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A tour around the Czech Republic. Bohemia. Silesian. Moravia. I n this picture you can see the map of the Czech Republic . It isn’t a very large state , it has only 78 867 square kilometers and about 10 549 000 inhabitants . Our national language is Czech .
A tour around theCzechRepublic
Bohemia Silesian Moravia In thispictureyoucanseethe map oftheCzechRepublic. Itisn’ta verylargestate, it has only 78 867 square kilometersandabout 10 549 000 inhabitants. OurnationallanguageisCzech. WehaveborderswithPoland, Slovakia, AustriaandGermany. TheCzechRepublichas threeparts: Bohemia, MoraviaandSilesian. Youcanseethemallon the map.
Our president’s name’s Václav Klaus. Our anthem is Kde domov můj. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCbRsGMb1fs&feature=related In the past ourstatewasconnectedwithSlovakia. ThenameofourrepublicwasCzechoslovakia. Thehighestmountain in our country is Sněžka. It has 1602 metersabovethesealevel. Youcanfindit in mountainscalled Krkonoše. Many tourists visit iteveryyear.
NowI’ll tell yousomethingaboutCzechriversandcities. Thecapitalandthelargest city oftheCzechRepublicisPrague. Thesecondlargest city is Brno andthethirdlargestis Ostrava. Thelongestriver in our country is Vltava (itisnumber5 in thispicture). Vltava flowsthroughPraguetoo. ThelargestriverisLabe (TheElbe). Itflowsto Germany (itisnumber8 in thispicture). Number 10 isthe Morava river.
Thereisourstate flag. Itis in blue, redandwhitecolor. On the right is our Large National Emblem. Two red parts are for Bohemia, the blue part is for Moravia and the yellow is for Silesian. On theleftisournationaltree. ItisLinden.
Prague Pragueis a global city. Itisoneofthe most beautifulcitiesin theworld!
Crownjewelsweremadefor Charles IV. in 1346. They are saved in St. VitusCathedral. They are really nice, aren’tthey? In Pragueyoucan visit PragueCastle, National Museum, NationalTheatre, the Charles Bridge (tourists love it!), OldTown Square with Staroměstský orloj (itisthebestpreservedastronomicalclockin theworld!), LesserTown Square, BethlehemChapelandso on.
Wenceslas Square Charles Bridge OldTown Square withitsfamousastronomicalclock BethlehemChapel
Středočeský region In this region peoplelike Antonín Dvořák wereborn (he wasa verypopularcomposerlived in 19th century), Josef Lada (he was a greatpainter), T. G. Masaryk (thefirst president oftheCzechoslovakia) or J. K. Tyl (he wrotethe text to ournational anthem). Antonín Dvořák
In this region youcanfind a beautifulplace – theCzechKarst. Thereare a lot ofstalactiteand stalagmite caveshere. Hereyoucansee a spa in Poděbrady. In thisspathespecialistscan help youwith a circulatorysystemproblems.
ThisisKarlštejn castlenearthe Beroun river. Charles IV builtit. In the past no womancouldgetthere! Thereare more beautifulpalacesandcastles in this region such as Konopiště Okoř Kutná hora Křivoklát
Královéhradecký region Police nad Metují In this region Božena Němcová wasborn. Shelived in 19th century. Shewas a writerandshewrotethebestCzechbookslike Divá Bára or Babička. YoucanfindhereourhighestmountainscalledKrkonoše withthehighestmountain top oftheCzechRepublicSněžka. Sněžka
Theriver Labe springs in Krkonoše. Ratibořice isa verynice town. Itisfamousbecauseof Božena Němcová. Shelivedthereand in thistownthe story described in her book Babička takesplace. Itisgreat to seeit! Thereis a palace, anoldbleach, a Ludr’smill, oldhouses, and many otherinterestingthings.
Nowyouseeoneofthebestpreservedcastlesin our country. It´s called Kost. ItisnearJičín. Jičín is a townwhichiscalledThetownoffairytales. TheCzechauthor, Václav Čtvrtek, wrotesomefairytalesabouta robber family – theirnames are Rumcajs, Manka andCipísek. They ’’lived“ in ŘáholecforestnearJičín.
Our square with a town hall Police nad Metují Now, I’d love to show yousomeinterestingplacesin my town! Youcanfindthere a swimming pool, onehillwith a ski lift, Mercur museum, a church, Kolár’s theatreandmany otherinterestingplaces. Such a greatscenery! NearPolice youcanfindsome nice hillssuch as Hvězda orOstaš. Hvězda Ostaš Mercur museum Swimming pools A church
Liberecký region In this region youcanfind Ještěd. ItisnearLiberec. Itis 1012 metersabovethesealevel. Thereisa hotel anda transceiver. In thepicture on theleftis a beautiful Liberec townhall. Do youlikeit?
Český ráj isverypopularplace in our country. Thereare many castlesandbeautifulscenery! Mácha´s lakeisourdeepestlake. Itwasnamedafter K. H. Mácha, ourfamous poet. Trosky – oneofthecastles in Český ráj. Hereyoucansee Panská skála. This rock ismadeofbasalt. Bezděz. Itis a castle, whichwasestablished by king Přemysl Otakar 2nd in 13th century.
