mind museum located along The Fort, Metro Manila, Philippines
Congratulations & mazel tov from some of the Canadian GYAers Felicitations & mazel tov des GYAien(nes) canadien(ne)