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Dictators Threaten World Peace

Dictators Threaten World Peace. How do dictators in Europe & Asia threaten world peace?. Stalin’s Soviet Union. 1922: Joseph Stalin take control of the Soviet Union, wants model communist state Abolishes privately owned farms, creates collective farms

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Dictators Threaten World Peace

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  1. Dictators Threaten World Peace How do dictators in Europe & Asia threaten world peace?

  2. Stalin’s Soviet Union • 1922: Joseph Stalin take control of the Soviet Union, wants model communist state • Abolishes privately owned farms, creates collective farms • Begins “Five-Year Plans” for rapid Soviet Industrialization • Oversees “The Great Purge” to eliminate his enemies and create a totalitarian state

  3. Mussolini’s blackshirts march on Rome demanding Mussolini be made PM Italy • Italian Fascist Benito Mussolini promises to rescue Italian economy & restore pride to Italy • King makes Mussolini, Il Duce(the leader) • Mussolini invades Ethiopia & Albania to expand his empire

  4. Germany • 1920s: Nazi Party tries to overthrow Weimar Gov, in jail Hitler writes Mein Kampf (argues Germans need Lebensraum & are master race) • After prison, Hitler blames Weimar Gov for Depression in Germany • Hitler promises to fix the economy & restore pride to Germany • Brings in a brand of Fascism called Nazism, which calls for extreme nationalism • Made Chancellor of Germany when Nazi win majority in Parliament • Hitler’s Third Reich attacks neighboring countries, British/French choose appeasement

  5. Spain • Civil war breaks out between Fascist General Francisco Franco & Spain’s govt • 3,000 Americans travel to Spain to help fight in the civil war, incl many Af-Americans upset about Fascism (ex: Mussolini & Ethiopia) • Hitler & Mussolini both send military aid to Franco Japan • Military leaders led by Prime Minister Hiedki Tojo take over Japan’s government • Tojo invades the resource-rich Chinese province of Manchuria • By 1937, Japan invades the rest of China, commits acts of Genocide – joins alliance with Germany & Italy

  6. Invasion of China • Why are the Chinese not reacting to Japanese aggression? • What do the Chinese do in Manchuria in 1932? • What war crimes are committed by Japan in Nanking? • Why doesn’t Chiang agree to peace terms with Japan?

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