Ústecký region In this region there are oneofourfournationalparks – České Švýcarsko (CzechSwitzerland), Krušné mountains, thelargestlarboard in Děčín and many otherinterestingthingsto see.
Děčín issituated on thenorth-westofour country. Itisourlargestlarboard. Itis on theElbe. In České Švýcarsko youcanfindthebiggestEuropian rock bridge – Pravčická brána! Thistowncalled Terezín was a Jewish ghetto in theSecondWorldWar.
Pardubický region In this region Bedřich Smetana, ourfamous 19thcenturycomposer, wasborn. Youcanfindthere a beautiful Litomyšl palaceanda castlecalledKunětická hora.
In Pardubice thesecondhard steeplechase cross-country ridein theworldtakesplace! ItheldseverysecondSundayin October. Pardubice isknownbecauseofitsdeliciousgingerbreads!
Karlovarský region This region isfullofspatowns. The most popular are Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad), Mariánské Lázně, Františkovy Lázně, Jáchymov and Kynžvart. In Karlovy Vary youcanfindthehottestmineralspring in ourcountry! It´s called Vřídlo. Františkovy Lázně Mariánské Lázně Vřídlo Karlovy Vary
In thenorth-westof Karlovarský region there are mountainscalled Krušné hory. The top iscalled Klínovec. Itis1244 metersabovethesealevel. Atthe top of Klínovec youcanfind a telecomtoweranda sightseengtower. Klínovec Krušné hory Kynžvart Loket Thereisonecastleoverthe Ohře river. It´s called Loket. And onepalacetoo – it´s calledKynžvart.
Plzeňský region In thisregion a theatreforkidsstartedup. Itiscalled Divadlo Spejbla a Hurvínka. Itis a puppettheatre. Mr Josef Skupa invented a fewcharacterswhichplay storiesforkids. Hurvínek is Spejbl´s son. Theyhave a dog andtwofriends – Mánička andMr Kateřina.
Chodsko is a small part ofthis region. Peoplehavetheirowndialect, folclorandcustoms. In the past theywereworking as peasants. On the right you can see a castle ruin. It is called Rabí. It is the largest castle ruin in our country! Thelakecalled Černé jezero wasmade by a glacieractivity. Itisthelargestandthedeepestlakein theCzechRepublic! Švihovisa Gothiccastlewitha moataroundthewholecastle.
Jihočeský region On therightyoucansee a palacecalled Hluboká nad Vltavou. Thisisa nuclearpowerplant. It´s called Temelín. TheČeský Krumlov caslteisregirested in UNESCO. Itwasbuilt in a townwiththesamename. Thisis a medieval town.
In these twophotosyoucanseeLužnice river. Canoeistslikethisriverandgo canoeinghereveryoften! Lipno Ther are a lot oflakes in this region . The most popular are Lipno, Orlík (and a palacewiththesamename) and Rožmberk (with a palacetoo). Rožmberk On theleftthereis a springof Vltava. Vltava springis in Šumava mountains which are situated in thesouth-westof theCzechRepublic. Orlík
Vysočina Thisisa Gothiccastle Pernštejn. Itfortifiedforabout700 years! In this region there are highlandscalled Českomoravská vrchovina. Such a beautifulsceneryisthere!
Jihomoravský region Thisisan area calledMoravianKarst. Thereare a lot ofstalactiteand stalagmite caveshere. Itissobeautiful! Thereisa chasmcalled Macocha in this area . Macocha isabout 138 metersdeep. It´s thedeepestchasm in CentralEurope!
On theleftphotoisoneofthe most beautifulpalaces in CzechRepublic. Itis in UNESCO list ofheritagetoo. In this region wine production is very popular. A monument on therightwasbuilt in remembrancefortheNapoleonicWars. TheBattleofThreeEmperorstookplacethere. RussianandAustrianarmiesfoughtagainsttheNapoleonicarmythere! This is a very popular dam called Nové Mlýny.
Zlínský region Mr Baťa wasbornthere. He startedupBaťa brandandtheymakeboots. Itisknown allaroundtheworld! Thisis a baroquepalace. Itreally has a beautifulgarden!
Rožnov pod Radhoštěm is the second oldest folklore outdoor museum! It´s really nice! On theleftis a photoofthelargestMoravianspa. It´s called Luhačovice. Youcanstaythereifyouhavesomeproblemswiththerespiratorytract, digestivetractorwith obesity. Underthis text youcanseea baroqueKroměříž palace. ItisregisteredatUNESCO heritage list. Thereare a lot of nice gardenshere.
Olomoucký region Thisis a palacecalled Velké Losiny. Thereistheonlyhandmadepaperfactory in our country. A museum ofpaperisnearheretoo. This hill´s called Praděd. It is the highest top of the Moravia. It is about 1 491 meters above the sea level.
Moravskoslezský region Thecastle on theleftiscalledSovinecandthesecondoneis Hukvaldy. Bothcastles are fromthe 13thcentury! Kopřivnice isknownfor a Tatra car factory. On theleftyoucanseethefirst car wasmadehere. Itwasmade in 1897.
ThisistheendofourtouraroundtheCzechRepublic. Wehopeyouenjoyedit! Seeyou!
Thepresentation has beenmade by Anna Kollertová and Petra Prouzová Police nad Metují June 2012