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The System of Education in Poland Esposende November 2012. Comenius Regio LLP: „From Blackboard to Interactive Whiteboard”. Made by T. Pleban. Comenius Regio LLP: „From Blackboard to Interactive Whiteboard”. According to Polish Constitution everyone has the right to education.
The System of Educationin PolandEsposendeNovember 2012 Comenius Regio LLP: „From Blackboard to Interactive Whiteboard” Made by T. Pleban
Comenius Regio LLP: „From Blackboard to Interactive Whiteboard” According to Polish Constitution everyone has the right to education. The knowledge is obliged between 7 and 18 years old. Education in public schools is free. Według Konstytucji RP każdy ma prawo do nauki. Nauka jest obowiązkowa między 7 a 18 rokiem życia. Edukacja w szkołach publicznych jest bezpłatna.
Comenius Regio LLP: „From Blackboard to Interactive Whiteboard” • The school education system comprises: • nursery schools, including integration divisions and special nursery schools; • primary schools, gymnasiums, general and vocational post-gymnasium schools, includingintegration divisions, and special schools, sports schools, sports championship schools andschools of arts; • educational establishments, extra-school activity establishments, including artistic centers as wellas continuing education and practical training establishments which offer possibilities to acquireand develop general knowledge and professional/vocational qualifications, to acquire skills, toform and develop interests or abilities, and to take part in various leisure activities; • psychological and educational guidance services and other specialist services which providechildren, young people, parents and teachers with psychological and educational support, andwhich guide pupils in their choice of study options and an occupation; • educational and correctional education establishments which organize care and education forchildren and young people entirely or partially deprived of parental care, and other establishmentsresponding to the needs in the area of support and care for children and young people; • adoption and care centres which initiate and support various substitute forms of family education; • voluntary labour corps; • initial and in-service teacher training institutions and establishments; • educational libraries.
Comenius Regio LLP: „From Blackboard to Interactive Whiteboard” Administration and financing Since 2006 there are two ministries: Ministry of NationalEducation and Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Most pupils learn in public schools (98% in 2010),financed by Polish government. In 2010 school year there were about 800 non-public secondary schools (private, church and civic), more than 500 non-public lower secondary schools, almost 450 nonpublic general upper secondary schools and 323 non-public vocational secondary and basic vocational schools.
Comenius Regio LLP: „From Blackboard to Interactive Whiteboard”
Comenius Regio LLP: „From Blackboard to Interactive Whiteboard” The Kindergarten A child aged (2,5) 3 to 5 may receive pre-primary education, which is not compulsory. All the six year-old children attend either kindergartens or pre-primary classed attached to primary schools. Some of the six year-old children maystart their education at school (the parents decide). In 2014 all the six year-old children should start theirschool education in primary school. Public kindergartens are administrated and financed bylocal governments – communes.
Comenius Regio LLP: „From Blackboard to Interactive Whiteboard” The Primary School Duration: Six years (ages 7 to 13). Curriculum: Polish language and literature,history and civics, modern languages,mathematics, natural science, music, art,technology, computing science and physicaleducation. Leaving Certificate: Certificate of Completion of Primary School There are two stages: • STAGE I – grades 1 to 3, called integratedteaching. • STAGE II – grades 4 to 6.
Comenius Regio LLP: „From Blackboard to Interactive Whiteboard” The Primary School lessons At the level of primary school there areminimum 18 compulsory lessons (periods)per week (grades 1 – 3) and 24 in senior grades (4 – 6). On top of these figures 2 hours of religionor ethic classes (non-obligatory) should beadded at all levels and 3 to 4 hours left to the discretion of the school head. In the grades 1–3, one teacher teaches allsubjects (integrated teaching), while in thegrades 4–6 each subject is taught by a different teacher and pupils change classroom for eachsubject.
Comenius Regio LLP: „From Blackboard to Interactive Whiteboard” Primary School Teacgers • A teacher working in primary school oughtto have one of the following qualifications: • university education or equivalent completed(the title of magister). • 3-year teacher training college completed (thetitle of licencjat or without the title oflicencjat). • - a diploma of the formerly existing 2-yearteacher training colleges (phased-out at thebeginning of the 1990).
Comenius Regio LLP: „From Blackboard to Interactive Whiteboard” Junior High School (Gymnasium) Duration: Three years (ages 13 to 16). Curriculum: Polish language, Modern foreignlanguages, History, Civic education, Mathematics,Physics and astronomy, Chemistry, Geography,Biology, Fine art/Music, Computer science,Physical education and Technology. Leaving Certificate: Certificate of Completion of Education in theGymnasium.
Comenius Regio LLP: „From Blackboard to Interactive Whiteboard” Junior High School Teachers • Teachers employed in the gymnasiumought to have (at the minimum): • thequalifications confirmed with the title of licencjat • gymnasium teachers are employedaccording to the same rules as apply to primary school teachers. • Many gymnasium school teachers who havecompleted higher education are graduates ofuniversities or teacher higher education schools(pedagogical academies). Master’s degree studies • seem to be the most popular route of training forteachers in lower secondary education
Comenius Regio LLP: „From Blackboard to Interactive Whiteboard” The upper secondary education The upper secondary education covers the age group 16 to18 or 19/20. The following post-gymnasium schools are open tocandidates who have successfully graduated fromgymnasium: - 3-year general secondary school; - 3-year specialised secondary school; - 4-year technical secondary school; - 2 to 3-year basic vocational school; - 2-year supplementary general secondary school; - 3-year supplementary secondary technical school; - maximum 2.5-year post-secondary school.
Comenius Regio LLP: „From Blackboard to Interactive Whiteboard” Upper Secondary General School Duration: Three years (ages 16-19). Leaving Certificate:Maturity Certificate of the General Lyceum or Certificate of Completion of Educationin the General Lyceum. Technical Secondary School Duration: Four years (ages 16 to 20) Leaving Certificate: Maturity Certificate of Technical Secondary School or Certificate of Completion of Education in Technical Secondary School. Vocational Secondary School Duration: Three years Leaving Certificate:Maturity Certificate of Specialized Lyceumor Certificate of Completion of Educationfrom Specialized Lyceum.
Comenius Regio LLP: „From Blackboard to Interactive Whiteboard” The general secondary school The main objective of general upper secondary education is to prepare youth for admission to higher education establishments of various types. They are divided by subjects: Polish language, Modern foreign languages, Latin and ancient culture, Mathematics, History, Civics, Geography, Biology, Physics and astronomy, Chemistry,Technology, Information technology, Art, Music, Defence training,Physical education, Ethics (optional), Philosophy (optional),Education for family life, Cultural studies, Entrepreneurship,Minority language. Additional, there are 6 non-compulsory hoursof religion or ethics and 4 hours left to the school head’sdiscretion, which gives a total of 98 hours of classes a week ina three-year cycle