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9:12 AM. Task. Process. Evaluation. Conclusion. Introduction. HI!! I’m Fiona. But my friends call me “Fast Fingers” because I can text faster than any of my friends. I want to challenge you to find out who the faster texters are in your class. Is it you?. Next. 9:12 AM. Process.
9:12 AM Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Introduction HI!! I’m Fiona. But my friends call me “Fast Fingers” because I can text faster than any of my friends. I want to challenge you to find out who the faster texters are in your class. Is it you? Next
9:12 AM Process Conclusion Evaluation Introduction Task While determining the fastest texter in your class, you will be required to complete the following tasks. Click the Process button below for details on how to complete each task. Task 1: Complete VIP to-go and Vocabulary foldable (click for additional copies) Task 2: Complete class Text Rate chart. Task 3: Write a step-by-step process guide for next years 6th graders on how to find the fastest texter in their class and create a Fotobabble or Animoto of the process. Process
9:12 AM Conclusion Evaluation Introduction Task Process • Step 1: • To identify the fastest texters in your class, you must understand how to calculate how fast a person can text which is a RATE, a text rate. • Explore the bubbles (links) below to learn about unit rates. • Along the way, fill in your VIP to-go and foldable with the missing information. Click here for an additional copy. Rate: What is it? Unit Rates – Complete all sections! Rates are all around us!! Watch Rateythe Math Cat give you some examples! Step 2
9:12 AM Conclusion Evaluation Introduction Task Process Step 2: Practice with your Partner Click to play a game with your partner! Step 3 Back
9:12 AM Conclusion Evaluation Introduction Task Process Step 3: With your partner, Complete the class Text Rate Chart. (Click for an additional chart) • Fill in the class Text Rate chart with each students text time. Calculate each person’s Text Rate(use your VIP to-go if needed). Write the students in order of fastest to slowest based on their Text Rate. Step 4 Back
9:12 AM Conclusion Evaluation Introduction Task Process Step 4: With your partner, using what you’ve learned about Rates, create a process document for next year’s 6th graders on how to find the fastest texter in their class. This process document should be 1 page and include no more than 5 steps. Be creative and have fun!! Next Back
9:12 AM Conclusion Evaluation Introduction Task Process Step 5: Using your process document create a Fotobabble or Animoto and tweet it to me @yasminefleming Next Back
9:12 AM Conclusion Introduction Task Process Evaluation
9:12 AM Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Congratulations!! By learning how to calculate unit rate you know that you are one of the fastest texters in your class!! Check out the links below for more information on texting records and unit rates. If you have any questions, email me at yfleming01@bellarmine.edu. Guinness Book of Records – Texting Records Fun Interactive Rate Practice Why learn about ratios and proportions?
9:12 AM Conclusion Introduction Task Evaluation Process Core Standard: 6.RP.2 Understand the concept of a unit rate a/b associated with a ratio a:b with b≠0, and use rate language in the context of a ratio relationship. Learning Targets: I can apply appropriate unit rate, ratio and proportion vocabulary in written format. I can identify a unit rate. I can calculate the unit rate. • Accommodations: • Slides and websites can be printed for students with limited/no computer access at home. • Calculators can be used. • A writer/reader can be used, if necessary. • Students may be allowed extra time to complete, if necessary. Teacher Page WebQuest – Unit Rate 6th grade Mathematics Yasmine Fleming yfleming01@bellarmine.edu